"In addition to being vague, there has been 'little transparency' in regards to how the government's criteria [for countries of focus] -- need; capacity; and alignment with Canadian foreign policy -- have been 'applied to come up with focus and partner lists.'"
"The Canadian economy continues to adjust to lower oil prices and a soft global economic backdrop."
"77% of countries could see their incomes fall by 23% in the next 75 years if human-caused climate change goes unchecked."
"We are witnessing a transformation of global power markets led by renewables and, as is the case with other fields, the center of gravity for renewable growth is moving to emerging markets."
"Solar is just the way in; the ultimate goal is to disrupt finance. (Kopa is Swahili for borrow.) After customers pay down their solar kit, which usually takes about a year, they can remortgage it to buy other items from M-Kopa that would otherwise be too expensive: low-wattage TVs, water tanks, smartphones."
"It was in 1970 that countries at the UN General Assembly made a resolution committing all rich countries to spending 0.7 per cent of their gross national income on international aid. Who stood at Canada's helm when this promise was made? One Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Today, 46 years later his son stands in that same office, with the power to follow through on the promises made by his father."