Here is our regular 2 weekly newsletter, Hope you enjoy it.
Please let me know if there are any changes to the format you'd specifically like. The verbal feedback I so far have had is extremely positive.
Please remember trained users of BluWave products derive at least quadruple the benefit of those not trained on BluWave. Now is a good time to get your team trained up on the latest features of BluWave CRM. Call Tania on 082 701-0030 or 011 462-6871.
I trust you, our valued customer, will enjoy and learn something new from our newsletter. Happy Selling as always.
Kind Regards,
With BluWave BI you can raise and assign trackable tasks, flag data quality issues, brainstorm ideas, manage BI projects and collectively review content. Empower the BI users in your organisation to actively participate in the entire analyst and business user workflow.
BEE Consulting and Strategy
Skills Development and Training
Employment Equity -Learner Management Systems
Why is Skills Development Important?
Skills Development, training and the upgrading of staff competency levels should be regarded as important to any employer
on growing a more productive and sustainable business in today's competitive market. However, some employers are still of the opinion that investing in their employees careers is merely a way to maintain compliancy on their BEE certificates. As a result only the bare minimum gets invested.
The truth is that there are immeasurable advantages to Skills Development for both the employer and the employees. Once focus shifts from the capital expense and the discomfort of time spent out of the office, to the continuous rewards of the long term investment, both your business and South Africa as a whole has the opportunity to put potential into tangible action.
Better skilled staff work at a higher level of productivity. They complete tasks faster with fewer mistakes which results in the direct return of a more profitable business. Moreover, showing employees that you care about them and that they are important enough to invest in, gives them a heightened level of job satisfaction and confidence.
The fact that many employers believe that Skills Development puts their business at risk of higher staff turnover is a myth. Investing in your employees not only buys you higher productivity, but an advanced level of loyalty. It is however, important to ensure that the correct employees are identified and paired with the correct Skills Development interventions prior to the commencement of training. This can be ensured by conducting an organisational needs or gap analysis and the screening of employees beforehand.
Finally, in order for South Africa to maintain the ability to be globally competitive and economically relevant, we need to renew our commitment to nurture the skills of our workforce and foster meaningful employment.
Choosing the correct Skills Development provider is of just as much importance as selecting the right employees. Amathuba Hub offers a wide variety of skills programmes, accredited short courses and full learnerships tailored to the specific needs of each of our clients.
Amathuba Hub will assist your company to:
- Identify, screen and assess individuals who are interested in training
- Facilitate the training needs and requirements.
- Align training appropriately to the needs of the company and learner.
- Attain BEE targets on Skills spend and Learnerships.
- Ensure you are fully compliant.
- Implement the correct initiatives to align with BEE legislation.
- Earn the maximum points on the Employment Equity and Skills development elements of the B-BBEE scorecard
- Assist with a tax deduction for Learnerships. Ranging from R60 000 to R120 000 per learner.
- Management of the learners.
To find out more about our service offerings and available Skills Development programmes. Feel free to contact us
Call: 011 783 7190
6 Hints to make a successful sales call.
The telephone is a scary device that many fears. There is no need for this fear, all you need is the right attitude and these 6 hints to help you conquer your fear and make that successful sales call
1) Develop a call script
. This will help guide you through your sales call. Your script should contain the following:
- A professional greeting: Don't just say hello and get straight into your telephone presentation without taking a breath or allowing the other party to participate. Be professional and begin with Mr., Mrs. or Ms. For example, "Good morning, Mr. Brown." Or "Good evening, Mrs. Louw."
- Introduce yourself and your company: For example, my name is Dylan with BluWave software.
- Set out reminders such as the features and benefits of your product/service, pricing and other information such as offering them a free trail etc.
2) Always show appreciation.
Your potential customer on the other end of the call also has tasks they need to complete before the end of the day. So, thank them for taking time out their schedule to answer your call. Say something like this "I want to thank you for taking my call. This will only involve a moment of your time so you can get back to your busy schedule."
3) Tell them the reason for the call.
The best way to do this is to provide a purpose within a question for example "If we can show how to increase your sale by 30%, would you be interested to know more?" This is very likely to get a yes response. At this point, you're ready to get their permission to provide them with more information. You're not selling your product yet--you're selling what your product will do for him.
4) Schedule a meeting.
Get a confirmation to arrange a meeting, either in person or via telephone or Skype to get the information you need in order to give a solid presentation. If your potential client prefers to do a face to face meeting offer them different times that you are available to meet, and ask them where they would prefer to meet, such as your office or theirs.
5) Thank them again.
At the end of the call you will thank them for time and for the upcoming appointment. Reconfirm the date, time and location of the appointment. Give them your contact information.
6) Follow up.
By sending them a confirmation email or send them an invite so it can get logged into their calendar.
Don't Forget to Download Our BluWave App
BluWave CRM Mobile is here to make your life a lot easier while you are on the go between sales meetings. There is no charge for the application - it is free for all registered users of BluWave.
- Get instant access to details of all your BluWave CRM contacts whether you are in the office or out in the field.
- Search for a Company Name or contact first name or surname to find a person.
- Click on a contact person to access the phone numbers email and physical addresses.
- You can phone, SMS or email the person from your cellphone.
Book Review:
Team of Teams: Dealstorming: The Secret Weapon That Can Solve Your Toughest Sales Challenges by Tim Sanders
Sales genius is a team sport.
As a B2B sales leader, you know that by Murphy's Law, despite your team'sbest efforts, some deals will inevitably get stuck or key relationships will go sour. And too often, it's the most important ones-the last thing you need when millions of dollars are on the line.
"Dealstorming" is Tim Sanders's term for a structured, scalable, repeatable process that can break through any sales deadlock. He calls it "a Swiss Army knife for today's toughest sales challenges." It fixes the broken parts of the brainstorming process and reinvigorates account management for today's increasingly complicated sales environment.
Dealstorming drives sales innovation by combining the wisdom and creativity of everyone who has a stake in the sale. You may think you are applying teamwork to your challenges, but don't be so sure. There's a good chance you're operating inside a sales silo, not building a truly collaborative team across your whole company. The more disciplines you bring into the process, the more unlikely (but effective!) solutions the team can come up with.
Sanders explains his seven-step Dealstorming process and shows how it has helped drive results for companies as diverse as Yahoo!, CareerBuilder, Regus, and Condé Nast. You'll learn how to get the right team on board for a new dealstorm, relative to the size of the sales opportunity and its degree of difficulty. The key is adding people from non-sales areas of your company, making them collaborators early in the process. That will help them own the execution and delivery after the deal is done.
The book includes real world examples from major companies like Oracle and Skillsoft, along with problem finding exercises, innovation templates, and implementation strategies you can apply to your unique situation. It's based on Sanders' many years as a sales executive and consultant, personally leading dozens of sales collaboration projects. It also features the results of interviews with nearly two hundred B2B sales leaders at companies such as LinkedIn, Altera and Novell.
The strategies laid out in Dealstorming have led to a stunning 70% average closing ratio for teams across all major industries, leading to game-changing deals and long-term B2B relationships. Now you can learn how to make dealstorming work for you.
SAVE 17%
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Only R3000 ex Vat per user, per annum - pay for 10 months, receive 12 months.
Tel: 011 462 6871