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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

10:00 AM to 12:00 PM CDT

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The University of Memphis- Psychology Auditorium
3710 Veterans Avenue
Memphis, TN 38152

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Danielle Kahane-Kaminsky
Tennessee Holocaust Commission



Marion Blumenthal Lazan


The Tennessee Holocaust Commission (THC) is proud to announce that Holocaust Survivor and author Marion Blumenthal Lazan will speak at the University of Memphis. The program will take place on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 from 10:00a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in the Psychology Auditorium on the University of Memphis Campus.

Marion Blumenthal Lazan will recount the devastating years that shaped her childhood. Following Hitler's rise to power, the Blumenthal family - father, mother, Marion, and her brother, Albert - were trapped in Nazi Germany. They managed eventually to get to Holland, but soon thereafter it was occupied by the Nazis. For the next six and a half years the Blumenthals were forced to live in refugee, transit, and prison camps that included Westerbork in Holland and the notorious Bergen-Belsen in Germany. Though they all survived the camps, Walter Blumenthal, Marion's father, succumbed to typhus just after liberation. It took three more years of struggle and waiting before Marion, Albert, and their mother at last obtained the necessary papers and boarded ship for the United States. Their story is one of horror and hardship, but it is also a story of courage, hope, and the will to survive.

This program is specifically designed for middle and high school teachers to provide them with additional knowledge and resources about the Holocaust. Educators are encouraged to identify mature students to accompany them. There is no cost to attend the event.  There is no cost to attend the conference.  Registration is required and space is limited. 
The Deloach Parking Garage (Lot 40) is located across
the street from the Psychology Auditorium at:
 340 Innovation Drive
 Memphis, TN 38152
*A fee of $15.00  for the day is required for The  Deloach Parking Garage (Lot 40).
 To request a $3.00 general parking pass click here.

Bus Drop Off:  Students may exit the school busses on Central Avenue in front of Fogelman Executive Center and walk to the Psychology Auditorium.  Click here for a campus map.

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