Region 4 Parent Technical Assistance Center   
News Brief  8/22/17
Milestone Matching and More
The CDC has developed a great, interactive webpage to help families identify typical milestones in early childhood and recognize when it may be time dig deeper for a possible diagnosis.  It contains videos in both English and Spanish to aid in family and caregiver training and houses related links at the bottom that lead to even more disability-related materials developed by the CDC. 
Families facing possible early childhood support are some of the most overwhelmed families.  Therefore, they are even less likely that the typical families we serve to find the time to engage in a face to face training or even a teleconference.  Providing practical tools like the one in today's news brief to your families will allow them to learn at their own pace in their own space. 
Enhancing your center's ability to provide parents with the knowledge and skills needed to partner to improve outcomes for their children. 

Region 4 Parent Technical Assistance Center - WI FACETS