Happy Almost Thanksgiving!

We want to take a moment to let you know how thankful we are for having you as a volunteer. Moreover, we will never truly know how thankful our patients are for our friendship, service and our prayers.
But most of all, this time of year, what we are most thankful for is you.
Houston Ground Angels
Management Review
November 2016
From Tony Castiglie, Vice President & Treasurer
In spite of the rash of website problems, September was a very productive month.  The 234 missions we ran was the 4th busiest September ever.  Under extremely & trying circumstances, the Mission Coordinators were successful in keeping the organization rolling. It was not easy.
Unfortunately, October was different.   The 216 missions was the lowest October since 2009, the result of several contributing factors.  Constant problems with the website discouraged volunteers from logging on.  The word about our organization is really getting out & many patient requests are coming following contacts with the American Cancer Society & M.D. Anderson Social workers.
Our annual total is 2,118 & keeps us on track to hit our goal of 2,500 for the year.  Thus far during 2016, 94 volunteers have run missions.  The leaders - Charles Whitworth (201), Paulette Blackburn (168), Richard Chidlow (157), Charles Gibson (104) & Mary Hutto (79) - continue to lead the way.   Thanks to all who run missions.
We continue in our ability to satisfy most mission requests but we hope to do better.  Our fulfillment rate for the year is 91%, under our stated goal of 95%.  Many of those missions not chosen by volunteers are those either late into the night or very early in the morning.  However, with a big increase in the patient requests for our services, we have become short of having enough volunteers to satisfy some of those requests.  Please do what you can to encourage others to join our ranks.
Four new volunteers joined us during September & October; Missy Callan & Kathie Byrd, both formerly with Angel Flight South Central Ground Crew, and Ricardo Perugine & Sandi Nizzi.  Welcome aboard!
To every volunteer, "Thank You" for being part of this wonderful organization and making it the success that it is.  Our expectation is that 2016 will be another great year ever!
Homemade Turkey Thanksgiving Dinner
This time of year, patients would like to take care of their treatments in time to be home for the holidays, so more missions are being requested.
Please consider visiting the website or reviewing the missions sent via email to see if one meets with your schedule.

December Event:

Houston Ground Angels will be hosting their Holiday/Christmas Party for Volunteers and their spouses/guests on December 8, 2017, at Massraff's Restaurant, 1753 Post Oak Blvd. Houston, TX 77056, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Please RSVP to ladymaitland@msn.com or 832.752.9645

Upcoming Events:

In 2017, we have a number of events planned for volunteers and their spouses/guests, such as a boat and dinner tour through the Port of Houston, Urban Harvest Farmer's Market, Heritage Society Tour of Historical Homes, Houston Planetarium, Houston Arboretum Nature Center, Holiday Parties, wine tasting, etc. So we hope you will consider joining us. Plans for the year will be announced in the first newsletter of the year. After all, Houston Ground Angels not only support our mission faithfully, we also get together and have fun or simply enjoy an afternoon or evening with other volunteers and making new friends. So again, please plan to join us!

End of the Year Business
If your auto insurance renews this time of year, please remember to snail mail or email a copy of your insurance renewal. We are required by law, to keep these records for all of our volunteers.
Thank you.

Inviting Friends and Family...
The number of Missions is growing almost daily, and many of the missions are going unfulfilled. In an effort to cover a higher percentage of Missions, we are asking each volunteer to please consider sharing Houston Ground Angels' mission and all that we do, and invite them to join us. If you would like brochures, please do not hesitate to let me know. Just call 832.752.9645. Thank you!