Fall 2016, Week 9
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm & Friday 8am-4:30pm
I paint my own reality. The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration.
~ Frida Kahlo
Save the date for the upcoming events at the RC!
Volunteer for World AIDS Day!
World AIDS Day is a day where we as a community work to honor the lives that were lost to HIV/AIDS, fight against the stigma of living with HIV/AIDS, promote further research for a cure, raise awareness, and also to prevent new infections.
We will need help in order to make World AIDS Day successful, and you can help! We will only need an hour of your day, unless you want to sign up for more shifts.
Descriptions of opportunities here and sign up here!
Art Jam
Wednesday, November 30th, 2016
4:30-6:00pm, LGBT Resource Center
Be in community and make some art at the LGBT Resource Center's Conference Room! We will provide the time and supplies for you to draw, write, paint, color, make some stickers, buttons, and other crafts. Or you can bring some of your art supplies for your projects you've been holding off yourself! Feel free to use the art space to relax from the stress of finals and/or build art community and collaborate. There will be snacks provided too.
World's AID Day
Thursday, December 1st, 2016 10:00am-7:30pm, UCSD
UC San Diego will honor World AIDS Day on Thursday, December 1, 2016, to focus attention on and raise awareness about the impact that HIV/AIDS has had and continues to have in the San Diego community, the nation, and the world. Visit here for a full schedule of events.
Volunteer Appreciation Party
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
12:00-1:30pm, LGBT Resource Center
Hello volunteers of the LGBT Resource Center! We host an appreciation at the end of each quarter to celebrate the work you've done as a volunteer! It's mostly a social space where we have free food and activities such as board games.We will have the event week 10 at the Conference Room from 11-1PM, Friday December 2nd.
Remember to save the date and we all hope to see you there!
Sunday 12/4, 6pm- Monday 12/5, 7pm
LGBT Resource Center
Stop by the LGBTRC for our quarterly 24 Hour Study Jam. We'll have plenty of snacks and coffee for you too!
Community Announcements and Groups
Dear Undocumented Students and Allies,
The Undocumented Student Services Center is here for you. The results of the election have caused much uncertainty and anxiety in our community and that is why I want to repeat: We are here for you.
Over the last couple of months I have had the pleasure of meeting many of you. You have shared with me your personal stories and dreams for the future. My goal since day one as coordinator of Undocumented Student Services is to ensure that those dreams become a reality. Although the President-elect has expressed his views and plans for the future, I believe there is the possibility of a different and better future for our country; a future that we will build together.
In California and throughout the nation, pro-immigrant leaders, many of whom are elected officials, have stated their commitment to ensure the immigrant community is protected from unjust policies proposed by the upcoming presidential administration. Many of these pro-immigrant leaders have pledged to use the full extent of their offices and influence to protect our communities. I want you to know that this office and UC San Diego are committed to supporting undocumented students in their pursuit of higher education. Undocumented Student Services does and will continue to:
- Provide you with a safe and welcoming space in which we will listen to your needs and seek solutions that address those needs.
- Facilitate access for you and your family to trusted immigration legal services. We understand that the proposed policies don't just affect you, but also your family.
- Minimize factors jeopardizing your education, so that graduation is your first priority.
- Work with our faculty, staff, and student body to ensure that we continue to promote our Principles of Community and embody them in the programming and services that we offer you.
Working together I am confident we will find the strength needed to continue to thrive in this country as students, families, and community.
Daniel Arturo Alfaro Arellano
Undocumented Student Services
Fund for Legal Name/Gender Changes
A member of our community is coming forward and offering to pay for the costs of legal name/gender marker changes before inauguration day for Trans/Gender Queer/Gender Non Conforming folks who want to get this done ASAP! If you are interested, s
imply send an email directly to:
For those who want to contribute or find more information,
click here!
2017 Point Foundation Scholarship Application are now open! The application period for our 2017-2018 higher education scholarships opened November 1 and remains open until January 30, 2017. Find more information here!
Queer Student Orgs and Affiliates
Aces Group:
Mondays, 5:00-6:00pm
Fluid Attraction: Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30pm
Queer Sixers United (QSUN):
Men's Group:
Wednesdays, 7:00-9:00pm
Femmes of Colour:
Thursdays, 5:00-6:00pm
Queer Trans People of Color (QTPOC):
Thursdays, 7:00-9:00pm
International QLGBT Student Union:
Fridays odd weeks, 2:00-4:00pm
LGBTQIA+ Leaders for 2016-2017
We're creating a community roster of LGBTQIA+ student leaders on campus to keep the community better updated of resources and opportunities. You have the option for your information to remain internal - for the LGBT Resource Center Professional Staff to be able to contact you regarding opportunities OR for it to be public- to be listed on our website for peers and community to know who our student leaders are.
Submit your info
here. F
or questions, contact Maribel Gomez at
Black Grad Series
Tuesday, Nov. 29, 5pm - 6:30pm
Black Resource Center
Are you graduating this year? If so, join us for the Black Grad Series!
Join the Black Resource Center throughout your final year of undergrad as we host a series of workshops/programs preparing you for life after college.
If you are planning to participate in Black Graduation 2017, then you must come to the Black Grad Series. Attendance at Black Grad Series is a prerequisite.
The first meeting will be on Tuesday.
To RSVP click HERE
HIIT* Me Baby One More Time
Tuesday Nov. 29,
Wednesday Nov. 30,
Cross-Cultural Center
This activity group combines high intensity interval training with social justice topics, such as body image issues, to take a more comprehensive approach to fitness.
Intern Hiring Informational
Friday, December 2nd
Raza Resource Centro
Positions available: Advertising and Marketing, Social Justice, Civic Engagement, Arte & Cultura, Yield and Retention, Program Assistant, Retention
Applications due by Jan. 24, 4pm
DACA students encouraged to apply
For more information, contact raza@ucsd.edu or 858-246-1844.
Even week Thursdays
5-6:30pm, Women's Center Small Meeting Room
Join us for a biweekly discussion group to come together and share our experiences as Black women at UC San Diego. This program is a Women's Center and Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) collaboration.
Rainbow Newsletter submissions:
If you would like to submit relevant events to be featured in the newsletter, please email rainbow@ucsd.edu.
LGBT Resource Center Affiliate Program
Is your organization or group interested in partnering with the UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center? Are you looking to start your own LGBTQIA+ org? Need a meeting space? Looking for leadership opportunities? Check out our Affiliate Program! The UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center Affiliate Program has a variety of perks and opportunities for your organization. Check out our website for the application and more details. For questions contact mpgomez@ucsd.edu
Do you have library recommendations?
Is there anything you'd like to see added to our library at the LGBT Resource Center? Well you're in luck, our library intern is currently looking for recommendations!
If there is a book, magazine, comic, CD, etc. that you think would be a great addition, feel free to let us know by filling out this
On Saturday, February 11th, 2017, UCSD's HMP3 is hosting the Medical Education for Diverse Students (MEDS) Conference at the Telemedicine Building!
This conference is designed for students that are interested in entering the medical and pharmaceutical fields. We are aware of the need of
professionals from diverse backgrounds in the healthcare system, who can identify with an even more diverse group of patients. Therefore, MEDS was created to close the disparities seen in both medical education and healthcare. Most importantly, MEDS now exists to serve the students - to encourage, educate and empower students on their road to a career in health.
MEDS is an all-day conference, where students will get to choose from diverse workshops and activities. Students will experience hands-on activities (such as suture clinic, simulation labs), in addition to workshops that will help students get the information they need to get into Medical/Pharmacy school.
Asian American Community Forum: Even weeks, 12-1ppm, Cross Cultural Center |
The UCSD Department of Literature is now accepting campus submissions for The Ina Coolbrith Memorial Poetry Prize! Entries must be submitted to the Literature Undergraduate Office, Room 110 Literature Building, by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 8th, 2016.
The Ina Coolbrith Memorial Poetry Prize is awarded for the best unpublished poem or group of poems by an undergraduate student at the University of California campuses, University of the Pacific, Mills College, Stanford University, Santa Clara University and St. Mary's College. The prize was established by friends of Ina Coolbrith, former Poet Laureate for California. Approximately $1500 is available annually for prizes, to be apportioned by the judging campus.
Entries must be typed, with only the last four digits of the entrant's PID and the name of the contest (Coolbrith) printed at the top of each page-with no other identifying information, please. A cover sheet will be attached to each set of poems (1-3 poems per person may be submitted). Cover sheets can be picked up in the Literature Undergraduate Office (Room 110 of the Literature Building).
Frat parties mocking Black History Month, homophobic slurs, anti-Mexican graffiti on campus, and sexual harassment...these reoccurring events affect ALL students, underrepresented or not, and demonstrate the need for a conversation about student experiences related to the campus climate at UC San Diego. Join the conversation and submit your creative work!
The UC San Diego Library is creating a "living archive" as an alternative way to highlight awareness, provide a space for dialogue, and preserve and document events related to UC San Diego history. A living archive is a collection of materials presented in a way that allows for the expression, exhibition, documentation, and preservation of a sentiment or movement in a particular community. This type of "archiving" is "living" because it is constantly updated with the current climate and consists of all manner of expression from documents of the past, to creative expression through art, to real-time feedback of the current period.
We want YOU to be a part of the Living Archive. What do you have to say or express about the current climate at UCSD?
The physical exhibit will run from February 1 - March 31, 2016 in Geisel Library, with a permanent online collection of submissions. Deadline for submissions is November 30th and you must be enrolled as a current UCSD student. Paintings, drawings, collages, prints, sculptures, photographs, performance art, written work, video or film are welcome!