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Keeping the general aviation industry connected.

May 23, 2012

In This Issue
The Current
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Regulatory Update
The Connection
The Static

The Short


AVIDYNE CORP. announced it has received an amended supplemental type certificate from the Federal Aviation Administration for the MLX770 two-way worldwide Iridium datalink transceiver which extends its approved model list to include Pilatus and Diamond aircraft. This amended STC also adds the EX600 multi-function display as an approved display.
COLUMBIA AVIONICS & AIRCRAFT SERVICES INC. obtained FAA STC certification of the Garmin GTN 750 & GTN 650 series nav/comm/GPS systems in the Cessna 650 aircraft. Certification on these systems in the Cessna Citation Models 500, 501, 550, 551, S550 and 560 is scheduled to be completed in June.
GARMIN announced Cessna Aircraft Company has selected the Garmin G5000 integrated avionics system for the Citation Longitude, its newest and longest-range business jet.
L-3 announced RALPH DEMARCO has been named vice president of sales and marketing for the L-3 Aviation Products business sector, reporting to L-3 AP president KRIS GANASE.
SATCOM DIRECT, provider of satellite voice, fax, datalink and Internet communications solutions, announced the opening of an international office in Farnborough, United Kingdom. The Satcom Direct International office will be located inside hangar 2 at TAG Farnborough Airport.


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General Aviation:

A State-by-State 

Economic Impact Survey 


The Alliance for Aviation Across America recently launched a wide-scale economic impact survey to outline the benefit of general aviation on businesses, local economies and communities around the nation. AEA Wired will highlight a different state each issue:




Airports: 36

Pilots: 10,987

Aircraft: 3,476

Jobs: 6,797

Econ. Impact: $2.1 Billion

Per Capita: $381 


Note: GA pays $40 million a year in state and local taxes.


Source: Alliance for Aviation Across America 




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The Battle Against User Fees Continues
Despite aviation industry outcry and strong opposition from the majority of members in Congress, the proposed 2012 budget submitted by President Obama still contains language for $100-per-flight fees. It is up to each U.S.-based AEA member company to contact your elected officials and urge them to oppose this language in the budget.


Do you know if your U.S. Congressman is a member of the House General Aviation Caucus? Please take a few minutes to check the Congressional Membership List, and if your representative is not on the list, contact them and urge them to join the GA Caucus. 

FAA Issues General Aviation Airports Study
The FAA released a study called "General Aviation Airports: A National Asset." The FAA conducted the 18-month study to capture the many diverse functions of general aviation airports. As a result, the general public will have a better understanding of GA airports in the community and within the national air transportation system. 
During the last century, GA airports have evolved from unpaved landing strips to aviation hubs. This in-depth analysis highlights the pivotal role GA airports play in our society, economy and the entire aviation system. More...

Save the Date w ad 485

2012 Regionals 


Aug. 13-14, 2012
Bourbon Convention Hotel Ibirapuera
Avenida Ibirapuera, 2927
S�o Paulo, Brazil, 04029-200
Aug. 28-29, 2012
Sheraton Cavalier Calgary Hotel
2620-32nd Ave N.E.
Calgary, AB
Canada T1Y 6B8



reg update w tgh jan 2012

FAA Proposes a Significant and Potentially Damaging Rewrite of Part 145

This proposal makes wholesale changes to the avionics industry with damaging and costly repercussions. The Federal Aviation Administration proposes to remove radio and instrument ratings and allow airframe-rated repair stations to work on radio and instrument components without qualifications or ratings. In addition, the proposal eliminates many of the currently utilized opportunities for mobile maintenance operations. More...


CASA Proposes Costly Guidance on SMS

In leveraging the programs of the United Kingdom and Canada, the Australian government's Civil Aviation Safety Authority has published an advisory circular on the implementation of safety management systems for approved maintenance organizations, which is wrought with bureaucracy and added regulatory burden. More...


PG2A April 2012
Pilot's Guide to Avionics
PG2A 12-13 
Distribution Begins in July at EAA AirVenture
The AEA's 2012-13 edition of the Pilot's Guide to Avionics debuts during EAA AirVenture, July 23-29, in Oshkosh, Wis. Pick up your free copy of the Pilot's Guide at the AEA's AirVenture booth, No. 2035/36, Hangar B.
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AEA Members Regard Avionics News Magazine as Their No. 1 Association Benefit 

The last day to submit your Marketplace Classified ad for the July issue of Avionics News is June 6! Don't miss this opportunity to fill your positions, sell your equipment or share what new services are available.  


Bonus Distribution Issue: EAA Airventure!

To post your Marketplace Classified ad today, contact Lauren McFarland at

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NCATT Aircraft Electronics Technician Review Course

Aug. 6-8, 2012

AEA International Headquarters (near Kansas City)

3570 NE Ralph Powell Road

Lee's Summit, Missouri 64064


This three-day course is designed to provide a review for all 34 subject areas of the NCATT Aircraft Electronic Technician certification exam.

At the end of this review, course attendees should be prepared to take the NCATT AET certification test, which will be administered free of charge (a $100 value). Upon successful completion of the AET exam, attendees will be eligible to test for additional ratings for NCATT Radio Communications Systems (RCS), Dependent Navigation Systems (DNS) and Autonomous Navigation Systems (ANS). 

"AEA Wired" is a complimentary e-newsletter and is published twice a month. 
To subscribe to "AEA Wired," click here!                     To advertise in "AEA Wired," click here!