October 24, 2017

 Dear PCCS Families,

 As a reminder, voting is open through Friday, October 27, 2017 at 3:30pm for the parent-elect board seat. The candidates who are running are Brett Edmonds and Dan Fedor. Candidate information for Brett Edmonds is HERE and for Dan Fedor HERE

Thank you to those who have already voted; if you haven't voted yet, you should have received a reminder email from Election Buddy this morning with a link to your ballot. Please check your spam folder for the email if you don't see it in your inbox. Contact Heather Bendorovich if you have not voted yet and did not receive a ballot.

Per the election policy, 30% of eligible families must cast a vote for a candidate in order for the election to be certified. A selection of "None of the Above" does not constitute a vote towards the 30% threshold. Each family receives one vote. This is your opportunity to voice your choice for the future of governance at PCCS. Voting ends on Friday, October 27, 2017 at 3:30pm.
 The Parent-Elect Election Committee

Prairie Crossing Charter School