New Website, Crystallization, & IUCr 2017
Your source for the leading crystallography equipment has a new look!

Use our new website to find everything a lab needs to grow, harvest, cryocool, and ship the crystals that will help solve your next structure:
Struggling to Get Crystals?
For more hits, get your screens and plates from us:
  • JCSG ++ & PACT ++
  • Kinase
  • Pi-PEG & Pi-Minimal
  • Nuc-Pro
  • PEG/Salt
  • Pentaerythritol 
  • Membrane/LCP & more....
Special Limited-time Offer:

Order any crystallization screens or 96-well plates from MiTeGen, and you will receive a free set of MiTeGen plate sealing paddles.
Offer Ends: 11/03/2017
IUCr 2017 - Thank You and Photos
We made it to Hyderabad!
Our team had an incredible adventure to the IUCr conference in India. We would like to thank all of the organizers, crystallographers, and service members in Hyderabad for making it such a wonderful experience.

We appreciate all of the kind words about the impact our products are having on your research, and all of your great ideas for new tools! Keep them coming.

Crystallography News
The NIH has awarded $6.5 million to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) to integrate existing synchrotron structural biology resources to better serve researchers.

Photo: Berkeley Lab’s Jay Nix at an ALS beamline (Credit:
ORNL’s Steven Dajnowicz (left) and Andrey Kovalevsky prepared a sample to begin neutron structural analysis of a vitamin B6-dependent protein using the IMAGINE beamline at ORNL’s High Flux Isotope Reactor. Results of the study could open avenues for new antibiotics and drugs to battle diseases.

Does how you harvest crystals impact diffraction?
Watch our video below to learn about the impact of loop choice:
Get the info every crystallography lab needs:
All crystallography labs need access to the latest technology. Enable your lab by requesting a free printed catalog of the most advanced tools for crystallization, crystal harvesting and Cryo-EM.
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We hope to hear from you soon!
MiTeGen |+1-607-266-8877 |