Upcoming PTO Activities...
The TEMS PTO Barnes & Noble book fair will be Dec 7th. Please keep this date in mind when purchasing some of your holiday gifts. More information to come soon!
Save Your Box Tops!...
Great job to everyone who participated in the box top program! This fall box top submission earned TEMS PTO $185. We nearly doubled the amount earned last year!
Keep collecting those box tops! The next submission date is March 1.
Student Directories for Sale at School
If you would like to purchase a directory which contains listings of all TEMS staff and students, including useful school information and links, you can buy it at the TEMS School Store ($10 for 1 directory and $15 for 2 directories). Any questions, please contact
Claudette McCarron.
Do You Like What You See?...
Do you enjoy reading the TEMS PTO Blast Newsletter when it comes out? Do you have basic Office 365 computer skills? Are you looking to volunteer for school but on your own time and at home? We've got the job for you! We are looking for someone to shadow our blast editor for the last part of the school year in hopes of taking over for the 2017-2018 school year. If you are at all interested or have any questions, please contact Kelly Walker at