   Goodbye Summer...

It's been awesome,
and now we're ready
for Fall.
(Do we have that in South Florida?) 
September 2016

The physicians and staff at Global Neuro and Spine Institute would love to hear how you are enjoying our monthly newsletters. Do you have any suggestions that would make them even more interesting? Are there specific topics you would like to see explored? Is there a question you've been wanting to ask our physicians? We welcome your comments and questions! Please contact us at
Caryl Slobasky, one of our own, received a distinguished award! Congrats to Caryl!
Global Neuro & Spine Institute's Marketing Director, Caryl Slobasky,  embodies a well-known quote by Sir Winston Churchill: "We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give."
Caryl said,she was so was deeply honored to be a part of, Give Kids the World Gala to the families, and being part of the most incredible non profit charity, The entire experience is like none other.  I encourage everyone to come and join us in any capacity.  The gain is in the giving!  
Caryl wants to thank her bosses, Dr. Michael Slobasky and Dr. Allan Vrable, physician owners of
Global Neuro & Spine Institute, for their deep commitment to Give Kids the World, their financial generosity and their full support of her time spent away from the office while working on the GKTW Gala, 2016.
Good Guys...Great Doctors! 
Please visit the Give Kids the World website:
Please visit the website for GNSI:
A Homeless Valedictorian Earns Huge Respect!
Think about the most challenging time in your life; the "impossible" situation that threatened to derail you. We've all experienced adversity of some form or another. And in our nation today, with so much suffering and crises, it is stories like this that remind us to hold tightly to our dreams; not to accept any excuses that would detour us from the highest goals in our hearts. This high school senior overcame truly impossible odds to prove that no matter what the challenge, if you believe you CAN! We need more of that kind of "true grit" in America today! Be inspired...

Determined teenager refused to let being homeless stop him from reaching his goal!
Determined teenager refused to let being homeless stop him from reaching his goal!

Welcome Autumn: Ways to change with the season

Autumn is here and it's a time of change. Whether you're in a part of the country that's sunny and warm year-round or a place where you experience the beautiful leaf colors that Autumn brings, change is in the air.
The idea of "Spring Cleaning" doesn't have to be just for Spring! Use this opportunity of changing seasons to re-organize and get prepared for winter. Here are three ways to do just that:
1. Clean out your closets.
...and your drawers, and anywhere else you may have old items lurking around. Donate any clothes that you haven't worn in a year. Change out the summer clothes to prepare for the weather change. Consider having a "clothing swap" where friends and neighbors can get together and find "new" items while getting rid of the ones they don't want or need anymore.
2. Get your priorities set.
A change in season is the perfect time to re-evaluate your priorities. Has there been something on your mental to-do list that still isn't done? Write down your goals. What things have to get done and what things do you simply want to get done? Use this time to plan how you will spend your time and evaluate what things may not be as important as you once thought they were.
3. Go outside!
Now is the time for "Fall clean up" in your yard. Stay on top of that yard work so you don't have extra to do next Spring. Keep your driveway and curbs clear of leaves and other fallen debris. Enjoy the weather! If you'll be expecting a snowy winter, now's the time to get the last minute "outdoor time" before the cold sets in.
Global's 2016 Summer Bash!
Dr. Slobasky & four lovely Global women
Physical Fitness anyone?
Happy Staffers!
Just hanging out...

Everyone loves presents!
Double & Triple Boarded, Fellowship Trained Physicians 

Intervential Pain Medicine 
Headache ~ Neurology 
Electrodiagnostic Services (NCV/EMG)

Please click here for maps of our 10 locations.

Centralized Records & Scheduling
10 Locations - 1 Telephone number
(800) 735-1178