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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                      July / August, 2017
In This Issue
2017 IFNA Awards
IFNA Practice News
IFNA Research News
IFNA Community News
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2017 IFNA Awards

Fifteen nominations from 6 countries were submitted for the 2017 IFNA Awards. Seven individuals and one organization were chosen by the   IFNA Awards Committee to receive an award at the Opening Ceremonies of IFNC13 in Pamplona, Spain on June 14, 2017. [Read more]

2017 Excellence in Family Nursing Award
2017 Innovative Contribution to Family Nursing Award
2017 Distinguished Partner in Family Health Care Award
  • Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta (Canada) (accepted by Dr. Nancy Moules)
2017 Rising Star in Family Nursing Award
IFNA Practice News
The new IFNA Position Statement on Advanced Practice Competencies for Family Nursing was developed by the IFNA Practice Committee and approved by the IFNA Board of Directors on May 01, 2017. This visionary IFNA Position Statement outlines the advanced practice competencies for family nurses to guide the care of families in all settings and provide a focus for nursing education, theory, and research related to family nursing.

A Social Media Toolkit is available to assist IFNA members in disseminating this new IFNA Position Statement.

To view all IFNA Position Statements and related Social Media Toolkits [Read more].

For more IFNA Practice News [Read more].  
IFNA Research News 
For the first time ever, the IFNA Research Committee sponsored Poster Awards at IFNC13 in Pamplona, Spain.  Thirty-two posters were submitted for the Poster Awards before the conference began to allow time for peer review. The posters and winners truly represented a global family nursing presence!

First Place
  • P1-28 The Grandparent's Experience in Pediatric Intensive Care unit (PICU)
    Erika Sana Moraes, Ana Márcia Chiaradia Mendes-Castillo, Faculty of Nursing of University of Campinas - UNICAMP, Campinas - São Paulo, Brazil
  • P1-23 Establishing a Cut-Off Point in the SFE-J to Assess Family Dysfunction Scores in Preliminary Groups of Dysfunctional Japanese Families
    Shota Kakazu, Junko Honda, Naohiro Hohashi, Kobe University Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan
Second Place
  • P2-06 A Literature Review of Factors Influencing Parental Role Attainment in Parents: An Analysis Based on the Concentric Sphere Family Environment Theory
    Hisashi Nakaguchi, Naohiro Hohashi, Junko Honda, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
  • P1-36 Meaning Making, Legacy Leaving and Dignity in Children and Young People's Palliative Care
    Joanna Smith, Alison Rodriguez, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
Third Place
  • P1-59 The Effects of Marital Satisfaction on Depression in Middleaged Couple: Analysis using an Actor-Partner Interdependence Model
    Geun-Yeong Cha, Suk-Sun Kim, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • P2-30  The Use of Social Media in Palliative Care and its Wider Intergenerational Impact
    Joanna Smith, George Peat, Alison Rodriguez, Unviersity of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
Honorable Mention
  • P2-19 Depression in Primary Care: Attitudes, Self-Perceived Competence and Beliefs of Novice Advanced Practice Nurses
    Sally Huey, Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA
For more IFNA Research News
Message from the outgoing IFNA President,
Dr. Carole Robinson (Canada)
. Dr. Robinson served IFNA in an Acting President role in 2013-2014 and served as President of IFNA from 2015-2017. [Read more]

Follow the IFNA blog 
Blog Editor: Dr. Joel Anderson (USA) 

July 19, 2017 blog post:  And to think that it started with IFNC13 [Read more]

The Limited Membership Drive (June 1-October 30, 2017)
This campaign, led by the IFNA Membership Committee, is designed to increase new IFNA members and grow our international family nursing community. Rewards are offered to IFNA members who recruit 5 new members. Please help spread the word about the benefits of an IFNA membership. [Read more]

IFNA Webinar

Register now for a new IFNA webinar on September 22, 2017: " State of the Science of Family Interviewing: A Collective Family Perspective" with Dr. Sandra Eggenberger (USA) and
Dr. Sonja Meiers (USA). [Read more]

Please use the following hashtags in your social media conversations:
@IFNAorg, #familynursing, #familyhealth,
This monthly IFNA Newsletter is edited by the IFNA Communications Committee