MACTE's Reflections on Recent Events

Peace Vigil of Healing in Charlottesville 

Thousands of residents of Charlottesville came together last evening, Wednesday, Aug. 16 in Nameless Field for a PEACE vigil of healing for our city, for our country, for our world and for our hearts. There was a silent walk from the field to the Rotunda. 
Reflections on Recent Events
Dear Montessori Colleagues and Friends...

We come to you as residents of Charlottesville, Virginia which most of you now know was visited by hatred over the recent weekend. But, we also come to you as fellow educators, and citizens of the United States, and citizens of the world.

No one thought it could come to this: three dead, multiple injuries, and incalculable hearts and minds torn from their usual moorings. Citizens from all over our country armed against each other in a small town, hatred spilling over into violence, all reminding us how fragile our freedoms can be.

While this scene has been repeated in other places and other times in our history, we want to again push back against helplessness, hopelessness, and passivity and take this opportunity to exhort a recommitment to PEACEFUL action. Please reaffirm your passion for education in the grandest sense, including instilling tolerance, cultivating an open and questioning mind, and developing an orientation toward peace within each student you touch and between them and their fellow peoples.

This is what we do! During times like this, I hope you are reminded of the power and importance of our work and our shared mission and turn to your life with absolute vigor for all that needs to be done now.

With Love, 
Rebecca, Aimee, Carolyn, Debra, Katie and Stacy