A Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Join us for worship and religious education!  Services and Religious Education Classes take place on Sunday morning at 9:15 and 11:00am
Reminder: Daylight Saving Time ends this Saturday, November 5 at 2:00am. 
Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour! 
November 4, 2016
Sunday, November 6
Worship Service  -  9:15 and 11:00am
"Letter to the President-Elect"
No matter the outcome of the election in a few days, our work has just begun, again. America is divided, with at least a third of the country (you pick the third) so disaffected by the status quo their decisions are being guided by fear and mistrust rather than shared ideals of freedom and democracy. Our work has just begun, no matter the outcome. Rev. Bret Lortie speaking.

Religious Education
This Sunday our preschool, kindergarten­-first-second grade, and third-fourth-fifth grade classes will meet from 9:15-10:30 and 11:00-12:15. All begin in the sanctuary for the first part of the worship service before going to classes. The sixth-seventh-­eighth grade class begins at 9:30am this week to watch Star Trek: Generations. Senior high meets from Noon to 3:00pm this week. Childcare for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers is available from 9:00-12:30. 

Name Change Circle - 12:30pm

Crackerbarrel - 9:30am
"Humanistic Judaism"
Humanistic Judaism (HJ) is a nontheistic branch of Judaism, focused on Jewish culture and history rather than religious tradition. HJ was founded in 1963 by Rabbi Sherwin Wine at the Birmingham Temple near Detroit, Michigan. Under the umbrella of the Society for Humanistic Judaism (SHJ), it has grown to include over 30 member communities, from small discussion groups to full-service congregations. Like humanism in general, HJ exists in a gray area between secularism and religion, which raises a number of issues relevant to UU. Led by Dan Solomon, who has served on the board of an HJ congregation in Deerfield and as a representative to the SHJ.
Join us to stand in support of Black Lives Matter
You are invited to stand on Ridge Avenue between 12:10pm and 12:30pm to support the Black Lives Matter movement.  Signs and buttons are available for purchase at the back of the sanctuary. Signs and song lyrics will be provided for use.  Sponsored by the REAL team.

The Chris Isely Cancer Support Group -  9:15am
The group is open to anyone facing cancer, either personally or through a family member or friend. This lay-led group is a safe place for sharing and hope. Interested participants are encouraged to drop in any time. Questions? Contact Renee Hoff  or Brian Meister.
From the Executive Operations Director  eod
Sandra Robinson
As I write, Doug Erickson is 25 feet above the terrazzo floor installing new light bulbs in the sanctuary. Yesterday Robb Geiger navigated the scissors lift from the parking lot to the sanctuary. Robb changed some bulbs and trained me as it looked as though our plan for assistance had taken a turn. See photo to the right of Robb and I up in the lift. What a blast that was!

Meanwhile below our 25-foot gaze were Eileen, Carli, Vickie, Connie and Bret (see photos to the right) removing tags and stacking new cushions. As many of you know, I have been searching for some time to find the right cushions, the best quality, and the lowest cost. Your minister the Rev. Bret Lortie found the magic cushions on his outing to IKEA this past week. Bret texted me excitedly, my curiosity was piqued, a sample was brought to UCE, a trip to IKEA by Rev. Connie Grant and husband John ensued, and Voila! new beautiful, comfortable red cushions. Wait until you see them and sit on them! We are listening carefully and trying our best to provide comfort and accessibility. Click here to read more.
Upcoming Worship Services  upcomingworship
Sunday, November 13, 9:15 and 11:00am
"Veteran's Day"
Every student who attends Meadville Lombard Theological School has to develop a Focused Initiative during their second year of internship.  Ministerial intern Kevin DeBeck has chosen to do his serving the Naval recruits at Great Lakes Naval base providing religious services to said recruits.  For Veteran's Day, Kevin will share with us what he has been learning about the intersectionality between Unitarian Universalist values and the military.  He will be joined in the pulpit by Gary Zacny and John LaPlante, who are members of this church as well as retired from the military.

Sunday, November 20, 9:15 and 11:00am
"Breaking Bread Together"
A Thanksgiving worship service for all ages. Please bring a loaf (or other form) of bread representing your heritage and accompaniments such as cheese, jam, or fruit. During the service, we'll partake of the bread in celebration of the sustenance we share. Following the service we'll share a simple meal of bread and the accompaniments you bring.
Sunday, November 27, 9:15 and 11:00am
"Our Story in Africa"
Through interviews conducted by Rev. Bret with ministers and lay leader serving in each African country with a Unitarian Universalist presence, stories emerge of hope, inspiration, and struggle. 
Serendipity Auction News
Serendipity Auction donations can still be made! Our catalog is going to print this week, so on Sunday, Nov. 6, you can see all the items donated so far.

But if you have been meaning to re-offer your special donation - you can still do it now! Through Sunday, Nov 6, we can accept new donations, which can still be displayed and bid on at the Serendipity Auction. You may bring your donated physical items to the church office any time between now and Friday, Nov 11, next Wednesday and Thursday somewhat preferred for larger items.

You now can reserve your dinner choices online! Our dinner will be from the Pita Inn with vegetarian and gluten-free options. Dinners are $11 for adults and $6 for children 6-10 years old.  You can also make dinner reservations by calling the church office or at the Serendipity Auction table on Sunday mornings.
Mitten Tree Starts Sunday, November 6  mittentree
UCE's Mitten Tree has collected gifts and holiday food for over 25 years and is a wonderful tradition of generosity for those who need help during the holiday season.  Contributing generously not only helps those in need, but helps each of us add to the love in our hearts during the holiday season. Paper mittens (with the wished for items noted) will be available from Nov. 6 to Nov. 29 at tables at the back of the sanctuary. Please bring your new, unwrapped gifts to UCE as soon as you purchase them. The final deadline for bringing gifts is Dec. 4. We are providing gifts and food for nine groups this year.
Volunteers are needed to help at the Mitten Tree tables on Sundays and to sort, wrap, and deliver gifts.
Dates: November 6, 13, 20, 27 and December 4 when all gifts are due       
Times: After each service -10:15-11:00 and 12:00-12:30
If you wish to volunteer please contact Jeanne Kerl or Melanie Kitchner. If you have questions about Mitten Tree please contact Carol Nielsen.
From the Music Committee  musiccommittee
The Choir will be off on Sunday, November 13 but UCE congregants will have a treat with Howard Levy, Evanston and national famous harmonica/piano performer providing our music.

Multiple Grammy- Award Winner Howard Levy is an acknowledged master of the diatonic harmonica, a superb pianist, innovative composer, recording artist, bandleader, teacher, producer, and Chicago area resident. His musical travels have taken him all over the geographical world and the musical map. Equally at home in Jazz, Classical music, Rock, Folk, Latin, and World Music, he brings a fresh lyrical approach to whatever he plays.
Anyone with interest in music but not necessarily performing is invited to join the UCE Music Committee which helps Vickie Hellyer develop the UCE music program. Contact Lynn Kendall or Robb Geiger if you wish to participate.
Caring Program  caring
The purpose of the Caring Program is to "help one another" by providing practical assistance to people in our congregation who are experiencing life changes such as a birth or death in the family, illness, or incapacity. If you or someone else in our congregation has a need, please contact. Lois Taft, Caring Program chair. Lois can be contacted at 847-733-0114 or [email protected].

From visitor Penny Doyle - "As a new attendee, I want to thank Lois Taft and members of the Caring Committee for providing meals and transportation after a recent surgery. With no family, not only was it practical  but I felt taken care of. For those of you who need help I suggest that you contact the Caring Committee by calling the church."
Greenwood Group  greenwood
Please join the UCE investment club, Greenwood Group Thursday, November 17 at 7:30pm. We will be talking about investing in self-driving cars. Normally we meet on 3rd Thursday of the month. 
Refugee Roundtable kicks off on
November 7, 7pm  refugeeroundtable
UCE has joined with other Evanston Faith Communities to host a Refugee Roundtable. Please join us on Monday, November 7 at UCE to be a part of this group. We will be sharing our experiences, talking about future sponsorship and exploring how different faith communities in Evanston can work together on this urgent international crisis. Contact Carol Nielsen if you have questions.
Winter Chicago Standdown  winterchicagostanddown
UCE Military Bridge Builders invites you to participate in Winter Chicago Standdown again this year.  Held at the Northwest National Guard Armory on Friday November 18, Standdown offers a day of hospitality and support to indigent and homeless vets, serving breakfast and lunch, offering health support, and distributing warm clothing, shoes, toiletries, sleeping bags and blankets You are invited to donate gently used winter-worthy clothing - especially jeans!  UCE Military Bridge Builders will coordinate a team to help out the day of and welcomes your participation.  Contact: Meredith Haydon
Special Programs for Parents and Kids
Sunday, November 13, 10:20 - 10:50am  specialprograms
Answering Kids' Big Questions: 
Talking about Death
Some of the hardest questions kids ask are the ones about what death means, either as a practical reality or a theoretical concept.  How can Unitarian Universalist parents respond, even in our own uncertainty and grief?  A sharing of ideas and resources, led by Rev. Connie Grant.  The first in a series of discussions on Parenting for Unitarian Universalists. Next, December 11:  Navigating the Winter Holidays.

Yoga for Kids 
A 30-minute session of yoga specially designed for kids in kindergarten through fifth grade.  Yoga is beneficial for reducing stress, connecting mind/body, and promoting body awareness.  We will do basic yoga postures: twists, backbends, seated, standing, and balancing poses.  Songs and games will be incorporated into the lesson.  Please bring a yoga mat, if you have one.  Taught by UCE member and certified yoga instructor, Jessica Tomell-Presto.  The first in a series of special activities for kids. Next, December 11:  Meditation for Kids.

Childcare will be available for infants and toddlers in Room 11, and for three- and four-year-olds in Room 9.
Adult Religious Education
The Inner Life:  Therapeutic and Spiritual Reflections
November 15, 22, & 29 7:00 - 9:00pm  adultre
Freud dismissed religion as a superstitious illusion; but later psychotherapists, notably Jung, found wellsprings of meaning and self-transcendence in religious experience.  Psychotherapist Jay Einhorn will discuss a model of the relationship of psychotherapy, religion and spirituality, which he presented last year at the Parliament of the World's Religions.  Psychotherapist Chet Mirman will argue that religion is largely a methodology for self-transformation, helping to foster a "felt sense of divine, loving presence."  Because selfhood is fundamentally a function of one's internalized relationships, religion is, at its core, a relational experience, and thus this transformational process is also the transformation of a relationship.  Dan Solomon will follow up on this idea by discussing how Martin Buber's philosophy of "I-Thou" relationship has been applied in approaches like the "dialogical therapy" of Maurice Friedman, Buber's friend, translator, and biographer. Register here or on the Religious Education bulletin board.
Upcoming Membership Classes  upcomingmembership
For those who are thinking about becoming a member of the church.

Intro to Unitarian Universalism  
Sunday, December 11, 12:30 - 2pm 
(note that the November 6 session has been cancelled)
Led by Rev. Bret Lortie, we'll look at our history, our principles, the sources of our faith, and the meaning of covenant. (This is the first step in the membership process.)

Orientation Toward Membership 
Saturday, November 12, 9 am - 12pm
Led by Rev. Connie Grant, Membership Director Eileen Wiviott, and members of the New Member Committee. An interactive class exploring our spiritual journeys, the diversity of our beliefs, and what it means to be a member of this congregation. (This is the second step in the membership process.)

Sign up at the Guest & Member Table in the lobby or email Eileen Wiviott There will be childcare available upon request in advance for both of these classes. 
Quick Links
(protected documents)
Upcoming UCE Events

Sunday, November 6, 10:15am
Principles and Sources Class

Monday, November 7, 7:00pm
Refugee Roundtable

Saturday, November 12, 5:30pm
Serendipity Auction

Tuesdays, Nov. 15, 22 and 29, 7pm
The Inner Life: Therapeutic and Spiritual Reflections

Thursday Nights, 5:30pm
Meditation Group

Thursday Nights, 7pm
UCE Addictions Ministry Group

Sunday Mornings, 8:15am & Wednesday Mornings, 9:30am

Saturdays at 10:00am
Open Drumming Circles

Community Involvement
Click each event for more information.
Saturday, Nov. 14, 10am
CAUUC Workshop - Sustenance for the Work of Our Hands

YWCA Let's Talk at Lunch
Third Thursday of the Month
Photos from the Executive Operations Director

Robb Geiger and Sandra Robinson up in the lift changing the sanctuary lights.

UCE Staff bringing in brand new cushions for the Sanctuary chairs!

UCE Staff bringing in brand new cushions for the Sanctuary chairs!
Name Change Circles Extended

Circles opportunities will be extended to November 13 meeting on Sundays only at 12:30. Those dates include Nov 6 and 13. The response forms will be accepted until Nov 13. The Board meets for our regularly scheduled meeting on Nov 16 where we will discuss a recommendation for next steps.
Response forms are available on the UCE bulletin board and will be available after Sunday services at the back of the sanctuary. Response forms can be returned to the UCE office in a mail slot dedicated to the Name Change Circles or a marked envelope at the same table the response forms will be after Sunday services.
Serendipity Auction

Saturday, November 12

Our online catalog is getting populated with many interesting items. Click here to see the Serendipity Auction catalog,  and think about what kind of gift you can offer that will be uniquely yours.  

Congregational Thanksgiving

You are cordially invited to join your UCE community for our annual Thanksgiving Day celebration!
We will again share our table with recruits from the Great Lakes Naval Base.    Come for breakfast or come for dinner, come to share our wonderful UCE fellowship with some sailors far from home.
Opportunities for participation include contributing food, helping to prepare our meal, and hosting our guests.  You may sign up electronically by visiting our signup page here. Questions? Not tech-savvy?  Email Linda Clark
Non-Fiction Book Group
Sunday, December 4, 12:30pm

Non-fiction book Group will meet after the second service to discuss "The Fate of Gender," by Frank Browning. All are welcome.
Sign Up to Join a New Covenant Group

Are you interested in further reflection on our monthly themes? Would you like a way of getting to know a small group of people well? Are you hungering for an opportunity to develop deep listening skills and to be truly listened to? If so, you might enjoy a covenant group. We have two groups starting: one will be a 6-month group, led by Brian Meister two Sundays a month at 12:30; the other will be co-led by Brian and Carol Nielsen once a month on either the 2nd or 4th Thursdays of the month. If you are interested, please contact Eileen Wiviott or look for the sign up sheets after the service on November 6.
Self Care for the Busy Leader

If the title "Self care for the busy leader" catches your attention,you can sign up for this webinar at  Mid-America's website

The webinar is Thursday, November 10, 6:45pm - 8pm central time. Info presented is based on the work of Parker Palmer and presented by Reverend Sharon Dittmar. It is one segment of a multi-part Leadership Toolkit offered by Mid-America region. The webinar is free but you need to register for it.

UU Identity Discussions

Continued learning opportunities offered monthly by the New Member Committee; open to all who want to better understand what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist, no matter where you are on the membership journey:

Principles and Sources Class 
1st Sundays 10:15 - 11am
Whether you are new to Unitarian Universalism or you would like to better understand the seven principles and six sources of our faith, join us for this rich 45-minute discussion led by members of the New Member Committee. We ' ll use thought provoking metaphors to dive deeper into the foundations of being a UU.  Next Principles & Sources Class: November 6 between services.
Spiritual Journeys - 
a 3-part conversation
2nd, 3rd, 4th Sundays 
at 10:15-11am 
We'll explore our religious and spiritual backgrounds, where we come from, what we want to cherish and what we want to release as we continue our journeys. This is a conversation open to all no matter where you are on the path - exploring membership, new members and long-term members alike. You can participate in any one or all three in any order. 
Next Spiritual Journeys Sessions: 11/13, 11/20, and 11/27.

 for Spiritual Practice

Ministers' Schedules

Rev. Bret Lortie  is available on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and by appointment. Monday is sabbath and Friday devoted to writing. To send a message or read Rev. Bret's blog, visit  www.liberalfaith.org .
Rev. Connie Grant is generally in the office during the day on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and often has evening meetings on those days. She takes Mondays off and works at home on Fridays. Please email or call Connie for an appointment.
[email protected]. (847) 864-1330 ext. 103 (office); (847) 840-8542 (cell).
| 847-864-1330 | [email protected] | http://www.ucevanston.org
1330 Ridge Ave.
Evanston, IL 60201