Fires Update, Oct. 11

Note to those in Russian River Deanery: The convocation has been canceled. More information on convention, the Bishop search and a Nov. 3 lunch gathering to elect a representative to the Board of Trustees will be coming soon.

A prayer from Bishop Barry for the diocese:

Most Gracious God: 
Hear our prayer for all whose lives are impacted by this crisis. 
Shield and deliver all emergency responders; 
 give wisdom and guide those in authority; 
watch over all who have been forced to evacuate, and all who wait with uncertainty. 
Comfort those who mourn great loss. Help those who wish to help 
 to be patient and effective in compassion. Bless us all, and help us trust in you. 
 In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

After some success in slowing down the fires on Tuesday, the winds picked up overnight. Unlike previously reported, St. Helena was not evacuated, and Grace Church members have opened its parish hall and kitchen to evacuees from other areas. Evacuations were ordered in Solano County as the fires moved south from Napa; meanwhile in Sonoma, the Tubbs fire spread north and claimed more lives. Emergency Declarations have been proclaimed by Gov. Jerry Brown for Napa, Sonoma, Yuba, Butte, Lake, Mendocino, Nevada and Solano counties. The Ridge Fire in Clearlake is now 100% contained at 87 acres.   Check for the latest fire and evacuation information. 


The Rev. James Richardson and Deacon Pamela Moore held a noon Eucharist at Incarnation, Santa Rosa, for those seeking shelter from the fires or wishing to pray for all affected. They both are staying at the church tonight.


Former Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, now assisting bishop in San Diego, said in an email to Bishop Barry: 
"Please know that you continue in my prayers in the midst of the inferno.  I give thanks for the compassionate and effective response of so many in Northern California.  If we can support in any other ways, you have only to ask."

St. Paul's, Benecia, has partnered with Northgate Christian Fellowship to collect donations for victims of the Napa and Sonoma County fires. The following donations are being collected: 

lip balm and eye drops
air mattresses/cots/ mats
baby wipes, formula, diapers
toiletries and feminine hygiene products
water/vitamin drinks/Ensure
face masks
individually wrapped snacks
hand sanitizer
reusable shopping bags

Items may be brought to St. Paul's Parish Hall or office during business hours (Tuesday through Friday, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.) or on Sunday. We will then deliver the donations to Northgate for distribution. Donations will be collected until further notice. 


Donations to the bishop's discretionary fund can be made securely online at  the  diocese's website or go to   Episcopal Relief & Development; Bishop Barry, the Rev. Canon Andrea McMillin and Margaret Dunning, diocesan disaster relief coordinator, will teleconference again with Episcopal Relief & Development on Thursday morning.

Finally, we have to share this sweet video of a group of hotshot Samoan firefighters coming through the woods near St. Helena, singing a hymn: 
Singing Samoan firefighters
Singing Samoan firefighters

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