In This Issue
Upcoming Events

Be sure to mark

your calendars for these upcoming events!


Sunday, October 30

Halloween Fest

Tuesday, November 8

Election Day

Thursday, November 10

Community Development & Public Safety Committee

Thursday, November 10

Law Enforcement Advisory Committee

Friday, November 11

Veteran's Day - City Hall Closed


Welcome to Villa Park's E-newsletter "The Feeder." The City of Villa Park  is dedicated to sharing information and resources with the community. This newsletter will highlight information on community interests, events, and activities, as well as update and report on major projects happening in the city. Editions will be released weekly. Enjoy!  
Adopt a Marine this Thanksgiving!

Is it not too late to adopt a Marine this Thanksgiving. Host families are needed in sharing this Thanksgiving with Marines who are unable to get home to their families for the holidays.
For many of these young Marines it is their first Thanksgiving away from home. This is a very special opportunity to give back to these service men who have given, and continue to give, so much of themselves to us and to our country!
Click here to find out how you can adopt a Marine this Thanksgiving!
Report Suspicious Activity in Villa Park
There is now a means for residents to report suspicious activity. You hear it over and over again, "If you see something, say something."™ The recognition of suspicious activity and reporting it is one of the most important actions that a person can do to help protect their community and their Country from criminal or terrorist activity.
You can report suspicious activity by calling your local law enforcement agency and telling them "I want to report some suspicious activity." Law enforcement will take the information and submit a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR). Law Enforcement will submit the SAR to the Intelligence Assessment Center.
The National SAR Initiative (NSI) partnership was established after the findings of The 9/11 Commission Report found that the nationwide reporting and sharing of information could detect, prevent or deter a terrorist attack. This initiative has the support of many government and non-governmental agencies, with federal, state and local public safety being the recipients of submitted information. Fusions Centers like OCIAC and the Joint Regional Intelligence Center are tasked with collecting, analyzing and sharing of threat-related information with local, state and federal partners.
The National SAR Initiative realizes that witnessing suspicious activity can happen almost anywhere or anytime. It doesn't matter what your occupation, you may see or hear something that doesn't look or "feel" right. A webpage with learning tools has been created to teach the public what to look for and how to report what they witness. Visit the NSI website by clicking here to view specific training related to reporting suspicious activity.

Spring Registration is now open for the Villa Park Little League!
Registration is now open for the upcoming season of the Villa Park Little League for children between the ages of 6 to 12 years of age.
The Villa Park Little League is a big part of the community and it is a great opportunity for learning teamwork, building camaraderie, and enjoying competition!
Click here to learn more about the Villa Park Little League and to sign-up!
Attention Villa Park Residents!

We are currently putting together an e-mail database so that we can send out news, information and surveys specific to Villa Park.

Click here if you are a Villa Park resident and would like to sign-up. Your address will be required when signing up so that we can verify your residency. Thank you!