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ASTRONICS CORP.'s Max-Viz-600 enhanced vision system has received a Cessna Aircraft service bulletin for retrofit installation in recently-delivered Cessna Skyhawk, Skylane and Stationair single-engine aircraft models.
CARLISLE INTERCONNECT TECHNOLOGIES announced its new family of push-on connectors, SMP-L, that incorporates a patent pending locking mechanism called Secure-Lok. The locking feature adds a strong retention force to the standard push-on connector, which makes it ideal for rugged military and commercial applications that are susceptible to vibration.
The FAA issued an STC to CUTTER AVIATION, based at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, for the installation of a custom glass-cockpit panel package powered by the Garmin G950 as a retrofit to an older model Piper Meridian aircraft.
GARMIN announced FAA TSO authorization and AML STC approval for the GDL 88 series. The GDL 88 is the industry's first dual-link ADS-B solution available for certified aircraft.
GULFSTREAM recently named two long-time company employees to help lead its product support sales organization. Now heading the respective sales teams for principally the East and West Coasts of the U.S. are BRIAN SCHANK and DARWIN STOUT.

General Aviation: A State-by-State Economic Impact Survey
The Alliance for Aviation Across America launched a wide-scale economic impact survey to outline the benefit of general aviation on businesses, local economies and communities around the nation. AEA Wired will highlight a different state each issue:
Airports: 163
Pilots: 24,988
Aircraft: 10,113
Jobs: 17,352
Econ. Impact: $5.56 billion
Note: Home of the Wright Brothers and cradle of flight. |
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U.S. General Aviation Caucus Update
General Aviation Caucuses were formed in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate in 2009, to inform members and staff about the importance of GA to the nation's economy and transportation system. To date, 192 members of the U.S. Congress have signed on to the General Aviation Caucus. Click below to see if your elected representative is a member. If not, please contact them immediately and ask them to join the GA Caucus to promote the value of the general aviation industry to our nation's economy.

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Col. Mark Tillman, the United States' 12th Presidential Pilot, during the opening ceremonies of the 55th annual AEA International Convention and Trade Show.
(Part Four)
Aircraft Electronics
Avionics News Celebrates 50 Years of History
The January 2013 issue - volume 50, issue 1 - marks the beginning of a year-long celebration commemorating the extraordinary 50-year history of Avionics News. Throughout the year, Avionics News will look back with fondness and reflect on its grand history. With gratitude and appreciation for each of the publishers, editors and talented team of writers who have contributed to the magazine's first half century, the Avionics News staff looks forward to serving its readers for the next 50 years and beyond.
General Aviation Flight Data Monitoring Survey
The general aviation flight data monitoring survey was developed as part of a grant from the Federal Aviation Administration aviation safety information analysis and sharing through the center for general aviation research concerning flight data monitoring in general aviation. The purpose of the survey is to evaluate the familiarity and perceptions of the general aviation community concerning flight data monitoring capabilities and objectives. The link below will take you to a survey that contains 18 questions, (requiring approximately 5 minutes to complete). To take the survey please click here.
If you operate an aircraft that has flight data recording capabilities (such as those equipped with the Garmin G1000 Data Logger) and wish to contribute de-identified flight data to a national database, or have an interest in the topic, please contact Dave Esser at esserd@erau.edu.
FAA and Industry Rotorcraft Forum
The third Federal Aviation Administration and Industry Rotorcraft Forum is scheduled for Jan. 23-24 at Tarrant County College in Fort Worth, Texas. This is a two-day forum to discuss the challenges and opportunities in the certification and installation of new avionics technologies in the rotorcraft market. The aim of the forum is to open the lines of communication between industry and the Rotorcraft Directorate. This event is a continuation and follow-up on the first and second FAA and Industry Rotorcraft Forums, which took place in February and August of 2012.
Register Now!
The AEA's 32nd Lowell Gaylor Memorial Golf Tournament will take place on Sunday, March 24. The first 144 participants will be guaranteed a slot in the tournament. The advance registration fee of $85 includes green fees, cart, pre-round range balls, breakfast treats and snacks at the conclusion during the awards ceremony . . . plus a $10 donation to the tournament founder's memorial scholarship fund. This tournament utilizes a shotgun format with a scramble-type play and scoring system. This tournament is open to all AEA Convention attendees. Foursomes will be selected from a random drawing. No requesting teams please... this is a great way to get to know other AEA members!
March 25-28, 2013
MGM Grand Hotel and Convention Center
3799 Las Vegas Blvd South
Las Vegas, NV 89109
The AEA room block at the MGM Grand is already half-way SOLD OUT with only 44 days left.
Have You Seen the View From Washington?
Avionics News features "The View From Washington," a monthly column written by Ric Peri, AEA vice president of government and industry affairs. The January 2013 issue discusses safety management systems.
To read Peri's thoughts on SMS, click here. |
Pilot's Guide to Avionics

Request your FREE copy today before they are gone!
The AEA's 2012-13 edition of the Pilot's Guide is going FAST! Click here to request a single copy or case.
Can't wait for your hard copy? Click here to download the app or read it online! |
AEA Members Regard Avionics News Magazine as Their No. 1 Association Benefit
Avionics News recently introduced a new feature, "AEAviators." This section features an employee from an AEA member company who currently has their pilot's license. In the avionics industry, whether you're selling the product on the trade show floor, maintaining it or installing it in the cockpit, it's all for the flight. Every pilot has a unique story, and "AEAviators" showcases them and reminds those in the avionics industry what it's all about.
If you or someone you know would like to be featured in "AEAviators," contact Jenna Kramer at jennak@aea.net. |
Start the New Year with Training at the AEA!
Four Training Courses are offered at the AEA Headquarters in January. Class Sizes are Limited...Register now to guarantee your seat! The Aircraft Electronics Association is offering four educational courses to begin the New Year in the Dan Derby Center for Professional Development at its international headquarters in Lee's Summit, Mo.
Pitot-Static & Transponder Class
Jan. 24, 2013
RVSM Maintenance & Advanced Class
Jan. 25, 2013
Foreign Object Elimination Training Class
Jan. 30, 2013 Digital Databus Theory Training Class Jan. 31, 2013
Click here for more information and to register now.