Be an important part of Tourette Syndrome genetics research in December at Rutgers University
Would you like to see more people working on a cure for Tourette Syndrome? How about research on medications specifically for TS? Now is your opportunity to join the NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome & Associated Disorders' (NJCTS) efforts and personally be part of making that happen.
Dr. Robert King, a professor of child psychiatry at the Yale University Medical School and medical director of the TS/OCD Clinic at the Yale University Child Study Center, will be at the NJCTS Cell and DNA Sharing Repository at Rutgers University all day on Thursday and Friday, December 8th and 9th, to interview individuals and families interested in participating in the National Institute of Mental Health NJCTS Genetics Sharing Program. 
To schedule an appointment with Dr. King, please email Dr. Gary Heiman, team leader at the repository, at [email protected].

Click to hear more about this research from Dr. Gary Heiman and Dr. Jay Tischfield of the NJCTS Sharing Repository.