A Powerful Opportunity to
Model Tolerance and Acceptance
At WISE, we know many in the American Muslim community, and fellow vulnerable communities, feel a sense of fear and uncertainty after this heated and contentious election.
Parents, teachers and community leaders are grappling with how they should speak to their children about this election. WISE reached out to a parenting specialist, Soraya Deen, to provide guidance on how we can all move forward:
"This is a moment when we are faced with many choices: between despair and hope, freedom and shackles, hate and love. As a parent, you must gain clarity on what you will say and do, and embody the right choices in your words and actions. Your primary duty lies in transforming the hearts and minds in your home, with your children and families. You must continue to remain strong and fearless.
To your children, be very specific about communicating your commitment to build a just, loving and peaceful world.  Tell them that we must also respect the diversity and dignity of people who think and vote differently. Each person's reactions, actions and feelings must be heard and respected.  This will be a powerful opportunity for you to model tolerance and acceptance. Being mindful and reflective opens a path for your child to trust and strengthen his/her relationship with you.
Let's work together to make America stronger. Our silent voices and our idle hands can no longer be silent and idle.
Let's create an American that will be inclusive and respectful to all, where we live free of coercion and fear.
Let's come together to write a powerful new chapter in the history of America. We can't stroll to the goal; it is time for us to sprint."
- Soraya Deen
Soraya Deen is a contributor to the forthcoming WISE Up Report. 
WISE Up Report

400 pages
60 expert contributors
A research and evidence-based report
Setting the record straight about Islam and Muslims
Coming in early 2017


Donate to help us launch it in your community

Women's Islamic Initiative in Spirituality & Equality 
475 Riverside Drive, Suite 246
New York, NY 10115
212.870.2552 ext. 5

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