Gazette Monthly | November 2016

For the close of our season, we certainly have been busy these last four weeks!
On October 31 we celebrated our year end as we checked the last of our visiting veterinarians out for our final party before the Christmas Season. I will get into more detail on the veterinary medicine seminar we recently hosted, but I want to say how grateful both the staff and horses were to have such an opportunity. There was a lot of man-power that went into organizing such an event, and both guests and staff pulled together to accomplish a truly amazing feat: 98 horse's teeth floated in 3 days!

We're all so excited to build, grow and explore not only as a guest ranch, but in other equestrian pursuits as well. Staying at the forefront of the horsemanship industry will allow us the excel as a guest ranch in ensuring the care and training of our stock is always exceptional and current. 
The 3 days we spent at The Mane Event was also useful in sparking inspiration for new equine-related ventures we want to explore in 2017. Have something you're interested in, and think the ranch would be the perfect host? Cattle drive? Ride-a-thon? Clinic? Want to bring your own horses up for a week? Please email me directly, as I would love to put together something custom for your group!

- Taylor Ormiston

A huge thanks to everybody who stopped by the Flying U booth during the Mane Event. It was amazing to see some new and old friends, and connected with some incredible industry professionals.
And we couldn't help but do a little shopping while there . . . 

New Saddle Bags!
We bought 8 new sets of neoprene saddle bags, to replace some of the worse-for-wear models we currently have down at the barn. 

Get down the barn early nest summer for dibs on the new sets!

Anyone who packed a lunch on an all-day ride this summer (or noticed us stitching bags with fishing line) likely noticed the dire need for some new bags. 

New Bits!
We also bought snaffle bits to replace the curb and tom thumb models currently in use at the barn. We are excited to offer our horses softer copper bits; the copper in the bit encourages saliva in the mouth, lubricating the horses mouth and encouraging engagement. We truly believe many of our horses do not need a harsh a bit as they were previously ridden it, and hope that both horse and rider are able to communicate more clearly with the more forgiving tack. 

Raffle Winner
Congratulation to Diane Mayes of Two Heart Horsemanship! Diane has won a 3 night riding vacation at the Flying U, valid for any 2017 dates. 

Don't want to miss out on the fun? 


The Flying U Ranch recently hosted the ICEVO Combination Basic and Advanced Equine Dentistry Seminar. Some top international experts on equine dentistry lectured, facilitated and coached fifteen vets from all over North America - Seriously, participants came from as far as North Dakota and Georgia!

What exactly happened?
Horses need dental work just like people do. Abnormal wear can create sharp points on horses normally flat teeth, causing pain, and preventing the horse from being able to properly chew it's forage, and digest the nutrients. In extreme cases, the pain may be so great it prevents the horse from being able to freely eat. 

What is "floating?"
Floating a horse's teeth means to file or rasp their teeth to make the chewing surfaces relatively flat or smooth. The type of file used for this is called a "float," which is where the procedure gets its name. In our seminar the veterinarians used both hand and power floats were used. 

Some of our horses also had loose, corroding, and reabsorbing teeth, which needed to extracted. Horses, like people, are much more comfortable once problem teeth have been removed, and generally this does not effect their ability to graze normally.

The horses were all sedated for the procedures, which were primarily performed in our barn with extensive technical veterinary equipment. 

And why is this so exciting?
Neglected dental care can cause both horse and owner all types of problems.

Pain in the mouth can affect soundness and manners both on ground and under saddle. Horses with dental pain are often harder to catch, and can toss their heads and pull at their reins in protest to the discomfort caused by the bit. Dental work makes the horse much more  comfortable, often having the same effect on the rider/handler. 

Horses with sharp points and loose or infected teeth cannot break down the fibres in their food, preventing them from being able to properly absorb nutrients. Often, when one finds trouble keeping condition on a horse (especially an older horse) the root problem can be found in the mouth (pun not intended); when a horse starts dropping condition (weight), the first thing you generally have checked are it's teeth. 

Over the next few weeks we will be comparing weights on many of our older, harder keepers, looking for increase in condition. Not only were we able to drastically improve comfort for our geriatrics, but hopefully, will be able to keep weight on easier over the winter months. 

We were also lucky enough to have a surplus of advice on worming and feeding, with Dr. Booth going as far as to help us devise us a new winter feeding plan.

With some smooth new teeth, increased supplements in their diets, and new worming plans, we are looking forward to retiring some of our hardest workers is as much comfort as possible.


Well with things slowing up we have finally had a chance to button down The Ranch and get ready for winter. We have also had a chance to get some improvements done.

The docks, boats, and canoes have been taken in and put under wraps. All the antique equipment has been moved inside and restoration work will be done over the winter and spring to maintain condition on the historic relics.

We purchased a new plow for one of our trucks and we are ready to spring into action to keep the ranch roads cleared.

We are excited about adding some insulation and heat to our "public buildings." Now you won't be asked to bring blankets to the theatre because it's toasty warm 12 months of the year! The general store and the dorm have also received electrical and heating upgrades.

Best news is that we have taken another of our ranch houses and converted it into guest accommodations. This three bedroom panabode has also received electrical and heating upgrades and has hot and cold running water and facilities. This will be available for bookings in December and 2017 at a small premium.

So the result is that our shoulder and winter season has been made much more cozy here at The Flying U for both corporate and individual guests alike.

The management is committed to making the ranch more accessible to more people for more months. But at the same time the bedrock of the business, the quiet summer days with the heritage cabins and the home cooked lodge meals remain the same!


The Flying U strives to remain an active an supportive member of our local communities. This year we will be proud to sponsor:

  • Watch Lake/Green Lake Gymkhana
  • David Stodart School - PAC Dinner & Auction
  • Lone Butte 4 H Club - Jr Horse Show
  • KTRA - Kamloops Therapeutic Riding Association
  • Clinton Annual Ball - 150th Year

Flying U President, John Lovelace, was honoured to be this year's MC at the BC Aviation Councils Award night. It was a great chance to promote the Ranch, and many of the 300 aviation industry guests were old friends of The Flying U. Many will be back to visit us in 2017.


TRACEY WALL has left the Flying U and accepted the General Manager position of our sister company, Prospector's Roadhouse. Tracey worked two years in our lodge at the Ranch, and will be greatly missed. However, this is a fantastic career opportunity for Tracey and we wish her the best.

We know she's going to do great things in town and hopefully she'll be back for her famous cameo spoon performances!

NANCY LOVELACE worked tirelessly behind the scenes all summer balancing our books. But the little part time job has grown into full time with the expansion into the golfing and restaurant business. So she decided to step down to spend more time with the grandchildren and will be helping Brenda transition over the next few weeks. It was an incredible first year, and we certainly could not have accomplished it without Nancy - so thank you very much!

BRENDA SPURRELL is very excited to join the fabulous team here at The Flying U Ranch Group as the Accounting Manager. She has over 25 years experience in accounting and administration, and has worked all across Canada in various service industries.

Born in Newfoundland, Brenda has lived and worked in Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, and has made her home for the past 16 years in British Columbia, where she met her husband.

They have two beautiful daughters, aged 12 and 13, who are the light of their lives. They have always lived in the lower mainland but visited the beautiful Cariboo a couple of years ago, and fell in love with the area and so bought an acreage that same year and built a cabin.

Brenda is looking forward to working with a great company, and enjoying all that the area has to offer, and ecstatic to be able to call this place her home now! 

"Life has a way of surprising us sometimes, and I was very excited when this opportunity came up! The five year plan is happening much sooner, and I couldn't be happier."

There's still time to reserve next year's vacation at 2016 prices. 
So get on the phone or book online till November 30th to save $$$!