The Bridge
The weekly newsletter of St. Mark's Lutheran Church by The Narrows                  
   November 16 , 2016 
Sunday Worship      
To hear podcast recordings of our Sunday Sermons
Click Here
St. Mark's Staff
Phil Rue, Visitation
Ingelaurie Lisher, Youth and Family
Music Ministry
Contemporary Music Ministry
Manager of Finance and Operations
Office Coordinator
Just Shopping

Just Shopping is an Internet Fundraising Program at St. Mark's. It's part of a three-tiered plan to eliminate our building debt by 2023. On-line purchase made through our website with affiliate companies helps pay off our building loan. Thank you for your support and please share this internet shopping opportunity with your family and friends! For more information, click here to visit our website. 


       Contact Us  
St. Mark's Lutheran Church by The Narrows

6730 N. 17th St.
Tacoma, WA 98406

Office: 253-752-4966
Preschool: 253-752-4929
Join our mailing list.
Wednesday Night Church Night Tonight!

5:00pm Little Angels Choir (CR)
5:15pm Dinner: 
Taco Bar, Suggested Donation $5
5:30pm Joyful Noise Choir (CR)
6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal (S)
6:00m Jubilation Choir, grades 3-5 (CR)
6:15pm Holy Moly (YR)
6:15pm Midweek Renewal (PCC)
7:30pm Prayer Service (PC)

Childcare is provided from 5-8pm for children up to 5 years of age while parents attend meetings, Bible Study and worship.

Nov. 22, Thanksgiving Interfaith Gathering

Please join us for the annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, which will be held on  Tuesday, November 22 at 7:00 pm at Bethlehem Baptist Church, 4818 Portland Avenue East, Tacoma. The theme is "Undivided in Faith" and those participating include representatives from the Jewish, Muslim, Sufi, Christian, Buddhist, Unitarian Universalist, Baha'i and Spiritual Living communities.

An interfaith choir is open to all participants who would like to gather the day of the event, quickly practice and learn a song, and then sing at the Thanksgiving Gathering. Plan to arrive at 6:00pm for a run-through of the song as an interfaith choir.  No need to sign up or RSVP.  This year's song selection is the South African Freedom Song "We Are Walking" (also known as "Siyahamba).  

Christmas Decorating!

Saturday, November 26th is the day...Christmas decorating!  We need your help.  Trees to trim, wreaths to hang, garlands to drape...all to get ready for our favorite church season, Advent and Christmas.  You only need to give a few hours on Saturday morning.  With lots of helpers, we will finish by noon.  Men and women equally put to work! Coffee and donuts provided.  See you at the coffee pot.  Call Mim Krabler (253-686-9373) with questions or suggestions.  

News from Your Backpack Program

Last month some of us were invited to present our back pack program to our Jewish neighbors at Temple Beth El. In response to that meeting Saint Mark's Back Pack Program was chosen to receive their  "Thanksgiving Offering of food" . Their generous donation is very much appreciated. 

So far this year we are delivering 53 food bags each week to DeLong Elementary School. The Social Worker at the school thinks that the need will be 60 or more by the end of November. Many Thanks to everyone who donates food and money to this much needed program.

Peace in Action!

Peace in Action! - Greater Tacoma Peace Prize Refugee Project

At the 2016 Laureate Recognition Banquet on September 22nd, the Greater Tacoma Peace Prize launched a project (with Lutheran Community Services) called "Peace in Action!" in order to support refugees in our area. Guests at the banquet gave generously. We ask that you join them. With your support, we want to raise funds - by December First - for as many "Kitchen Restart Kits" as possible for refugees settling in our area.

Join us in celebrating the 130th Anniversary of the Statue of Liberty (which was dedicated on Oct. 28, 1886) by honoring what it stands for. Just go to the GTPP website for further information and to make a contribution.
A donation of $200 will buy the necessary items for one  Kitchen Restart Kit. A donation of any amount will help.

Contact Janet Ruud if you would like more information or if you would like to join the "Kit Assembly Party" (tentatively set for December 9) and help us put together the kits. ( Janet Ruud 253-564-2832

Adopt a Member of A Family for Christmas

If you are adopting a member or two from one of our families in need, this is what to do:
1.Take a colored symbol (paper ornament) from the tree.  Sign your name and phone number on the matching symbol underneath.  Place the symbol with your name on it in the manila envelope for our records.

2. PLEASE WRAP TWO SEPARATE GIFTS!!!   Place the number from your symbol on both gifts to insure the right person gets them both.  We will put name tags on the packages before we deliver them.  


3. RETURN your wrapped and numbered gifts to St. Mark's by Sunday, December 11.   They can be placed under the Christmas tree.  

Questions???? Celesta Smith 272-8391,  Judy Droubay 759-6720, or Mary Jo Holum 752-3304
You can make a difference.
Thank you for caring and sharing.

Family Housing Network

St Mark's will be hosting families from the Family Housing Network the week of 
December 31 to January 6, 2017 .   Helpers are needed to work various jobs to support the families during their stay.  Please stop by the FHN tables  on Sunday  morning to sign up to help us as we provide meals, housing, and hospitality for these families.    A table for signing up to help will be available on Sundays,  November 13
, 20, and 27.

Make Your Shopping Dollars Go Further

If you shop on Amazon for the holidays, please consider designating St. Mark's (or your other favorite charity) to receive the money Amazon donates from each purchase. Login through and type in "St. Mark's Lutheran by The Narrows" to select our church. When you shop at, you'll find the exact same prices, selection and shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. 

Fair Trade Holiday Bazaar

November 27 and December 4,  8:30am-12:00pm in the Parish Commons
Stop by and start your Christmas shopping for beautifully handcrafted items made by artisans and farmers worldwide!  This season merchandise is from Ecuador, Egypt, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Bangladesh, Mexico, Nepal, Peru, Philippines,  Uganda, & Vietnam!     St Mark's orders merchandise from  SERRV, a non-profit, who creates long-term connections with artisans and farmers. By purchasing Fair Trade items we create change by empowering womensending more children to school, & protecting the environment by providing support to artisans and farmers worldwide through the purchase of their products! For questions, contact Susan Newsom or Catherine Terrill.
Come see...
  • Festive ornaments, Nativity scenes and Christmas décor 
  • Handcrafted jewelry, woven baskets, colorful scarfs and back again, leather wallet stocking stuffers 
  • Chocolates, teas, coffees, soups, oils and spices from Ghana, Israel, Nepal, South Africa, USA

Refugee Support Team Needs

The Refugee Support Team is asking for household items to set up an apartment for our Ugandan refugee family in anticipation of their move to an apartment soon. 

Please, see the refugee support table  on Sunday  and check out the need for both home furnishing and smaller household items. If you have gently used or new items you can donate, simply pick up the card with the item listed and then bring the donations to church on Sunday, November 13. Thank you for this important welcoming act. It is truly appreciated.

Lutheran Community Services
LCS needs additional volunteers to work as mentors, to provide short-term housing, and to provide weekday transportation.  Information and volunteer forms are available at the table in the Narthex. 

LWR and Nativity House Needs
Lutheran World Relief needs: bars of soap and hand towels.  Contact Randi Holland


Nativity House needs: warm, slightly used men's jackets. Contact Cathryn Cummings


Children and Youth Faith Formation

Advent Adventure! Sunday, November 27 9:45-11:30am in the CFC. Activities for all ages-Make an Advent Wreath, color a scene for our Advent wall, and much more.Donation accepted to help cover the cost of Advent Wreath supplies. *No regular Sunday School classes for children preschool to 12th grade.

St. Mark's Sunday School present the Christmas Story on December 11
  • Preschool/Pre-K-Singing and presentation of the Luke story during the 11:00 a.m. Worship Service.
    • Sat. Dec. 10 9:00-9:30 a.m. Dress rehearsal at St. Mark's in the Sanctuary
    • Sun. Dec. 11 10:15 a.m. costumes and warm up
    • Elementary age children (grades K-5th) Present Sheep in Heavenly Peace a musical retelling of the Luke 2 text. 1:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
      • Sun. Dec. 4 2:00 p.m.-principal cast rehearsal in the Sanctuary
      • Sat. Dec. 10 10:00a.m. Dress rehearsal in the Sanctuary 
      • Sun. Dec. 11 12:30pm Costume call
Lunch will be served on Sunday, Dec. 11 from 12:00-12:45 p.m. in the Parish Commons. Please sign up in the Narthex or the CFC by Sun. Dec. 4th if you and your family plan on participating (suggested donation $5.00 per person).
Children's Faith Formation-9:45-10:45am in the CFC

5-12th grade Faith Formation-Sunday mornings
  • 5/6th grade class with Angelie and Irv--Healings
  • 7/8th grade Confirmation with Bruce and Carl in youth Room-Review
  • 9-12th grade in the Fireside Room with Ingelaurie (Image of God)
Thursday, November 17 at St. Mark's grades 6-12th:
  • 5:30-6:30pm Youth Group with Nate and Ingelaurie in the PCC
  • 6:30-7:30pm Youth Choir with Cooper in the Sanctuary
SR ALYVE (9-12th grade) Pie Making Event!  Wednesday November 23rd 12:00-3:00 p.m. at the church. Cost: $5.00 per person. Sign up on the Youth Board by Nov. 16th if you are attending. Lunch is provided.
6-12th grade Spring/summer trip info. meeting for youth and parents-Tuesday, November 29 6-7pm in the Youth Room.
CYFF Committee Meeting-Tuesday, November 29 7-8:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room

December 10th-Fundraiser Opportunity 6 youth are needed to help with a dinner at church from 4-7pm. Sign up on the Youth Board by Dec. 4th if you can lend a hand.
Coming up...2017 and beyond!
  • Epiphany Event Fundraiser-Wednesday, Jan. 11th. Details and more information coming soon.
  • 9th grade Post Confirmation Retreat-Sunday, Jan. 15-Monday, Jan. 16 Cost: $20.00 per person. Sign up by Jan. 8th if you are attending.
  • Synod Youth Gathering (grades 7-12)-Feb. 3-5th Cost: $120.00 per person. Sign up with a $60.00 deposit by Jan. 8th if you are attending.
  • May Holden Village Youth Weekends are back! For youth grades 9-12th. We are looking at May 19-21 as our 1st choice weekend or May 26-28 2nd choice (Friday super early AM-Sunday late PM). See the Youth Board for more info. 
  • June 19-25 Luther 500 Festival--we have 2 spots left in a double room. This is a cross-generational trip, so youth attend with a parent/guardian. Cost: approx. $1200.00 per person (includes hotel lodging, 2 meals a day, admission to sites/museums, etc. and tour transportation) airfare to Germany separate.
  • July 6-9th (10-12th grade completed) Servant Trip--Cost TBA. Stevenson WA
  • July 15-22 (6-9th grade) completed plus a High school option--info coming soon on that one) Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp Service Week

Adult Faith Formation

Adult Forum-Sundays 9:45am in the Parish Commons Classroom
November 20, Reconciliation, the next chapter:  We welcome back Gerdon Jones  and Kerry Peddrick from Peace Community Center.  We had the chance to read and discuss God's vision of reconciliation in various passages of scripture.  This week we will turn our focus to Racial Reconciliation.  What is involved in this important work.  What is our role?  How does this help us move toward God's vision?  All are welcome to join the conversation.

Adult Class- Sundays 11am in the Parish Commons Classroom
November 20, "What Christ's prayers teach us about God" 
Jesus' prayers reveal his hopes and desires for our relationship with God.  Together we will study his prayers, as found in the gospels, and discuss their wisdom for us today. Led by Pastor Rebecca Shjerven

Wednesday Midweek Renewal;  6:15pm in the PCC
Devotional Classics-Join us as we read and reflect on some classic devotional writers in the Christian tradition.  This week: 
This week we read the work of 17th century French quietist Madame Guyon.  Next week, November 23rd, we will not meet for Wednesday class, in preparation for the Thanksgiving Holiday 

Tuesday "Fully Alive" Bible Study; 5:15pm in the Fireside Room
led by Sherry Maiura

Women's Bible Study; 9:30 am in the Parish Commons Classroom
Will be studying the Book of Acts.  For more information contact Ida Hagen, 253-759-0569 (

Noon Wednesday Text Study Luncheon in the Parish Commons Classroom
 Gather for lunch and conversation and study around the texts that will be heard in worship the following Sunday.  Conversation will be guided by the pastor who will be preaching, and by the insights and questions of the group. 

Have an item for the bridge?
Send it to by 8am on Tuesday. All items will be run for 2 weeks prior to the relevant date and will be edited for length. Don't forget to send your member notes and news!