November 2nd, 2016
Vol. 2, Issue 30
Dear Lakeside Community,

     What is the LCAP?

     The Local Control Accountability Plan is our commitment to learning and support for students and staff. The LCAP originated from the California legislature a couple of years ago and requires us to document spending and program improvements. The three year plans are updated annually.

     The LCAP is a critical part of the new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Each school district must engage parents, educators, employees and the community to establish these plans. Last year we had two board meetings dedicated to the LCAP discussion and approval, as well as parent group meetings and feedback sessions in our annual survey that helped inform our plan. Now our School Site Council helps to provide an additional level of support and guidance for the LCAP. 

     The LCAP has eight required priority areas: credentialed teachers, implementation of content/performance standards, parental involvement, student achievement, student engagement (including attendance and chronic absenteeism), school climate, broad courses of study, and pupil outcomes. 

     Our goals for this year are as follows:

Safe Environment for Student Learning
- ensure school facilities are maintained and safe
- training for staff on safe environments, evacuation plans
- completing our Safety Plan

Enhancing Teacher Capacity through Ongoing Professional Development
- Project Based Learning will be used to further student thinking
- coaching on effective uses of technology to support student engagement
- coaching on Reader/Writer's Workshop

Maintaining a Positive School Climate
- ongoing communication to develop a culture of respect, including Project Cornerstone
- opportunities to improve home/school communication

Increase School Communication around Student Progress
- use test results to identify strengths/weaknesses in conferences and goal setting, informing instruction
- standards based report cards will be used to strengthen communication on student progress

Robust Integrated and Balance Curriculum on the Whole Child
- continue enrichment programs that include library, PE, music, art, dance and theater
- evaluate supplemental programs during the 16/17 school year
- assess, monitor and report student progress on the CAASPP (state assessment)
- design a strategic plan with community input

Improve Student Attendance
- increase parental notification of good attendance at least 3 times/year
- decease truancy, inform parents of truancies in a timely manner
- increase information about healthy practices
- certificates for attendance

When we set these goals, we did not have the results back from Measure J, our parcel tax to help support programs. As a result of the measure not passing, we are adjusting some of our goals, but they will all remain intact and we will report out to the community why any goals might not be met and why. 

I will continue to update you this year about the LCAP, progress toward goals, the state assessment system, work on state standards, and more. If you have specific questions, please click on my name below and it will generate an email to me.


Interim Superintendent & Lead Learner
 19621 Black Road Los Gatos, CA  (408) 354-2372