You're 800 miles away from me and we may have never met. But your support is part of my life every day. 
My name is Taleavia, and my story of financial freedom began in the Make A Difference - Wisconsin Money Coach program.

Click here for a letter that I've written to you. I wanted to share how your interest and compassion continue to help me as I start my freshman year at Howard University in Washington, D.C.
I also wanted to remind you that you have the opportunity to help thousands of teens just like me across Milwaukee and Wisconsin.
Taleavia Cole
Money Coach alum, 2015-2016 
& Howard University Class of 2020

Your belief in financial literacy changes lives. But there's a generation of teens like Taleavia who can't afford for us to stop now. 
P.S. On behalf of Taleavia and the 55,000 other teens who have been empowered by our programs since 2006, we greatly appreciate those supporters who have already donated to our Fall campaign.