"Thank You "

Dear Friends,

Amid the bitter divisiveness of our national political dialogue, the voters of San José and the Valley have shown the rest of the nation a glimpse of the possibilities of moving beyond the battles of the past toward common goals. Across several ballot measures, we showed how we can step across traditional divisions to achieve strong voter support to rebuild our police department, achieve negotiated pension reform, fix our crumbling roads, create world-class transportation infrastructure, house thousands of our homeless, and establish a fairer tax system for our small businesses. Thank you for your support of Measures A, B, F, and G.

For these collective efforts, San José stands as a beacon to the rest of the nation, showing how government can work, how adversaries can collaborate, and how we can move forward-together.

Special thanks also to the many community leaders who supported or led these efforts, including our city union leadership, our City Council, Silicon Valley Leadership Group CEO Carl Guardino, County Supervisors Cindy Chavez and Dave Cortese, Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce CEO Matt Mahood, Police Chief Eddie Garcia, and South Bay Labor Council CEO Ben Field.

We'll have plenty of disagreements over the coming years, but we can disagree without becoming disagreeable. Where we can find common purpose, we'll push. You, our voters, wisely recognize that you want more solutions, not more skirmishes. Thank you for reminding us -- and a fractured nation -- of the value of working together.



Office of the Mayor - of San Jose | 200 E. Santa Clara St. 18th Floor | San Jo se | C A | 9 5113