The Rev. Ledlie I. Laughlin
Rector , St. Columba's
Episcopal Church
Washington, DC
Come pray tonight at St. Columba's at 6:30 pm
"Pray," said I. This past Sunday, I invited our congregation to pray before and after the election: "Pray for healing and reconciliation in our hearts and in our nation." In the wee hours of this morning, I whispered a personal confession, as I realized that my invitation came from a place of privileged and generous largesse.  Surely, I would be among those graciously offering a word of comfort to those whose candidate had lost, assuming that the one I favored would have won. How very foolish or arrogant.
At times of bewilderment, when the path is not clear, I return to the basics, to remember that we are all children of God, in the hands of God-called at our core to love God, love neighbor, love self.
The world feels different this morning. Yet, as a Christian, the role I have to play in it is much the same as it was yesterday. With God's help, yesterday, today and tomorrow, I shall seek to:

Continue in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers; Persevere in resisting evil, and, whenever I fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord; Proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ; Seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving my neighbor as yourself; Strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being. 
(From the baptismal covenant) 

Given the painful divisions of our society, it is time, now more than ever, for all Americans to reach out to those who differ from us, and to protect and care for the most vulnerable.
Today, I need to be silent and pray. Kate has gathered readings, hymns and prayers. Bring your fears and hopes, your tears and joy, your hungry heart. 

Come pray tonight at St. Columba's at 6:30 pm.


St. Columba's | 4201 Albemarle St., NW | Washington, DC 20016 |