A Reconciling in Christ synod
Wittenberg Witness: Church Together with our Reformed Church partners
In honor of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, the World Communion of Reformed Churches and the Lutheran World Federation gathered in Wittenberg to offer a common witness. An excerpt is below:
Together, we hear God’s call and acknowledge the claim of Christ upon all areas of our life. Listening for God’s Word to us, we experience a call to continuous reform. We hear this call when the Word is preached and the sacraments are celebrated. We hear this call from those of our forebears who were deeply committed to the visible unity of the Church, who regretted schisms and called them sin, who described the divided church with sadness as a dismembered body. We hear this call from the many protests born in pain, in the plight of refugees and migrants, in the frustration and humiliation and longings of so many in our common world, in the voices of young people who express concern for the future of the earth, our common home.
Together we long for renewed imagination of what being the church in communion could mean — for our world, in our time. We need new imagination to live together in ways that would embrace our unity not only as gift but also as calling. We need new imagination to dream a different world, a world where justice, peace and reconciliation prevail. We need new imagination to practise spiritualities of resistance and prophetic vision, spiritualities in service of life, spiritualities formed by the mission of God.
Together we commit ourselves to respond to this yearning with concrete actions, convinced that God’s Word leads us to deeper communion. As world communions, Lutherans and Reformed, we commit to explore new forms of life together that will more fully express the communion we already have in Christ. We commit ourselves to redouble our common efforts to embody our unity, together resisting the forces of injustice and exclusion. We call upon our member churches to make our unity more visible in their local contexts. We invite our ecumenical partners to live out our shared commitment for unity and witness to the world.
Together we pray that the Holy Spirit may give us courage and imagination faithfully to live out our commitment to unity, expressed in shared worship, witness, and work in the world. We pray for liberation in the wider world and, by God’s grace, a thoroughgoing renewal and reformation of our churches.
eConnection Spotlight:
RMS in the Neighborhood
Church Together with our Jewish Neighbors
On Sunday members of Shepherd of the Hills in Boulder jointed with Padres Levavot, a Jewish Renewal Community for an ecumenical service of prayer and reflection. The 2 communities have been studying, sharing meals, and serving their community together for 14 years! We celebrate their commitment to ministry together for the sake of the world!
Office of the Bishop Eucharist, Wednesday, November 8
Our monthly Eucharist will be held at the Lutheran Center on Wednesday, November 8 at 11:30 a.m.
All are invited to join in this 30 minute worship.
Financial Health - Congregational Certification
Our friends in the churchwide office are sharing in the work we are doing in
Educate, Equip, Enact. They have put together an online training for church treasurers, bookkeepers and other financial leaders, focusing on five areas: Accounting, Finance, Human Resources, Risk Management and Stewardship. The goal of the training is to create and reinforce healthy financial practices. We are a pilot synod for this resource, and your feedback to the training will help to improve it for others. Download the
Congregational Certificate Resource Booklet, and check out their website at
Stories of Faith in Action 2017-2018 is here!
Stories of Faith in Action is an annual publication highlighting how God is changing lives through the ministries funded by your congregation’s unrestricted offering of Mission Support, which is shared with your synod and the ELCA churchwide organization. Stories of Faith in Action and the resources that go along with it are designed to share how important your weekly offering in your congregation is in sustaining and growing God’s mission. Stories, videos, bulletin inserts and an infographic explaining “Where does my offering go?” are all great to use during a congregational focus on stewardship.
2018 Synod Assembly: For the Life of the World
May 3-5, 2018
Westin Hotel, Westminster, CO
Conferences are invited to gather for conversation and discernment regarding this and other elections that will take place.
For your 2018 budget planning --- Voting Member registration is $300. Hotel is $109 per night with an option to add on a breakfast voucher for $12/person
Refugee 101 Training - Colorado Springs
This is the first step to volunteering with our refugee programs. During this session you will learn about the current refugee situation, what it takes to get involved, the application process, and about advocacy. Parking is available on the SE ...
Read more
AMMPARO Guardian Angel Program needs only 10 more volunteers!
We are looking for
ten more volunteers
to be part of the
Guardian Angel Program in Denver
. We are looking for volunteers who are willing to support unaccompanied migrant children and single parent families through their immigration court process in Denver, providing:
- Spiritual Accompaniment - To provide spiritual support and prayer for them at court hearings
- Physical Accompaniment - To be a visible sign of the church in immigration court to watch and document the court process, especially as the cases are subjected to a possible “rocket docket”
- Court Watch -To monitor and document the court process, especially if there are violations of the process
- Resource Sharing - If requested, to provide information about local resources to assist migrants in their transition to life in the United States.
You do not need to speak Spanish though we do need some Spanish speakers.
If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please contact Alena Lamirato at
or 720-256-3007.
Community - Conversation - Fellowship - Worship
Reformation month events are a collaboration between Colorado Council of Churches, Rocky Mountain Synod ELCA, Wartburg College, St. John’s Cathedral, and Iliff School of Theology as part of the Rocky Mountain Synod’s 500th Anniversary Commemoration.
Download poster here.
October 25: Reformation Repast
6:00 p.m. - St. John’s Cathedral
1350 N Washington St, Denver
A time of food and fellowship led by Colorado Council of Churches Executive Director and James Beard Award-winning Author Adrian Miller. Bring a dish to share for this community potluck!
October 29: A Reformation Hymn Festival: Then, Now, Always
4:00-5:30 p.m. - Augustana Lutheran Church
5000 E Alameda Ave, Denver
Commemorating the 500th Anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation, join the Augustana Lutheran Church choir and the choir of Cross of Christ, Broomfield, along with organ and orchestra in a festival of hymns and music. Bishop Gonia will present brief homilies on “Then,” “Now,” and “Always.”
‘ELCA World Hunger: Kanchan's Story’
Nutrition and health care in Madhya Pradesh, India.
(an article for your digital bulletins)
Lutheran Services in America
Video on the Reformation and Lutheran Social Ministry
As Lutherans, caring for our neighbor is deeply rooted in our belief that we are saved by grace thus freeing us from being focused on ourselves and opening us up to care for others. Our call to care for all is as relevant—and important—today as it was 500 years ago.
Website of Lutheran Services in America (includes links to video and brochure:
Pastor Rick Reiten
Trinity Lutheran Church, Fort Collins, CO
Saturday, October 28, 5:00 p.m.
Color of the day: Red
In Memoriam
+ Pastor Mark Meyer +
With great sorrow, and in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection, we announce the death of the Rev. Mark Meyer. He died on Saturday, October 21, in Page, Arizona, where he had successfully completed a half-marathon earlier that day. He had undergone a heart transplant last December. Mark’s wife, Kim, along with Mark’s brother, were there in Page, Arizona, with him. Currently on leave from call, Pastor Meyer was a member of Risen Lord Lutheran Church, Conifer, Colorado.
The funeral for Pastor Meyer will take place at Bethany Lutheran Church, Cherry Hills Village, on Wednesday, November 1, at 2 p.m. Pastors and Deacons are invited to vest and process. The color of the day is white. "For all the saints, who from their labors rest..."
RMS Prayer Cycle
Week of October 29 -
Border Servant Corps - Las Cruces, NM
Kari Lenander
Eben Ezer Lutheran Care Center - Brush, CO
Shelly Griffin
Rosalie (Ro) Fesser, DM
Dan Hays
Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains - Denver, CO
Jim Barclay
Lutheran Social Services of the South - El Paso, TX
Jose Alamillo
Lutheran Refugee Services - Denver, CO
James Horan
Luthercare, Inc. - Casper, WY
Jill Elliott
Mosaic - Omaha, NE
Linda Timmons
Urban Servant Corps - Denver, CO
Krista Kilgas
Join us in daily prayer:
ELCA Prayer Ventures
for daily guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world.
Sunday, October 29
Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost
Prayer of the Day
O Lord God, you are the holy lawgiver, you are the salvation of your people. By your Spirit renew us in your covenant of love, and train us to care tenderly for all our neighbors, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
Global Church Prayer
Holy God, who loves all people and all good action, as Jesus reminded the lawyer, compel us to remember that we serve you by keeping your commandments in faith and loving our neighbors. Praise be to you for all people who enact the call to love their neighbors as themselves, especially those who serve to proclaim your gospel in foreign lands, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
Reformation Hymn Festival- Augustana Lutheran Church
St. Martin's Chamber Choir
"A Mighty Fortress: The Reformation and Music"
This concert, presented by a 16-voice
St. Martin's Chamber Choir traces the influence of the Reformation on music with compositions from the earliest Lutheran composers such as Johann Walther and Johann Crüger, and through the Baroque masters Heinrich Schütz and J.S. Bach, the Classical successors like Homilius, and the Reformation’s apotheosis in the music of the Romantic era, Felix Mendelssohn. Tickets for this performance are available
St. Martin's Chamber Choir will also performing this concert on:
Saint Paul Lutheran and Catholic Community of Faith -
October Highlights
Sunday, October 29 at 10:30 a.m.
Reformation and Reconciliation Worship Service
Participants: St Paul Lutheran Church, the Rev Penni Walsh; Messiah Community Church, the Rev Bev Piro; St Paul Catholic Church, Fr Don Sutton; Pax Cristi, Fr Micheal Nicosia, Regional Vicar, Ecumenical Catholic Communion.
Preaching: Bishop Jim Gonia. Liturgy from Luther's Mass.
Sunday, October 29 at 4:00 p.m.
Reformation Festival: Hymns of Martin Luther
Featuring: Young Voices of Colorado, Rocky Mountain Bell Ringers, Denver Rocky Mountain Chapter of the American Guild of Organists
Open to everyone, no cost, a wine and cheese reception will follow
Lutheran Chorale Concerts
October 28 - 7:30 p.m.
Bethany Lutheran Church
4500 E. Hampden Ave, Cherry Hills Village, CO
October 29 - 7:30 p.m.
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
2100 Wadsworth Blvd, Lakewood, CO
The Lutheran Chorale as they celebrate God’s grace through wonderful music, artwork, and a retelling of the history of the Reformation. This concert features J.S. Bach’s
Magnificent Cantata 80: A Mighty Fortress. Joining their talents with The Chorale will be a chamber orchestra from the University of Denver Lamont School of Music, Lutheran High School’s Jubilate Choir, and guest musicians from area churches.
This year, 2017, marks an important date in the Christian Church as we arrive at the 500 year anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Join
The Lutheran Chorale as they celebrate God’s grace through wonderful music, artwork, and a retelling of the history of the Reformation. This concert features J.S. Bach’s magnificent
Cantata 80: A Mighty Fortress. Joining their talents with The Chorale will be a chamber orchestra from the University of Denver Lamont School of Music, Lutheran High School’s Jubilate Choir, and guest musicians from area churches. Come and enjoy this free concert!
Reformation Hymn Festival in Boulder
Sunday, October 29 -3:00 p.m.
The Boulder-Broomfield Conference invites you to this event celebrating in hymns, readings, and reflections, the 500th Anniversary of the Lutheran Reforming Movement within the Church Catholic.
Colorado Bach Ensemble presents A Mighty Fortress
Sunday, October 29, 6:00 p.m.
Bethany Lutheran presents the
Colorado Bach Ensemble for a performance of
Cantata #80; Ein feste Burg is unser Gott (A Mighty Fortress is our God). One of Bach's best know cantatas, #80 was written for the Reformation Day in Leipzig. Join CBE for a presentation of this cantata in honor of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
Visit the CBE website for tickets.
Reformation 500 Commemoration & Tabor 125 years Celebration
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Worship 9:30 a.m. special guest from the Office of the Bishop, The Rev. Leslie Welton; choir and special music. Rostered Ministers invited to vest and process. Meal following Worship.
We will be joined at
12:30 p.m. by our brothers and sisters in Christ from
King of Kings for a Reformation Hymn sing, followed by fellowship and dessert. Please join us!
A Reformation Lessons & Songs Festival
nday, October 29, 2017, 6:30p.m.
In honor of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, Holy Shepherd has invited musicians from area churches to present a
Reformation Lessons and Songs Festival. Our Pastors will be teaching about Martin Luther's ideas on vocation and the music will be provided by a 50-voice combined choir as well as Holy Shepherd musical ensembles. Flyer
Global Gift Fair at Atonement Lutheran
Sat. Nov. 4 & Sun. Nov. 5, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Fair Trade Fair November 4 & 5 benefits “Growing Home” at the RMS Lutheran Center
12th Annual
Cross of Christ
Fair Trade Fair takes place in
Broomfield (12099 Lowell Boulevard) on November 4 & 5. Start or complete your Christmas shopping with a large selection of fair trade and humanitarian products. They will also feature items made by local artisans, baked goods, and a coffee bar. Proceeds support
Growing Home, the partner ministry at the RMS Lutheran Center. Funds are designated for a new fire alarm system to keep families safe in the transitional housing program (called “Canopy”). The basement is a short term site for homeless families. Please come and support Growing Home!
Thanks Living Festival at Holy Cross
Sunday, November 12th from Noon to 2:00 p.m.
Celebrate the blessings you have received throughout this year and shop at the Thanks Living Festival. As you prepare for Christmas giving, consider purchasing gifts that keep giving throughout the year by supporting ministries that give to those in need AND give a gift to someone on your Christmas list. Ministries participating are
Project Angel Heart which provides meals for terminally ill individuals in the Denver area,
Fair Trade Coffee supporting
Lutheran World Relief,
Gathering Place - providing a safe place for homeless women and children,
Family Promise that supports homeless families, and
ELCA Good Gifts supporting
World Hunger and Disaster Response. Donations of food and toys will be accepted for
Jeffco Action Center Santa Shop and
Lutheran Family Services refugee program. Music and food will be provided. Come join us!
Annual Veteran's Appreciation Dinner and Concert
Saturday, November 4 - 5:30 p.m.
; 7:30 p.m.
Veteran's Ministry of Bethany Lutheran Church will host an Italian dinner catered by Romano’s from 5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The suggested cost of the dinner is $10, with Veterans and children 12 and under free. To RSVP for the dinner, please contact Janet Mortinsen at
janet@bethany-denver.org or call 303-300-3317. Dakota Blonde will entertain us with a concert at 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. There will be a freewill offering during the concert.
Reformation Celebration to benefit Border Servant Corps and Young Adults in Global Mission
New Mexico Council of Churches
One Body–Many Members, One Spirit–Many Gifts
Sunday, October 29, 2017, 2:30 p.m.to 5:00 p.m.
The NMCC invites ALL residents of New Mexico to a Commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, "
One Body–Many Members, One Spirit–Many Gifts," an Ecumenical Vesper Service of Song and Prayer followed by a Community Dialogue. More information
here, or
www.NMChurches.org, or call 505-243-6234.
St. Paul's Women's Ministry Team presents GIFTS OF THE WORLD BAZAAR
Saturday, November 4 - 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Come join us for a fair-trade fair. Many and varied products from all over the world. Spread peace and justice provide opportunity, send children to school, and empower women through your purchases. Sample soups and salsas from the Women's Bean Project as well as fairly traded coffee and tea. Be sure to bring your gift list as the products you find will be unique and each gift purchased will 'give twice.' Many and varied products will be available such as jewelry, chocolate, bath and body products, home décor, Christmas, and much more!
here, for more information, contact Regina 214-9344
Soul Shop for Youth Leaders
Saturday, November 11, 2017 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Abiding Hope Church will be hosting a workshop,
Soul Shop for Youth Leaders (
flyer), a one-day training to equip pastors, youth pastors, teachers, educators, youth leaders, servants who walk alongside youth (like confirmation guides) and quite frankly any adult who cares deeply about young people, to minister to youth impacted by suicidal desperation. Special attention will focus on youth specific issues of impulsivity and contagion. The training includes the creation of resources, training congregation and community members in suicide awareness and basic conversation skills, and the invitation to those who have been suicidal in the past to share their stories.
We would love to have as many of you be a part of this as possible. You can follow the link below to find a little more information and to register for this life saving event! We invite you to share this information with and invite every one you know who has a heart for youth! Join us for this life saving event!
Sky Ranch Advent Retreat
Friday, December 1 through Sunday, December 3
Join us at camp for a wintry weekend for the whole family! Enjoy fellowship, devotions, worship, and activities for people of all ages as you take some time to prepare for Advent. All are welcome for this fun and intentional retreat at Sky Ranch!
Cost: $80 per adults, $50 per child, maximum of $250 per family. More info
here, or contact
Ally@SkyRanchColorado.org with questions or to register.
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
Join the RMS Facebook Communicator's Group
We invite all of our congregations' administrators, website managers, newsletter editors, etc.to join the Rocky Mountain Synod Communicators Group on Facebook. Go
here to join!
World Hunger Resources for Advent
Working with and through our congregations in the U.S., Lutheran churches around the world, and other partners,
ELCA World Hunger
is uniquely positioned to reach communities in need. From health clinics to microloans, community meals to advocacy, your gifts to ELCA World Hunger support sustainable solutions that get at the root causes of hunger and poverty.
Learn More
See these new Advent resources from ELCA World Hunger -- 2017 Advent Study (
Administration Matters - from the September 2017 issue
Congregational Audit Guide
An audit should be conducted periodically to review compliance with regulations, ensure the effective operation of the congregation, maintain or enhance its reputation in the community and instill a sense of confidence that all is functioning well.>
Facilities Manager (part-time)
Working in conjunction with the Property Committee, this position will be responsible for maintenance and improvements of the building, grounds and equipment. Qualifications include knowledge and skills necessary to perform general building maintenance, project management skills when working with outside contractors and strong interpersonal skills for team work with staff and volunteers. The job description is
here. If interested, please send a resume' and references via email to
All Non-Rostered Positions
Facilities Manager (part-time)
Holy Cross Lutheran Church - Wheat Ridge, CO
Contemporary Worship Coordinator
Faith Lutheran Church - Golden, CO
Minister of Music
Epiphany Lutheran Church - Denver, CO
Administrative Assistant (full-time)
Joy Lutheran Church - Parker, CO
Church Administrator (part-time)
Lord of the Mountains Lutheran Church - Dillon, CO
Office Administrator (part-time)
Highlands Lutheran Church - Denver, CO
Music and Worship Director
Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church - Fort Collins, CO
Youth Ministry Coordinator (part-time)
Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church - Denver, CO
Administrative Assistant
Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church - Denver, CO
Nursery Ministry Coordinator (part-time)
Lutheran Church of Hope - Broomfield, CO
Director of Youth and Family Ministries (part-time)
Holy Cross Lutheran Church - Wheat Ridge, CO
Wartburg West Academic and Program Director
Titled Faculty Position based in Denver Colorado
Employed by Wartburg College, Waverly, IA
Office of the Bishop This Week
Bishop Gonia
- Metro West Conference Retreat
- Installation of Pastor Rick Reiten, Trinity, Fort Collins, CO
- Joint Ecumenical Reformation worship, St. Paul's Denver, CO
- Reformation Hymn Festival, Augustana, Denver, CO
- Staff Meeting
Pastor Kent Mueller (1/2 time)
- Lutheran Center administration
- Reformation Hymn Festival, Augustana, Denver, CO
- Staff Meeting
Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM
- Homeless Conference
- LAM-NM Policy Committee
- NM Conference of Churches Reformation Prayer Service
- Staff meeting
Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-CO
- Paid sick leave discussion
- Staff meeting
- In-office appointments
Pastor Judith VanOsdol
- Mustard Seed Dinner Church, Ft. Collins, CO
- New Beginnings Prison Ministry Board
- Camino de Vida Board and Worship, Albuquerque, NM
- Leadership/ Stewardship workshops, Camino de Vida, ABQ
- Staff Meeting
Deacon Erin Power
- Reformation Repast at St. John's Cathedral Denver
- RMS Communications
- Mt. Tabor, Salt Lake City, UT
- Staff meeting
Pastor Sarah Moening
- Congregation Transition meetings
- NM Congregation Development Institute
- Staff Meeting
Pastor Leslie Welton
- TEEM Conference, PLTS
- Youth Discipleship Team
- Tabor, Pueblo,CO
- Centennial, Englewood CO
Rocky Mountain Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744
Articles for eConnection are due noon Monday for the issue the following Wednesday.
Event announcements are included for about two weeks then copied to the
Events & News Web Page
and may be submitted via the eConnection Submission link above.