Senior Families
In This Issue
W&M Ranked Among Smartest Colleges

William & Mary is one of the smartest public colleges in the country, according to a report published by Business Insider Monday.

The business and technology news website listed the university third among "The 104 Smartest Public Colleges in America."

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Thoughts for the month:

The current developmental challenge for our young adults is how to separate to form an adult identity that is based in their interests, purpose, things they value and things they find meaningful while at the same time relating to their family from this adult identity. 


One way to help is to have meaningful conversations with our young adults about the experiences that have informed our current state of wisdom, knowledge, or perspectives on life.

The W&M CC will be offering suggestions in the coming newsletters that speak to your young adults' need to separate from - and relate to - their family.  It is our hope to help ease and facilitate optimal emotional health and adult identity development.

Thanksgiving Travel
Travelling for Thanksgiving this year?

Don't forget about the shuttle, sponsored by the Student Assembly, which makes stops at the Newport News, Richmond, and Norfolk airports.


Check out the departure times and costs on the Transportation Services website.  You can also find information on Amtrak, buses, and private charters. 

November 2014 
The Haven Opens

The Dean of Students Office recently celebrated the Grand Opening of The Haven, "a place where survivors of sexual assault may find support, advocacy and empowerment." Over 200 students, faculty, and professional staff, including President Taylor Reveley, helped commemorate the launch by visiting the newly opened space. The Haven is an initiative born of the William and Mary Task Force on Preventing Sexual Assault and Harassment.

Career Plan Workshop Series
If your student has not attended any of the career center's previous workshops, this is a great opportunity! These sessions will take place on Wednesday, November 19th and will cover the important tools and resources every student should have and use in their career development game plan. Workshop topics include Internship Search Strategies; Resume, Cover Letter, and LinkedIn; Effective Interviewing; and the On-Campus Interviewing Program.
Study Abroad in Summer 2015!

This fall, the Global Education Office sent out a call to past study abroad participants for its annual Study Abroad Photo Contest. More than 70 students submitted an incredible 180 photos across four categories: Culture, Location, Tribe in Action, & Kitchen Sink. Category winners will receive an enlarged canvas print of their photograph, which will be displayed at the Summer Program Open House on Wednesday, November 12th. 

Big Changes to Campus!

Chandler Hall is undergoing major renovation. Opened in 1931 and named after the 19th President of the College, J.A.C Chandler, the residence hall will re-open in fall 2015.

Follow the progress on our website!
#NoTitleNeeded Celebrated in November
The Office of Student Leadership Development is kicking off an awareness campaign entitled #NoTitleNeeded during the month of November. The purpose of the #NoTitleNeeded campaign is to elevate the idea that everyone has the opportunity to engage in leadership and being a leader isn't just about having position or authority. Everyone has the capacity to care and work to create positive change in the communities in which they are involved. For more info, check out our #NoTitleNeeded campaign video. There will be contributing blogs, recognition of individuals and groups who exemplify #NoTitleNeeded, and a social media campaign that you can follow on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
Sexual assault task force brings together campus-wide effort

Chaired by Vice President for Student Affairs Ginger Ambler, the task force is comprised of students, faculty and staff from across the university, all of whom already work on some aspect of these issues.


President Taylor Reveley, who formed the task force, charged it with coming up with recommendations in four areas: campus climate, prevention and education, training for faculty and staff, and investigation and adjudication.

Gifts of all sizes make a difference every day!

Did you know the Parents Fund supports the creation of new student organizations? Your gifts encourage students to explore their passions and learn valuable leadership skills in the process.

Support the Parents Fund today!
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Parent & Family Programs
William and Mary
P.O. Box 8795
Williamsburg, VA 23187
Phones: (757) 221-2510

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