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 MCI October 2

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Keeping the general aviation industry connected.

Oct. 26, 2011

In This Issue
The Current
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Regulatory Update
The Connection
The Static


The Short  

BECKER AVIONICS announced TSO certification of its new high performance, compact 2.25-inch, AR6201 VHF-AM transceiver, with 8.33 kHz channel spacing and integrated voice activated intercom system. 


GARMIN announced it received the European Aviation Safety Agency's validation of the U.S. STC for the installation of Garmin's Electronic Stability and Protection and Iridium datalink in G1000-equipped King Air 200 and B200 models. These technologies offer pilots unique safety enhancing capabilities, such as stability augmentation, an onboard worldwide datalink weather solution and a variety of voice and data services.

STEVEN SCHELL joined LANDMARK AVIATION as general manager of its Norfolk International Airport location. Schell brings with him 25 years of experience in the general aviation industry. 


Marking the completion of the Sierra/Garmin Citation I glass panel retrofit program, the FAA approved SIERRA INDUSTRIES LTD. STC SA11050SC-D for Part 23 or Part 25 operation. Developed in cooperation with Garmin, the STC allows installation of the three-screen digital flight deck suite in all Cessna Citation 501 model aircraft, utilizing the same displays as the Garmin G1000 system.



 In the Loop 2



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General Aviation:

A State-by-State Economic Impact Survey 


The Alliance for Aviation Across America recently launched a wide-scale economic impact survey to outline the benefit of general aviation on businesses, local economies and communities around the nation. AEA Wired will highlight a different state each issue:




Airports: 75

Pilots: 24,118

Aircraft: 8,074

Jobs: 22,650

Econ. Impact: $1.91 Billion

Per Capita: $479


Notes: U.S. Air Force Academy is located in Colorado Springs.


Source: Alliance for Aviation Across America

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Current w ad 485

FAA Official Criticizes LightSquared; AEA President Says LightSquared's Quick Fix is Anything But 


John Hickey, Federal Aviation Administration deputy associate administrator for aviation safety, made headlines with his comments on LightSquared while speaking at the recent Air Traffic Control Association meeting in Washington, D.C. According to the Aero-News Network, Hickey said that the proposal from LightSquared is having a "chilling effect" on the rollout of NextGen, as well as operators considering making a significant investment in ADS-B hardware. More...


Mica Wants Long-Term FAA Bill by End of 2011

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman John Mica said he will take "every measure that's needed" to pass a four-year authorization of the Federal Aviation Administration by the end of the year. More...

Source: The Journal Of Commerce


Save the Date w ad 485

AEA International Convention and Trade Show 2012 Trailer
AEA International Convention and Trade Show 2012 Trailer

Reg Update 485

AEA Partners with International Aerospace Quality Group


The Aircraft Electronics Association has entered into a working agreement with the International Aerospace Quality Group, and the organizations have signed a memorandum of understanding. More...

ML Proof

Pilot's Guide to AvionicsPilot's Guide Cover


Request your FREE copy today!


The AEA's 2011-12 edition of the Pilot's Guide to Avionics is now available. Click Here to request a single copy or case.

Connection with Ad ICG

AEA Members Regard Avionics News Magazine as Their #1Oct. fc Association Benefit


The deadline to submit your Marketplace Classified ad for the December issue of Avionics News is coming up! Don't miss this opportunity to fill your positions, sell your equipment or share what new services are available.

2012 Avionics News Media Kits are now available. Reach your target audience: the decision-makers who recommend your products to the end-user in the general aviation industry. Let us help you design a marketing plan that gives you the best bang for your buck in 2012!


For more information, contact Lauren McFarland at


 Static w/ edmo 9/28

Time to Plan Ahead! 


AEA Offers Certified Repair Station Training Course

March 5-9, 2012

AEA International Headquarters


A week-long course divided into training modules designed for start-up repair stations as well as mature operations looking to improve their understanding of the regulations, performing internal audits and editing repair stations manuals.


Certified Repair Station Training Days


Click here to register now!


For more information, contact Mike Adamson, AEA vice president of member programs and education, at

"AEA Wired" is a complimentary e-newsletter and is published twice a month. 
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