                                                                                                                                                        November 2016
Nazarene Missions International

Renee Kindle
District NMI President

Nazarene Youth International

Mark your calendars 
July 24-28

July 23-27, 2018

J. Todd Keller
District NYI President

Hello Allies,
It was so good to see you at this year's Harvest Party last week.  Our team, led by NYI Vice President Josh Parker did a phenomenal job and 200+ enjoyed a crazy fun night.  I got to talk to Paula Bard, a wonderful friend of mine from Bloomington First who made the drive to the Harvest Party so that one teen from her teen group could be reunited with her district Allies family.  Paula represents just one member of our very strong NWIL team, youth pastors, workers and volunteers who put in substantial hours being Jesus to our teens.  Thank you for the part you play in NYI & BE ENCOURAGED!  We see you, need you, and appreciate you so much!
I want to see you at District Celebrate Life, January 28, 2017 at Pekin First.  Celebrate Life is our strengthening event.  We seek to strengthen our team, relationships, commitments to Christ, and the talents and skills that God has given us.  I can't wait to see you.
And, pray for our youth pastors on the district as we will be attending the Youth Specialties National Youth Workers Conference next week in Cincinnati, OH.  As a district NYI counsel, it is our pleasure to support these men and women who invest so much in our district youth!  Pray that God will enlarge our vision and bless these pastors! 
Let's Keep Talking About Jesus, Allies!
J. Todd Keller,
NYI District President
Schedule 2016-2017
11/19 Rockford Samuelson Road
10/15 Quizfest - Kankakee
12/02-12/03 St. Louis Invitational
01/21 Galesburg
02/18 Sterling Invitational
03/25 New Hope 
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-Ministry Call- 
NMI with the collaboration of NYI and SDMI has been trying to compile a list of children and youth who have expressed a call into ministry. The goal of NMI's Ministry Call is to educate, inform and guide those children and youth called into ministry get as much help in following through with those calls. Being able to pray for them by name and introducing them to opportunities to develop in their particular area of ministry.  
If you know of a student who feels called into ministry please let Ronda Hollars know by giving her a call at 815-875-1900 
or by email Ronda Hollars 
Sunday School Discipleship International
"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."   Matthew 28:19-20
As you are going,
THINK BIG: Every relationship, every interaction, all inclusive.

And make disciples,
START SMALL: You. Be one. Be a Christ-like disciple. Re-present Jesus.

Baptizing them, immersing them in Jesus,
GO DEEP: Pray. Empty yourself. Sacrifice.

Ellyn Book
District SDMI Director

Anne Whalen
District Children's Director

Teaching vs. Discipling
  • A teacher shares information. A discipler shares his life.
  • A teacher aims for the head. A discipler aims for the heart.
  • A teacher measures knowledge. A discipler measures faith.
  • A teacher is an authority. A discipler is a servant.
  • A teacher says, "Listen to me." A discipler says, "Follow me."
Before the Passover celebration, Jesus knew that his hour had come to leave this world and return to his Father. He now showed the disciples the full extent of his love.
Jesus knew that the Father had given him authority over everything and that he had come from God and would return to God. So he got up from the table, took off his robe, wrapped a towel around this waist, and poured water into a basin. Then he began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel he had around him.
After washing their feet, he put on his robe again and sat down and asked, "Do you understand what I was doing? You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord' and you are right, because it is I true. And since I, the Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other's feet. I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you. You know these things-now do them! That is the path of blessing. 
John 13: 1, 3-5, 12-15, 17
Jesus has given us an example to follow (as our Discipler).  He shares his life with us; he aims for our heart, he measures our faith; he serves us continually, he says "follow me".
And Jesus says "I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you. You know these things-now do them!"
Children's Ministry
Schedule 2016-2017    
11/12/16 - Sterling 
02/04/17 - Pekin 
04/29/17- Peoria First
Rosie Furston
Children's Quizzing Director 
Children's Ministry Workers 
If you're on Facebook, check out the newly created group NWIL Children's Ministry and request to join! We will be sharing children's ministry ideas, borrowing curriculum, bouncing ideas off one another and encouraging each other as we all seek to point kids toward Christ.  

Mark your
July 5-8
June 25-28, 2018    
The Relationship Factor Workshop
The workshop, focusing on understanding and ministering to those with challenging behaviors, was presented twice in October. The workshop was sponsored by NWIL SDMI and presented by Pastor Irene Lewis-Wimbley.
It was attended by more than 80 participants, from over 15 churches across our district.
Some comments from the workshop survey:
  • "Outstanding in so many ways."
  • "Please offer this more often in more locations."
  • "Thank you so much for this class. It helped me so much! I believe what I learned is going to help our kids."
  • "Fantastic training. In fact, I am going to use this in my workplace (with adults)."
If you are interested in more information about this workshop, please contact Irene at
On behalf of the SDMI Council, a special thank you to Irene for sacrificing her time and sharing her knowledge with us to benefit God's kingdom. We also thank Peoria First and Sterling First for not only hosting this event for us, but for their exceptional hospitality.
Discipleship IS relationships.  THINK BIG, START SMALL, GO DEEP.
Ellyn Book, SDMI Chair
Church News
Are exciting things happening in your church? We would love to share it with our district family.  Please send a short article and pictures to NWIL District Office
Great Commission
Click below

Funding the Mission
For generations, Nazarenes have supported the World Evangelism Fund. Together, we've accomplished so much in our first 100 years. Join us on a journey into the next 100 years and partner with the Church of the Nazarene to make Christlike disciples in the nations. In our new plan for Funding the Mission, the World Evangelism Fund is the vehicle through which we deliver the message of hope - and your church drives our mission more than ever before.

The report below may not reflect actual end of year numbers. Corrections and updates are still being made.  October 2016 Report
Thank Offering
When you look around, you can't help but notice it: God has blessed us in so many ways. The psalmist calls on us to "sacrifice thank offerings and tell of his works with songs of joy" (Psalm 107:22). When we give back, we recognize God as the giver of all good things. We remember now so that we never forget: it's All From Him.

"All From Him" is the theme for the 2016 Thanksgiving, or Thank, Offering. Together, we join in prayer and preparation for this annual emphasis in the Church of the Nazarene. As our gifts come together through the World Evangelism Fund, we make Christlike disciples in the nations. We remember God's generosity toward us and respond by giving back and spreading the gospel around the world.
Celebrate Life 

Date: JANUARY 28, 2017
Time: 9:00am-4:00pm
Location: Pekin First

May 11-13, 2017

Questions: Kim Brock, District CL Director
309-231-5875 (cell) or 309-346-3053 (church)
It's that time of year again: time to make plans to attend SuperStart 2017! SuperStart is a high energy event designed specifically for 5th and 6th graders. The event takes place in Bloomington on
March 10th & 11th and is a weekend that your pre-teens don't want to miss! Please see your local Children's Director for more details, or visit the district website.

Questions: Lori Bradshaw, District SuperStart Director
Dynamic Church Planting International
Churches Planting Churches

Churches trained across NWIL District to think about what it looks like to reproduce! The following completed Churches Planting Churches.
Mike Stipp (Eureka Grace & Bloomington Grace), Dean Potts (Smithfield), Irene Lewis-Wimbley (Sterling First), Todd Keller (Point of Change), Jim Buchanan (Havana), Lloyd Brock (Pekin First), Cheryl Sherwood (Pekin First), Brett Smith (Bakersfield First) Trainers: Kim Smith (DS of Iowa), Jeff Stark (Bridgeway)

Church Planting Essentials 
Fantastic class of Northwestern Illinois pastors and leaders who completed Church Planting Essentials class! Thank you Scott Sherwood and Kevin Donley for teaching this class. Kingdom building is taking place.
Scott Sherwood (DS of NWIL), Dave VanHouwe (Eureka Grace), Ronda Hollars (New Hope), James Book (DA of NWIL), Trish Wilson (Rock Island), Rita Lovell (Sunnyland), Lisa Abbott (Rock Island), Mark Abbott (Rock Island), John Spohn (North Side), Jesse Pierson (Bridgeway), Ray Barker (DCPI-NWIL), Marcus Rensberry (North Side)

Certified DCPI Trainers
Two more Certified Trainers to help provide us with Church Planting Kingdom Building tools! Irene Lewis-Wimbley (Sterling), Jesse Pierson (Bridgeway) 
Lay Ministry Studies

Here you will find the studies needed to pursue th e Cer tificate of Lay Ministry. While anyone is welcome to take these stu dies, these studies are specifically designed for those who have gone through the steps as outlined by the Manual for the Church of the Nazarene and have already received the certificate to become a Lay Minister. For more information, be sure and visit our Requirements For The Certificate of Lay Ministry
page. Here you will find information on the process to become a Lay Minister.


Communicating the Gospel 

History and Polity 

John Wesley's Theology 

New Testament Study 

Old Testament Study 

Spiritual Formation  


General Assembly

BGS announces theme for General Assembly
click below for full article.

Indianapolis, Indiana
June 21-30, 2017 
11/10 - POPS - Galesburg
11/12 - Children's Quiz - Sterling
11/15 - DAB - Ottawa
11/15 - SDMI Meeting - Peoria
11/19 - Teen Quiz - Rockford Samuelson Road  
12/01 - MST/ZF Meeting - Peoria First 9:30am-2:00pm
12/02-03 - St. Louis Quiz
12/08 - POPS - New Hope
01/12 - POPS - Rock Island
01/17 - SDMI Meeting 6pm Peoria
01/17 - DAB - New Hope
01/18 - BOM Prep Day - Peoria First
01/19 - BOM Interviews - Peoria First
01/21 - Teen Quiz - Galesburg
01/26 - MST-ZF online meeting 9:30am-11:30am
01/28 - Celebrate Life - Pekin First
Quick Links
District Leaders
NWIL District Advisory Board
                  MINISTERIAL                    LAYMAN
                  Rev. Scott Sherwood          Brett Spengler
                  Rev. Bill Clark                    Carole Eatock
                  Rev. Jim Book                    Keith Peachey
                  Rev. Lloyd Brock                Kevin Singletary
                  Rev. Kevin Donoho
ONU Board of Trustees
                  Rev. Scott Sherwood          Rev. William Clark
                  Rev. Lloyd Brock                Cheryl Sherwood
                  Ken Roat 
Zone Facilitators

                        ZONE                     FACILITATORS & E-MAIL
                        Bloomington           Mike Stipp
                        Fox Valley               Kevin Donoho
                        Galesburg               Harold Berrian
                        Lincoln Highway     
                        Pekin/Peoria            Lloyd Brock
                        Southwest               Harold Berrian
                        Spoon River             Randy Munson
                        Quad Cities            
                        Blackhawk               Brian Eatock
NWIL District Team

District Superintendent
Rev. Scott Sherwood
Jim Book
District Secretary
District Administrator
Rev. James Book

District Treasurer
District DCPI Coordinator
Rev. Ray Barker

NWIL Office Manager
Pamela Smith

Board Of Ministry
Rev. Bob Hasselbring

Course of Study
Rev. Scott Whalen

