James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS)
CNS News & Views:
November 2016
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Tracking Radioactive Sources in Moldova through Social Media
Last month, CNS expert Margarita Kalinina-Pohl traveled to the Republic of Moldova for discussions with the National Agency for Regulation of Nuclear and Radiological Activities (NARNRA) on the implementation phase of the  CNS-NARNRA collaborative project on tracking and locating orphaned and legacy radioactive sources in Moldova using new media tools. 

If successful, this model can be used by other states for tracking and locating radioactive sources and other materials which can pose threats to nuclear, chemical, and biological security.

US-made pressure transducer at enrichment facility in Natanz
Tightening Anti-Trafficking Measures
States such as Iran and North Korea have advanced their nuclear-weapon ambitions by acquiring nuclear-related commodities in violation of export controls. In an article for the Nuclear Threat Initiative, CNS Deputy Director Leonard Spector examined how these states skirted extant export controls to build their programs.

A forthcoming CNS Occasional Paper, also by Deputy Director Spector, takes this analysis further by offering practical steps to strengthen the international regime designed to combat such procurement, including ways to confront the next would-be nuclear proliferator. 

Ambassador Sergey Kislyak
High-Level Russian Official Leads Discussion on Bilateral Relations
On November 12, 2016, CNS and the Graduate Initiative in Russian Studies hosted a discussion with Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak on the state of US-Russian relations and the prospects for their improvement. CNS Director William C. Potter, who has known Ambassador Kislyak since shortly after the ambassador began his career with the Soviet foreign service, moderated the discussion.

Tiara Shaya delivering a speech on behalf of CNS and MENACS.
Next Generation Experts at the Bioweapons Review Conference

In the lead-up to the Eighth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), CNS Research Associate Gabrielle Tarini published an article in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, looking at ways that states could keep the treaty fresh, effective, and meaningful. 

CNS Research Associate Tiara Shaya delivered a speech to introduce to state parties the CNS project, the Middle East Next Generation of Arms Control Specialists ( MENACS) network.

Also at the BWC conference, held in Geneva November 7-25, MENACS members launched a new website, The website aims, inter alia, to enhance knowledge and awareness of the treaty and expand outreach to stakeholder communities.
Siegfried S. Hecker is a research professor in the Department of Management Science and Engineering and a senior fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University.
Superpower WMD Cooperation 
Two new CNS resources highlight how, even during the height of the Cold War or its immediate aftermath, the United States and the Soviet Union/Russia could productively cooperate on important nonproliferation projects:
Learn more about CNS and MIIS efforts to promote US-Russian cooperation by training the next generation of American and Russian experts. 

You can follow Nate Taylor on Twitter @nateisgood
MIIS student Nate Taylor Showcased at 
The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) highlighted the work of MIIS student and CNS Graduate Research Assistant Nate Taylor, and his 3D modeling contributions to the website. The article also hails the CNS-NTI partnership as an integral part of the efforts to "develop sorely needed next-generation capacity on global security issues." 

Read more.
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Potter and Pomper on Trump's Nuclear Policy Direction
Buzzfeed's Dan Vergano contacted CNS Director William Potter and Senior Fellow Miles Pomper to find out what President-elect Donald J. Trump's policy will likely be on a range of top WMD challenges. 

"It is very hard to forecast anything with respect to Mr. Trump, as his views appear to be very shallow and often contradictory," Potter told Vergano by email. "Much will depend on the national security team he assembles."