News & Updates from NAMI Franklin County
I hope you are enjoying the season.  For us, this has been a season of gratitude!  Later this month, we will be participating in "Faith: The Protective Factor," a conference for faith leaders and service providers.  We are honored to be partnering with the Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation on this important event. 

Our 30th Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner was a wonderful success!  Finally, we thank the friends and supporters who made the Columbus Foundation Big Give a Big success for NAMI Franklin County!

All the best,
Rachelle A. Martin, Executive Director
NAMI Franklin County 
Faith Leaders & Service Providers Conference
NAMI Franklin County is pleased to partner on this  conference focusing on effective ways to make and receive referrals for mental health services. Topics  covered will provide guidance and tools for faith leaders and for service providers who want to be better partners to the faith community.
A portion of the day will be dedicated to engaging veterans. Each participant will receive a copy of the book, "Peace at Last: Stories of Hope and Healing for Veterans and Their Families." 
Faith: The Protective Factor -  Refer. Refer. Refer. 
October 31, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Quest Conference Center, 8405 Pulsar Place, Columbus (43240)
The Conference fee is $30.00; breakfast, lunch and conference materials included. 
Mentor Program
If you're a caregiver or family member of a loved one with mental illness and you'd like to talk to someone who truly understands what you're going through, consider the NAMI Franklin County Mentor Program.  Join us, Thursday, October 26, from 6:00 -7:15 p.m., at 1225 Dublin Road, Suite 125, Columbus 43215.
Thank you for Giving Big!
Because of YOUR generosity, we'll receive over $4,000 from the 2017 Big Give!  Your generosity helps us provide education, advocacy and support programming to people with lived experience, their family members and care givers. Thank You!
30th NAMI Franklin County Annual Meeting & Awards Dinner 
Thanks to all of the partners and friends who joined us for our 30th Annual Meeting!  A special congratulations to our 2017 Honorees! 
The Annual Meeting also gives us a chance to recognize NAMIWalks participants. 

Congratulations and Thanks to All!

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