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Greetings to you all in this beautiful month of November!!

I recently had an eye opening case that I would like to share with you. It took me one year to learn and find the cause of one of our patient's excruciating hip pain. A young 60 year old energetic woman came into our clinic in the late fall of 2015. She complained of severe hip, groin and pain down the front of her leg and was walking with a limp. Every step caused intense pain. There were even times that she was unable to walk at all because of this pain. She could not figure out what caused the pain and was unaware of any particular event that had occurred.
We tried to decrease her pain and had some positive results, but were unable to develop a consistent exercise or treatment plan to keep her from having episodes of sharp pain without warning. As a result, we sent her to an orthopedist who specializes in hips. He examined her and had her get an MRI with contrast to better diagnose the problem. She seemed to have a number of loose bodies and a substantial cartilage tear in her hip. Since this was her busy season, she could not get the surgery everyone agreed she needed. She decided she would get the surgery during a time when demands on her weren't as pressing. 
This patient ended up working through her busy season and the pain. We lost contact and didn't hear from her again until the fall of this year. She shared with us that for a good ten months the pain had disappeared. She never had the surgery and then out of the blue and  without cause the pain had come raging back, same exact time as last fall.  This was a surprise and I began to think about the possible cause of her pain.
What I figured out, after really delving into her everyday life was that she had season tickets to Notre Dame football games. She stood all day at the tailgaters, during most of the football game and after the football game. She walked a long way from where her car was parked, all of this on hard concrete. What I realized was this was the cause of her problem! What I also realized, as a result, could become the solution to her problem as well. As long as she reduced her standing and walking she could control her pain. She could also exercise to strengthen her hip and legs, which she could barely do when she was in excruciating pain.  As a result, she still has not has surgery, and has avoided the severe pain, once she let things calm down.  
Learning how a football weekend could have an impact on someone's pain has actually helped me with a few patient issues since this experience. I have been able to question other patients about their activities and have been able to help them monitor their activities more closely as to help with their physical therapy success.
Helping our patients get stronger every day and regain their pain free lifestyle requires being open to listening closely to our patient's thoughts regarding their pain. I know I continue to enjoy listening and learning, as we both explore ways to help them piece their story together to help them regain their active lifestyle with the least invasive treatments as possible.

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MPT News & Happenings
Halloween fun with the MPT Team!

During the month of November, we will be collecting non-perishable food items for Thanksgiving baskets for those in need.
Please consider donating. Thank you!


Fran's Favorite Quotes
"Live, Laugh, Love, Repeat!"



"Favorite Physical Therapy"
McDonald Physical Therapy


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