This Week in Westcreek 
P ublished Weekly by the VWOA Communications Committee
November 14, 2016 Edition!

"Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others."  ~ Robert Louis Stevenson

Interim Board Member Appointed!

Billy Teeter
The Board of Directors appointed Mr. Billy Teeter to the Board, to serve the unexpired term of a former Board Member, who resigned from his position several months ago. Mr. Teeter will be serving in the role of "Assistant Secretary" until the Annual Meeting in April 2017.

Mr. Teeter has been an active volunteer since moving into our community January 2016.  Sometime in February, he decided that he was ready to see how he could learn more about our community and to see how he could help out.

The first open meeting on the calendar was the Architectural Review Committee, so that was his first meeting.  Since then, he has been an active member of numerous committees to include: Communications, Sports Park, Fence, Public Safety and Standards Review.  Mr. Teeter stated that "attending these meeting was a very rewarding and educational experience!" 

Recently, after a position on the Board of Directors opened, the Board asked Mr. Teeter if he would consider serving in that vacant position. After consulting with his family,  he informed the Board that he would be honored to serve at their request.

Join us in congratulating Mr. Teeter on his appointment and thank him for his service to our community.
VWOA Historical Research Sub-committee Formed

The Communications Committee established a "VWOA Historical Research Sub-committee" to research and write about the community's history for the "VWOA 30th Anniversary," which will be celebrated in February 2017.

This committee will hold their first meeting on Monday, November 14, 2016, at 6:30 P.M. in the Community Center Conference Room.  This is an open meeting and all are welcome to attend.

If you are a long time resident of our community, we could use your help.  If you were a former Board or Staff member, you would be invaluable to the committee as we create this historical timeline.  If you have copies of Association newsletters from the late 80's, copies of original documents of the Association, photos etc., these would be extremely helpful in this research project.

This is an awesome opportunity to do something to preserve our history for future residents.
The Board of Directors embarked on an ambitious initiative this past year to invest resources for the purpose of making dramatic improvements to your Sports Park.  Upgrades include everything from new exercise equipment, picnic tables, barbecue equipment, water fountains, bleachers, lighting, play equipment, and a small basketball court in our Tot Lot, just to name a few.  The staff is working on finalizing the plans for the new restroom facilities for Board approval. 

This is your park and we want to provide an environment where our residents can gather while having fun and engaging in activities that promote community pride and healthy lifestyles.  For those residents who wish to play volleyball or use the large exercise tires in the park, please check with the Sports Park Monitor to borrow a net and ball and have the tires unlocked for your use.

If you haven't visited the park lately, why not plan to join us this Saturday, November 19, 2016, at the Fall Festival to see first hand what we have to offer.

If you have any comments or concerns, please let us know!

The VWOA will hold its Annual Fall Festival this Saturday, November 19, 2016, between the hours of 1:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. in the Sports Park.
We are now accepting "Vendor Registration Applications"!

Click here to download the "Vendor Registration Application"!
Click here to download the event flyer! 

Event Planning:  Recreation Department 

This summer was a tough one. With challenges surrounding Zika virus and summer shortages, we weren't sure if our donors were listening. But you didn't let us down! With the help of donors like you, our hospitals continued to save lives. Thank you!

But we're still bouncing back from the summer and need your help to keep us on track. Please consider donating, and hey, even bring a friend.

The Villages of Westcreek Owners' Association, in partnership with the South Texas Blood and Tissue Center, will be holding our next Blood Drive as follows:

When:  November 19, 2016 from 1:00 P.M till 4:00 P.M.
Where:  At the Fall Festival in the Sports Park

All eligible donors are needed now!  Anyone who is 16 years old and weighs at least 120 pounds (with a parental consent form), or at least 17 years old and weighs at least 110 pounds, and in good general health can donate blood.  Donors must present a photo ID, last four digits of their Social Security number and their birth dates. 

All presenting donors receive:
  • A safe and secure donation experience
  • Skilled care from our staff
  • A wellness checkup and $10 HEB Gift card
  • Access to convenient online scheduling
For further information and to sign up in advance, please contact Dawn Garza at 210-679-8761.

Do you have Chili braggin' rights??
Let's find out!
$25 entry fee... $5 to be a judge and taste test
1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd place medals ,
and " People's Choice Award "
Stop by the office to submit your entry, no later than  November 18, 2016
Bring your chili and your braggin' to the 
Villages of Westcreek Fall Festival
November 19, 2016  
Let us be the judge!
For further information, please contact Dawn Garza at 210-679-8761.
The Villages of Westcreek is sponsoring an Angel Tree this year.  Our goal is to help ensure that all Westcreek residents have a wonderful holiday.  If you or someone you know needs assistance this holiday season, please fill out a registration form at the VWOA office.  This can be done during business hours or can be dropped in the night deposit box after hours.  Registrations must be in by Monday, December 5, 2016 at noon.  All ages are eligible and all information will be kept confidential.

Residents wishing to adopt an Angel can visit the office now. All gifts must be returned to the office, unwrapped, no later than Wednesday, December 14, 2016.  For our Westcreek children and families, the gifts brought in can be picked up in the office by the families, or the office staff will deliver to homes"

This year we have expanded our "Angel Tree" to include the New Beginnings Children's Home .

Simply, choose a tag from our Angel Tree, turn it around and you will see items needed for girls and boys, from tops and bottoms, to personal items.
These children need some holiday cheer, so please help them by adopting an angel this year.

If you have any questions please call the VWOA office at 210-679-8761.

The Architectural Review Committee will not be meeting on November 22, 2016, December 20, 2016 and December 27, 2016.
If you wish to do any improvements to the exterior of your property over the upcoming holidays, please note the following schedule:  

Submit Your PIA by:
The ARC will Review it on:
November 11, 2016
November 15, 2016

November 22, 2016 - Meeting Canceled!
November 12 thru November 25, 2016
November 29, 2016
November 26 thru December 2, 2016
December 6, 2016
December 3 thru December 9, 2016
December 13, 2016

December 20, 2016 - Meeting Canceled!

December 27, 2016 - Meeting Canceled!
December 10 thru December 30, 2016
January 3, 2017

Congratulations to all the winners of the Villages of Westcreek Soccer Tournament held on November 5, 2016!



This weekend around the house, take time to inspect your privacy fence. 

While inspecting your wooden fencing, ask yourself the following:  
  • Are there any damaged, rotted, broken, warped, leaning or missing pickets/posts?
  • Does the gate(s) close properly?
  • Does your fence show signs of mold that needs to be removed?
  • Is any part of the wooden fencing in need of staining/restaining?
If you share a fence with an adjoining property, talk to your neighbor about problems you have identified and request that they share in the cost of the repair or replacement of any issues.   
Let's Make Westcreek Beautiful!
Crime Report
Reported Crimes
  • No crimes reported to the VWOA Office!
  • Please remember to be observant in your neighborhood.  
  • Report any suspicious activities or persons to the Bexar County Sheriff's Office at 210-335-6000.
  • If you see graffiti or vandalism in the Villages of Westcreek, please report it to the office at 210-679-8761
Burglar Proof Your Home

Tip #7:  Create the illusion you're always home

The majority of burglaries take place when people aren't home, particularly during the day, while the victims are at work. Deter burglars by creating the impression that you're always home: Leave on lights, the radio, or the television. And if you're going on vacation for awhile, don't advertise your absence. Arrange for someone to pick up the mail, newspapers, mow the lawn, and set out trash cans regularly. 

Westcreek resident Michelle de Jongh prepares a weekly list of "Things to do in San Antonio." 

To subscribe, send your email address to 

Click here to download and print!
Metal Roofing for Residential Properties

The following rules apply when considering metal roofing for residential properties within the Villages of Westcreek and may be approved by the ARC on a case-by-case basis:
  1. ARC review and approval is required prior to installation;
  2. Approvable metal roofs of the dwelling are those that are rust proof and have the appearance of composition or fiberglass shingles, including the texture, coloration and same life expectancy;
  3. Galvalume steel, galvanized steel, and aluminum may be considered by the ARC on a case-by-case basis for other buildings and structures behind the dwelling, such as: storage sheds, gazebos, patio covers, or the like. The color must be compatible with the roofing of the dwelling and be non-reflective (must not be shiny or glaring); and,
  4. Installation should be performed by a licensed roofer.
Click here to view the  2016 Standards!

Are you changing the world with your opinion or by your example?


The VWOA is hosting a Farmers Market from
9:00 A.M. till 1:00 P.M. every Thursday, thru November 17, 2016.

market is located in the overflow parking lot adja cent to the Com munity Center.  They accept WIC, Senior FMNP Vouchers and Credit Cards. Drop by and support our local farmers!