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AVIDYNE CORP. announced it has received Ag�ncia Nacional De Avia��o Civil-Brasil validation for the installation of its DFC90 digital autopilot in Cessna 182-series aircraft when interfaced with the Evolution Pro Primary Flight Display from ASPEN AVIONICS.
DAC INTERNATIONAL, a Greenwich AeroGroup company, announced the FAA has granted parts manufacturer approval for the company's GDC64 tablet aircraft interface unit.
DUNCAN AVIATION has partnered with UNIVERSAL AVIONICS to install and certify a technologically advanced cockpit for the Dassault Falcon 900B. This certification of this upgrade will be obtained through Duncan Aviation's organization delegated authority. The new STC on the Dassault Falcon 900B is expected to be completed this summer. EASA approval is expected by the end of 2013, and there is an active search for a launch customer in Europe.
FREEFLIGHT SYSTEMS announced the FAA selected the company to provide upgraded ADS-B avionics for as many as 600 aircraft that were instrumental in the development of ADS-B in the Capstone Program.

General Aviation: A State-by-State Economic Impact Survey
The Alliance for Aviation Across America launched a wide-scale economic impact survey to outline the benefit of general aviation on businesses, local economies and communities around the nation. AEA Wired will highlight a different state each issue:
Airports: 391
Pilots: 50,932
Aircraft: 31,690
Jobs: 61,900
Econ. Impact: $14.6 billion
Note: Texas DOT sponsors a statewide "Adopt an Airport" program to support local community airports.
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U.S. General Aviation Caucus Update
General Aviation Caucuses were formed in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate in 2009, to inform members and staff about the importance of GA to the nation's economy and transportation system. To date, more than 182 members of the U.S. Congress have signed on to the General Aviation Caucus. Click below to see if your elected representative is a member. If not, please contact them immediately and ask them to join the GA Caucus to promote the value of the general aviation industry to our nation's economy.

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Dan Derby received the Lifetime Achievement Award at this year's AEA Convention.
Aircraft Electronics
Meet Gary Harpster, AEA's New Chairman of the Board At the 2013 Aircraft Electronics Association International Convention & Trade Show, Gary Harpster of Duncan Aviation was elected as the new chairman of the AEA board of directors. Recently, Patricia Luebke, Avionics News contributor, spoke with Harpster to learn more about his background and aspirations as AEA's newest chairman. More...
When considering equipping for international flight operations, there usually are more questions than answers, at least at first. The quickest, simplest answer to whether or not existing avionics will be adequate is, "it depends." Joseph E. (Jeb) Burnside offers more information on this topic in the May issue of Avionics News.
The AEA Regional Meetings offer a forum to see, hear and learn about all the new technology on the market, network with industry peers and discover best practices for the aviation repair station industry. Attendees and exhibitors gather for two to three days of regulatory and technical seminars, business management sessions and exhibits.
November 6-8 - Kansas City, Mo. |
February 2017 is the deadline for the ADS-B mandate requiring all general aviation aircraft operating in instrument flight rules in Australia to be fitted with GNSS-based ADS-B equipment. According to Bruce Baxter, the AEA's South Pacific regulatory consultant, this is the opportunity Australia has waited for, yet it's not taking advantage of it. To better understand how shops can work with their customers, Baxter conducted an extensive interview with Andrew Andersen, president of AOPA Australia and IAOPA vice president for the Pacific region, and spoke with him about ADS-B and the AOPA members' understanding of the issues faced. The article, titled "What is Australia Waiting For?" was published in the May issue of Avionics News magazine, and a similar article was published in the April issue of Australian Pilot magazine. Click here to read the entire article from Avionics News. |
Pilot's Guide to Avionics

Advertising opportunities for the 2013-14 PG2A are now available!
Deadline to advertise in PG2A is TODAY!
AEA Members Regard Avionics News Magazine as Their No. 1 Association Benefit
The last day to reserve advertising space in the July issue of Avionics News is TODAY! Don't miss your chance to be included in the bonus distribution issue at EAA AirVenture!
To advertise in Avionics News, contact Lauren McFarland at laurenm@aea.net. Click here for the digital version of the May issue! |
The Committment to Training Begins Here!
Derby Center for Professional Development
AEA International Headquarters, Lee's Summit, Mo.
May 20-22, 2013
May 23-24, 2013
Register now!
NCATT AET Review Course
Aug. 5-7, 2013
This three-day course is designed to provide a review for all 34 subject areas of the NCATT AET certification exam. At the end of this review course attendees should be prepared to take the NCATT AET certification test, which will be administered free (a $100 value).
Register now!
SPECIAL NOTE: The Basic Wiring & Installation course takes place immediately before the Navigation Systems Line Maintenance & Testing Course. Register for both and SAVE $99! |