October 2017
Career Edition
Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution
Dear Colleague:

Starting with my last newsletter, I am focusing on specific topics and issues every edition. Last month - being September - the focus was education . In this edition, I am looking at careers. If you are an educator, particularly of college students (graduate or undergrad) NOW is the time to focus on careers and jobs with your soon to be graduates (not in May!). Launching a career in peacebuilding, global affairs, international education, and conflict resolution requires some of the same approaches used in other fields. But because our work is often difficult to define and explain, it also requires different strategies. Take the elevator speech . When you are looking for a job as a lawyer, doctor, engineer, etc., face it, it's easier to explain. But if you are not sure about the specific job, you have to explain the nature of the work and the skills you bring. And working for peace is often misunderstood by others, even professionals. As such, the elevator speech might be more about educating the listener, then pitching you.

I've posted below some of my own recent pieces on career strategies, as well as interesting articles I've pulled from the web. I have r esources on my website , and I strongly encourage folks interested in careers, particularly global ones, to join the Peace and Collaborative Development Network (PCDN). I'm a member of PCDN's career advisory board. PCDN's career series is a must read for job seekers.

The photo for this edition - again from my son Lorenzo who is serving in the Peace Corps - is of the bridge he crosses to go to the village near his site in Namibia. It conjures up the notion of the journey and destination. The final destination is often unknown, but the journey is all around us. We need to take it in, learn from the journey, and apply what we learn every day. In the end, it is the journey that will provide meaning in our personal and professional lives.

Best of luck with your own and your students' career journey! Happy fall!

David J. Smith
October 24, 2017

PS: If you feel that you are receiving this newsletter in error, I apologize. You can "unsubscribe" using the button at the bottom of the page. 

Photo credit: Lorenzo Choudhary Smith, PCV/Namibia, 2017

Forage Center for Peacebuilding and Humanitarian Education: March 2018 Coastal Hope Simulation

If you are a graduate student and interested in building your capacity for working in crises where humanitarian and peacebuilding responses are needed, consider attending the  Forage Center for Peacebuilding and Humanitarian Education’s  annual Coastal Hope (previously know as Atlantic Promise) program in Fellsmere, FL, USA, March 15-18, 2018. The fee is $625 for enrolled graduate students which includes all meals and lodging.
More information about the March 2017 exercise is  here .
For more more information, visit the  Forage Center website . Registration closes 2/2/18.

Peace Jobs: A Student's Guide to Starting a Career Working for Peace
  Peace Jobs was recently reviewed by the ACResolution

  “It isn’t often that a new book offers something fresh and of personal value to students, their families, and a professional field.  Peace Jobs: A Student’s Guide to Starting a Career Working for Peace does this and more.
Information Age Publishing has recently reduced the price of Peace Jobs to make it more affordable to students. It is now available for $33.99 . It can also be ordered in a  Kindle edition .  
Career Coaching

Are you looking to make a career change in 2017 and looking at the international education, peacebuilding or conflict resolution fields? I am career coaching younger and mid-career professionals who are looking to make change. 

" Choose a job you love, you will never have to work a day in you life"
Upcoming Talks, Workshops, and Programs

Peace and Justice Association conference, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL, October 26-27, 2017

Field Exercise Coastal Hope, Fellsmere, FL, November 2-5, 2017

Dawson College, Montreal, QC, November 8, 2017

Association for Experiential Education, Montreal, QC, November 9-11, 2017

University of Maryland, College Park, MD, November 14, 2017

Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale, VA,
November 17, 2017

Coastal Hope Exercise , Fellsmere, FL, March 15-18, 2018

Let me know if you are interested in a visit! I'm now building my travel schedule for the spring 2018
David J. Smith Consulting | [email protected]|