Students are saying 
'Put the guns away'

Trust Pays bus ad

Memphians soon will see the new messaging campaign above on the rear ends of Memphis Area Transit Authority buses, and MATA riders will read it on interior ad placards.
CrimeStoppers is celebrating 10 years of removing guns and other weapons - as well as drugs for use and sale -f rom schools through the Trust Pays program. CrimeStoppers has averaged seventeen guns confiscated per school year because good students tell an adult they trust about illegal behaviors in their schools.
The advertising campaign reinforces the idea that the classroom is no place for guns and other weapons and that the unique CrimeStoppers program in the schools works.

Arrests quickly result 
from move  by Millington 
to join CrimeStoppers

Criminals beware: CrimeStoppers' reach has widened.
By the time that the City of Millington had officially joined CrimeStoppers of Memphis and Shelby County upon a second reading of an ordinance October 9, two arrests had been made resulting from tips from citizens of the northern Shelby County municipality.
Most CrimeStoppers tips come in to the organization's well-known tips line, 528-CASH (2274) and are quickly investigated as information moves from the Memphis Police Department's Real Time Crime Center officers to whatever law enforcement agency needs to follow up on the information. Millington citizens now are automatically connected to the number if they call the old Millington Crimestoppers number, and citizens are quickly learning the popular "CASH" number as the best option.
In moving under the umbrella of the bigger CrimeStoppers program, Millington and the old Millington Crimestoppers Program together also made a $10,000 monetary gift to the organization to help pay for future awards, and to help keep CrimeStoppers of Memphis and Shelby County fiscally strong.
"We are thankful that leading citizens in Millington reached out to us," said E. Winslow (Buddy) Chapman, executive director of CrimeStoppers. "Working more closely together will only make law enforcement agencies stronger and our communities safer."
As always, citizens with information that may be helpful in solving a felony crime also can send a tip by text or by secure webmail. See how right here.

CopperStoppers was created by CrimeStoppers in collaboration with businesses to fight the theft of and illegal sales, purchases and transportation out of town of copper and other scrap metals.

Copper stripped from wiring, appliances, plumbing or electrical boxes may bring hundreds of dollars when sold, but often results in thousands of dollars in damages to homes, apartments, churches and other facilities.

Special awards up to $1,000 are available for information leading to arrests. 
Help stop the criminals - the "copperheads" - doing economic harm to our community.

Visit for information on how to help.      

Help spread the word

If you like - we hope you do! - you can help the cause against the metal thieves by liking our new  CopperStoppers Facebook page. And tell your friends, co-workers and acquaintances.

While you're at it, let them know about the main   CrimeStoppers Facebook page too.

Websites building 
new awareness

CrimeStoppers and its many programs are explained - and the public is engaged - in various places on the internet.

Our main website explains the organization's purpose, and keeps count on major cases in which police need help from citizens  -

A companion site helps students keep their schools safer -

Senior citizens who are afraid or otherwise need help can find information they can use at another site -

Spanish-speaking citizens can learn about CrimeStoppers on a fourth site - 

Now, because the theft of copper and other metals has become a major problem in the metro area we have launched a website for our newest program, CopperStoppers:

Take a quick
survey on DV

Most people know that domestic violence is a scourge on the community and a major trigger for crime.
Researchers find that attitudes, opinions and awareness are important indicators and even can help prevent violence at home or between individuals who know each other.
A local survey has been produced to measure what people think about DV in Memphis and Shelby County. The survey takes only a few minutes to complete.

Will you give a few (minutes) to help make a (big) difference?

Tips needed
In latest hot case

Do you know the robber in the hooded Old Navy sweatshirt?

His photo and those of two accomplices were captured by surveillance cameras recently when three men held a "grab and dash" robbery of expensive watches at a jewelry store in Wolfchase Galleria mall. They used sledgehammers 
to break the glass protecting the goods.
R ead more about this and other CrimeStoppers hot cases here - and see all three photos of the suspects. 

September tips
lead to 40 arrests

In September, 2016, 38 citizen tips helped the Memphis Police Department and the Shelby County Sheriff's Office clear 37 cases and make 40 felony arrests. A total of $10,750 awards were approved to be paid to citizens who called in successful tips.
Although the numbers were slightly lower than the same month in 2015, overall numbers continue to be up for the full year.
The cases cleared in September included one homicide. So far this year, 266 cases have been cleared, including 422 individuals arrested.  The tips helped police arrest several women in the headline-making thefts of thousands of dollars worth of hair weaves from beauty salons during the month.

2574 Sam Cooper Boulevard
Memphis, TN 38112