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Keeping the general aviation industry connected.

Aug. 24, 2011

In This Issue
The Current
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Regulatory Update
The Connection
The Static




The Short  

ASPEN AVIONICS announced Coradine Aviation Systems will be one of the first aviation software companies to integrate with its Connected Pilot, the initial product of its Connected Panel line of products.

CASTLEBERRY INSTRUMENTS AND AVIONICS announced its repair station has earned FAA full class 1, 2, 3 Radio, class 1, 2, 3, 4, Instrument and Limited Airframe ratings. These upgrades enable Castleberry to add all avionics, all instruments, as well as installations and certain aircraft certifications to its current service offerings.


JET SOURCE announced JOEY CRAWFORD has joined the company as its new chief inspector for the aircraft maintenance and avionics department. As chief inspector, Crawford will be responsible for the enforcement of all regulatory and compliance issues with the FAA for the Part 145 repair station.

THRANE & THRANE announced the AVIATOR wireless handset which offers users a range of advanced features packaged within an easy-to-use and stylish unit. Designed specifically for in-flight communications, the handset offers unique echo and noise cancellation capabilities to enhance audio quality experienced by the end-user.

WEST STAR AVIATION announced that by utilizing a QR code, their iPhone app, "Experience On Call" is now even  easier. In addition to being available to download free from the Apple App store, the "Experience On Call" app can be accessed by scanning the QR code, which will be displayed on West Star Aviation literature.







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General Aviation:

An Economic Impact Survey 




Airports: 407

Pilots: 11,253

Aircraft: 11,030

Jobs: 9,944

Econ Impact: $700 Million

Per Capita: $571 


Notes: 82 percent of Alaska communities are not served by roads. 


Source: Alliance for Aviation Across America


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Current w ad 485

FAA Charters Part 23 Rulemaking Committee; AEA to Participate 


The Federal Aviation Administration is establishing a Part 23 aviation rulemaking committee to set the tone for the certification of the next generation of general aviation aircraft as well as the certification and installation of future avionics systems.


"With the advent of new generation aircraft and avionics, it is time for Part 23 rules to reflect new certification processes," explained Paula Derks, AEA president. "We commend the FAA for initiating this re-write to examine the simplification and possible lower-costs of manufacturing and certification." More... 



Honeywell Completes Acquisition of EMS Technologies


HONEYWELL announced it has completed its acquisition of EMS Technologies Inc. EMS is a leading provider of connectivity solutions for mobile networking, rugged mobile computers and satellite communications.



Save the Date w ad 485

55th Annual AEA International Convention & Trade Show 

April 3-6, 2012, Washington, D.C.Convention D.C.


The AEA Convention is the only wholesale avionics show representing 90 percent of the North American-certified avionics shops. 


Exhibitors: be watching your mailbox for your Exhibitor Prospectus!

The first lottery for exhibit space is Oct. 5, 2011.



AEA East Regional Meeting

Sept. 28-30, 2011

Naples, Fla.

Room reservation deadline is Aug. 29.

Reg Update 485

Transport Canada and EASA Sign Agreement on Civil Aviation Safety 


On July 26, 2011, a Canada-European Union Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement came into force after the approval of the Canadian Parliament and the EU Parliament and the exchange of diplomatic notes, which indicates the completion of domestic procedures. More...

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Pilot's Guide to AvionicsPilot's Guide Cover


Request your FREE copy today!


The AEA's 2011-12 edition of the Pilot's Guide to Avionics is now available. Click Here to request a single copy or case.

Connection with Ad ICG

AEA Members Regard Avionics News Magazine as Their #1 Association BenefitSept. Cover


Avionics News magazine is the premier trade magazine for the general aviation avionics/electronics industry.


To receive a complimentary subscription of Avionics News, Click Here

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 AEA Rate and Labor Survey 2011

AEA Members Optimistic Despite Economic Concerns in 2011 Rate and Labor Survey


The Aircraft Electronics Association released the results from its 2011 Rate & Labor Survey this week to participating AEA member companies. It will be available at no charge to non-participting AEA members in October.


The complete AEA Rate & Labor Survey is now available for purchase for non-AEA members.


To purchase a copy of the report, contact Mike Adamson at

General Aviation: An Economic Impact Survey

The Alliance for Aviation Across America recently launched a wide-scale economic impact survey to outline the benefit of general aviation on businesses, local economies and communities around the nation. AEA Wired will highlight a different state on the left sidebar each issue.

"AEA Wired" is a complimentary e-newsletter and is published twice a month. 
To subscribe to "AEA Wired," click here!                     To advertise in "AEA Wired," click here!