That gracious thing, made up of tears and light - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by recent hurricanes, fires, 
earthquakes,  and other natural disasters.

seatsNeed to add some extra removable seats to sell after your reserved seat show is sold out?

You can't increase the size of a seating plan and add more seats to a chart once you've sold seats on it.

But you CAN make a new seating chart and use the multi-chart function in Wintix to sell the extra seats.

deadBury your dead in the Cancelled Sales Graveyard

Are the ghosts of cancelled sales records haunting your reports? 

Lay them to rest in the Cancelled Sales Graveyard. 
It's a hallowed space in Wintix specially designed to remove them from the land of living, vibrant sales. 

You have to build one for yourselves, but you'll be happy you did. Click the link above for blueprints. Headstones and flowers not included.
cleanClean up your seating plan!

When is the last time you really looked at your seating plans to see if everything in it is correct? 

How do you know if all the seats have price categories? How do you know there aren't price categories in the spaces between seats?

Also when you clean up your seating plan, you will learn to print out the plan so you can check there are the correct number of seats in each section.

Get your brooms out!
addressDoes your patron's credit card have a different billing address than the primary one listed in Wintix?

If that is the case, you don't have to worry about the card being declined because of an AVS mismatch.

All you have to do is have the correct billing address listed in the second address field in the customer record and make sure that tab is selected during a sale.

This can be the case in parts of the country where "snow birds" live in warmer parts of the country during winter or if patrons spend a good deal of time at their vacation homes. 

brainUpdate your Wintix, then update your brain on the science of how performing arts affect your gray matter

It's a brainy idea to update your Wintix on a monthly basis by going to Help | About Wintix | Download update.

After you do, w atch, read, and listen to the Washington Post's story about the amazing discoveries of what happens to our brains when we are part of an audience watching a performance. That connection. Those heightened emotions. That rush of adrenaline. They are all real and scientifically provable now.

"Using brain-imaging and other tools of neuroscience, the new field of neuroaesthetics is probing the relationship between art and the brain," The Washington Post reports.

Contact us!
Center Stage Software | 831.583.0641 | |
831-920-1254 |
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