November 6, 2016
Quick Links

Next PTO Meeting

Wed Jan 4, 9AM in Large Group Room

No Meeting December

All are welcome!

Any Questions please contact us at 

Brought to you by the TEMS PTO

Nov 9 12:30 & 1:30pm
ComedySportz Improvisation assemblies at TEMS

I'm a Bulldog Campaign

For direct money donations to the
Click here

Thank you for supporting our PTO!

SHOP Amazon with TEMS PTO!

A percentage of your purchase will go to the TEMS PTO . 
Just use this link

TEMS SpiritWear
is on sale NOW!

SpiritWear for sale online now
online now for your Winter Athlete

New  Family  Coffee
Nov 18th
8-11am @ Panera Bread

Visit the
to learn of what's happening around the Tredyffrin & Easttown Townships

Nov 9 
 7pm @TEMS         
If Only  screening

Nov 11 @ VFMS
DELTA presents ComedySportz

Nov 13
Rachel's Helping Hands 5K & Family Fun Walk
Wilson Farm Park

Nov 17, 18 , 19
CHS Fall Drama
"You Can't Take it 
with You"

Nov 20
CHS Boys Basketball Clinic
Boys Grades 1-8th 

Do you shop at Devon Whole Foods? Did you know you could opt to Support Kids in T/E? 
FLITE has been selected as Devon Whole Foods Market's Nickels for Nonprofits beneficiary from now until Jan.

Bring you own shopping bag and select to donate $.05 savings from your bill to FLITE !

In case of 
Inclement Weather, 
please call the hotlines below for up to date information

Cultural Arts Programming Brought to you by the TEMS PTO...

November 9th
in the TEMS Auditorium:
12:30 - Gr. 7 & 8
  1:30 - Gr. 5 & 6

A sense of humor and a sense of self are important parts of a young person's development. For over 20 years, ComedySportz has been entertaining fans with improvisational theater as well as teaching students of all ages and backgrounds the art of improvisation. Fast and funny, improv is a valuable and rewarding skill-set for performers and non-performers alike. Students will see a performance of two teams of professional improvisers competing for points by playing a series of improv games. A referee governs the action, calling the fouls and keeping the match moving at a blistering pace. The audience is always a part of the interactive show. Students will learn the basics of improvisation, the power of saying "Yes, and..." the joy of connecting through collaboration and the freedom of being silly.

Also, mark your calendars for Friday night, November 11 th when DELTA presents ComedySportz in a full
theatrical show for our community at Valley Forge Middle School at 7:00 PM. Tickets are $10 and are available online at   or at the door. Link .

Schoology Tips for You!-
We know using a new school programming system can be frustrating and diffi cult to learn so we thought we'd give you some helpful tips!  link

Upcoming PTO Activities...

Save the Date!...
Barnes & Noble
The TEMS PTO Barnes & Noble book fair will be Dec 7th. Please keep this date in mind when purchasing some of your holiday gifts. More information to come soon!

Save Your Box Tops!...
Great job to everyone who participated in the box top program! This fall box top submission earned TEMS PTO $185. We nearly doubled the amount earned last year!
Keep collecting those box tops! The next submission date is March 1.  

Student Directories for Sale at School
If you would like to purchase a directory which contains listings of all TEMS staff and students, including useful school information and links, you can buy it at the TEMS School Store ($10 for 1 directory and $15 for 2 directories). Any questions, please contact Claudette McCarron.

Do You Like What You See?...
Do you enjoy reading the TEMS PTO Blast Newsletter when it comes out? Do you have basic Office 365 computer skills? Are you looking to volunteer for school but on your own time and at home? We've got the job for you! We are looking for someone to shadow our blast editor for the last part of the school year in hopes of taking over for the 2017-2018 school year. If you are at all interested or have any questions, please contact Kelly Walker at

What's Happening Around School...

TEMS Winter Athletics-
Participation paperwork is now available in the main office and on the school's website. Students who have never had an ImPACT baseline test in middle school should submit their completed 2-page ImPACT consent form with their participation paperwork to the TEMS main office and report to the library after school on Wednesday, November 9 from 2:45-3:30. All paperwork should be turned in to the main office by Friday, Nov 11. Link to tryout schedule. Link to TEMS Athletics on website.

Attention Parents/Guardians of 7th Graders-
The Pennsylvania Department of Health requires that all students entering  Grade 7 have 1 dose of tetanus, diphtheria, accellular pertussis (Tdap) & 1 dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV). Families were notified at the end of last year if their child did not meet these new requirements. A second notification via letter was just sent to those families who have not responded . Please get this information in to your school nurse as soon as possible.

Attention 5th Grade Parents-
5th Grade Math Open House this week!  

When: Wed, Nov 9
Time:  5:30 - 7:30
Place:  VFM  Cafeteria
Light Refreshments will be served
This is an open house event so please come by as your schedule allows.  We look forward to seeing you there!
Please note:  This is not a drop-off event and is intended for 5th grade students and their parent or guardians. No siblings please!

Order TEMS Yearbooks NOW for Special Price-
Early bird orders placed before 11/30/16 are only $25! There are 3 easy ways to order:
 -Go to the Yearbook link on the TEMS    website or
 -Go to or
 -Print a paper copy of your order         form here and see Mrs. Matilla in       Room  204 (Only checks made           payable to  TEMS will be accepted for in-school orders.)

From the T/E School District...
Traffic Study Survey
The Tredyffrin/Easttown School District has contracted with an outside consultant to conduct a District-wide traffic study that will begin in the Fall of 2016. The first phase of the study will include Conestoga High School, Tredyffrin/Easttown Middle School, Valley Forge Middle School and Valley Forge Elementary School. As part of the study, the consultant is seeking community input. This survey will collect information that the consultant will use in the performance of the study.

Important Dates at TEMS... Calendar
11/8 NO SCHOOL Voting Day/Staff Inservice
11/9 Cultural Arts Assembly ComedySportz Improv 12:30-2:30pm
11/9 Gr. 5 Math Night VFMS Cafeteria 5:30-7:30pm
11/11 DELTA Show ComedySportz 7-9pm
11/22 Half Day Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/23-11/27 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break
11/28 NO SCHOOL Parent/Teacher Conferences