First Christian Church Pomona


Rev. Dr. Julie Roberts-Fronk, Pastor                                                                                                                    Rev. Mike Fronk, Pastor


The Christian Caller

August 18, 2017


Julie's Jar

The phrase "politically correct" is most often used to marginalize speech and people. It is used to dismiss and disregard concerns that are legitimately raised by people who desire to bring greater reconciliation among all people. On Sunday during our time of prayer, I stated that there was a time in our country when signs that read "Whites Only" and "Colored Only" were 'politically correct'. These signs went unquestioned and to question them meant you were being politically incorrect. For that you could be beaten and/or killed.
I remember my southern Indiana relatives sitting in our front living room one afternoon. They'd all moved to Southern California, having followed my grandmother Jewel. My great-aunts and uncles sat around visiting and talking. I distinctly remember an awkward moment: awkward for my parents and awkward for me. The "N" word was being used with frequency and derisive laughter. I could see from the expression on my parents' faces that it made them uncomfortable, but they didn't say anything. It wouldn't have been "politically correct". Besides, family and conversations about anything perceived as political can be a minefield.
Let us cease and desist from the use of this phrase "politically correct" and instead listen to the pain that is underneath and within the requests for kinder speech, for people to be treated with respect. I wish my parents had been able to speak up for the people not in the room that day who were being maligned simply because the color of their skin and their life experience were drastically different from those speaking. "Lord, help me seek to understand rather than be understood."

The events in Charlottesville, Virginia are evidence of the work we still have left  to do to heal from the sin of racism. The deck is stacked against those who have for centuries been marginalized in our country, who were slaves, who are descendants of slaves. Racism is real in our country and it is a sin against God, who calls ALL of us Beloved.
Today, I am thinking of Bob Gillette and Jerry Page, members of our church now deceased. They both landed on the beach at Normandy on D-Day. I am wondering what they would think of the defense by some of the people whose ideas and ideals they fought to silence.
The pernicious presence of racism varies throughout our country. Anything less than an unequivocal condemnation of actions and activities that perpetrate it indicate support for the continuing of this cancer that plagues our nation.
Jesus had no problem calling out the evil of his day that was perpetrated in the structures of his society. "Beware of the scribes who like to walk around in long robes and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and have the best seats and places of honor. They devour widows' houses....." (Mark 12:38-40)
In Memory of Rhodes Thompson
June 28, 1928 - August 13, 2017
R ev. Rhodes Thompson died on Sunday, August 13th. He was  a member of FCC Pomona since 1994, when he and his wife Lois retired and moved to Pilgrim Place. Though retired from active service as clergy, Rhodes continued to serve in many capacities in the congregation and the community. He was a Sunday School teacher for the Co-Builders class for many years. He preached occasionally and provided a presence of incredible welcome to members and visitors alike. He volunteered to do regular pastoral visitation. 

Rhodes devoted his life to the work of peace and racial reconciliation. If he were to speak to us today about our current events, he might remind us that everyone is made in the image of God, beloved by God. Even those who disagree with us we must, "love the hell out of them" is how he said it.

Rhodes theology can be summed up in his version of Romans 8:28: "In all things God works for good." It was the purpose of his life to participate as fully as he could in cooperating with God to bring about the good.
What is Meetup?  

Meetup is an online community of communities. People sign up for groups in which they have interest. There are lazy hiking and extreme hiking groups, knitting groups, book clubs, music groups, guitar playing groups, etc.
The Program Cabinet started a Meetup group in July. The Meetup group is called Spiritual Practices in Pomona. We've pondered how to 1) reach out to people who consider themselves spiritual but not religious, 2) inhabit the Virtual Continent in more meaningful ways, 3) reach out to people who have been hurt by organized religion. We have pondered this for almost a year. The result is a Meetup Group that will meet at FCC Pomona.
On the first Tuesday of each month the church will be open from 7-8 and we will lead a spiritual practice.
            September- Reiki, October - Meditation, November - Yoga, December - Labyrinth.

Currently over 50 people who are not related to our congregation in any way have signed on to be members of the group. 11 have made a reservation to attend the first Meetup.
We do not know if anyone will venture into the congregation through this "door", but we do know it is important we imagine more ways to connect with people outside the church. Most people looking for community do so online. We have good news to share in the life and ministry of Jesus. It is our hope that other people will learn that there are Christians who work to practice the hospitality Jesus preached and lived.
Our House Shelter Changes

Hope Partners operates the Our House Shelter that is on our campus. Hope Partners is celebrating 60 years of ministry next year. One of the projects they hope to complete as part of that celebration is the expansion of the Our House Shelter. Our General Board agreed to support this endeavor which is only in the initial fundraising stages. Two of our members, Jamie Gibson and Cristina Gomez have agreed to serve on the Hope Partners committee working on this project. If the funds can be raised, it is hoped that the shelter can be expanded to include 10-20 more residents.

The success rate Hope Partners has through Our House is over 90%. Over 90% of the residents who find emergency/transitional shelter at Our House find permanent housing. That's something to celebrate. FCC Pomona continues to be a proud participant in this vital ministry.
Logos Returns Sept. 13

Logos is our spiritual formation ministry for families with children and youth. We will begin our Fall season on Wednesday, Sept. 13 th at 5:30. The evening begins with singing and learning together about our Christian faith in active ways. Dinner is shared family style with other members of the congregation and we finish the evening with play and games at 7 pm.
What is God Saying about Housing?
Sunday, August 27th after worship we are taking another step as a congregation to seek direction in our work to address the pressures people experience around housing. Lunch will be served.

The Core Team has planned an engaging experience in which most of the time will be spent hearing each other's stories about pressures people we know are facing related to housing. This is an important step in discerning God's leading as we work with other ICON institutions to address this pressing need in our communities. Your participation makes a difference.
Ice Cream Social Back By Popular Demand
Sept. 16 - Saturday - 3 pm
It was such a hit that another one has been scheduled while we are still in the throes of the Inland Valley summer! Yes, making and eating ice cream sundaes was great. Even more than that was the wonderful sharing of stories and life. Connecting and building relationships is a vital part of church community. Bring your favorite topping and build community too! The ice cream is provided.

Backpack Blessing Sunday and Child Development Center Open House  Sept. 10th
 Children and youth are 
encouraged to bring their backpacks on this Sunday.
Families from our Child Development Center will also be present. We value education in our church and we want to celebrate the many ways we support learning at every age.

After worship, the Child Development Center is showing off all the renovation that has happened over the summer: refurbished classrooms and a new office!
The PSWR Young Adult ministry is so excited to host the mini golf tournament again this year at Camelot Golfland in Anaheim, CA. Cost is $75 for a foursome. We are also opening up sponsorship opportunities for folks again this year to help keep costs low and raise money for young people across the PSWR. Last year we had over 100 people share the fun with friends and family! Mark your calendars to join us again for an afternoon of fun and fundraising! 
**=Non-Church Activity

August 2017

September 2017

September Birthdays
If someone should be added to this list, please let the church
   o ffice know at  909-622-1144 or  [email protected] .
  • 11th ~ Jim Ross
  • 12th ~ David Fronk
  • 14th ~ Sharon Fronk
  • 16th ~ Martha Gorsuch
  • 21st ~ Marjorie Reisinger
  • 23rd ~ Bob Benza
  • 26th ~ Tim Reed
  • 29th ~ Rupert Nelson

We'd love to wish you a happy anniversary here in The Caller!
If you would like to have your anniversary listed,
contact the church office.






We join together in prayer for our community and our world.


Please let us know if you would like to add someone to the list or if someone should be removed.  We review the list quarterly and will give you a call if it is unclear if someone should stay on the list.  Please let us know if someone has inadvertently been removed.


HOMEBOUND & convalescing
Hilda Faulkner
Janice Newborn
Lois Thompson
Bob & Jackie McCallister
Elizabeth Akin
Sue Hunter
Jose Mendiola
Mary Hunter
Carolyn McKee
Laura Zivnak
Gary Paulson
Bret Wiley
Cindy Koskan
Ron & Martha Gorsuch
Tim Reed
Stan Adams
Diana Tillinger
Nicole Brooks Rios
Sandy Toppen
Harry Pearson
Nelson Mann
Lorraine Rogers
Kovacs Family
Robin Priede
Phil Smith
Amber Kovacs
Moore Family
  Robert Vazques
Malori Lane
Ashlynn McCaw
Tammy Mayes
  Onelia Cruz
Donna Ruddiman
Kathy Bradfield
Lily Lane
  Wanda Sodoma
Joe Zivnak Family
Judy Vinson
Paris Reed
  John Miller
Annette Anderson
Eloise Williams
The Charlie Weaver Family
Evelyn Lepire & Family
Ross Family
Jake, Marie, & Elaine Tillinger
Mike White Family
Kathy Lin Family
Shirley Ewing & Family
Martin & Kathleen Strudwick & Family
Carey Smith

About First Christian Church Pomona

We are an active, informed, progressive Christian community worshiping and serving in Pomona, CA. Our congregation is a part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 



All are welcome to worship, take Communion and serve the world with us.


Join Us for 

Bible Study:
9 am Sunday

Join Us for 


10 am Sunday

Contact Us


First Christian Church Pomona

1751 N. Park Ave.

Pomona, CA  91768   

(909) 622-1144

[email protected]


First Christian Church Child Development Center

(909) 629-3636

[email protected]