Let's Make Some Miracles! 

One of my favorite things about when Rev. Kathy Kerston from ISD-Sparta to visit us at ISD-DC is the wonderful message that she brings with her as a reminder for all of us. WE ARE MIRACLE MAKERS.  Whether it is her workshop on Emotional Freedom Technique ("tapping") or her homily during Sunday Service, during one of her private readings, or at her Numerology workshop, this is her core belief, and propels all of her teaching and insight. And the message always seems to come at just the point we need and want to hear it. What a gift she is, and what a gift she reminds us that WE are! 

I'm going to keep this week's message brief and here it is: LOOK OUT BELOW! 

What I mean is, remember to scroll through my shortened message to see the information for three events we have going on in ONE weekend that you won't want to miss:

Also, make sure you check out our guest homilists, who will address our congregation at a couple of our Sunday Services in August. Rev. Brooke Kusseling will speak this coming Sunday, August 14, and Rev. Lisa Rae Brooks from Takoma Metaphysical Chapel will speak on Sunday, August 28. 

And as the dog days of summer arrive, ISDetails will take a short publishing break while I am on vacation until the last week of August. I will miss you and see you when I return!

Remember - LOOK OUT BELOW! (This message...)

Sending everyone a hefty helping of magic and miracles - 

Rev. Rob Banaszak
Pastor, Institute for Spiritual Development, Washington, D.C. 
Practical Reiki Level Two Certification 
With Alice Langholt
Saturday, August 13, 2016
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Alice Langholt joyfully returns to ISD to help Practical Reiki I students advance their practice. This class is a continuation from Practical Reiki I Level 1, which is a prerequisite. A Practical Reiki Level 2 certificate will be awarded for this class.
  • Attendee Check In.
  • Mindful Practice.
  • Practical Reiki Cleansing-Self Healing.
  • Increasing Your Intuition &  Strengthen Your Energy Work
  • The Level 2 Attunement Will Be Given.... 
 Note: Prerequisite - Practical Reiki Level I.
Required texts (not included): Practical Reiki: for balance, well-being, and vibrant health, and The Practical Reiki Companion workbook, both by Alice Langholt. Available in class for $25 for the set, or download Kindle versions from Amazon.
Message Circle: Connecting with Your Spirit Guides

Registration starts at 7 p.m.
DOORS CLOSE AT 7:30 p.m. 
$22 members/$25 non-members 

Our most popular event!
Some of the more gifted and intuitive message bearers in the DC area will gather to energize our sacred space we call "The Sanctuary," and connect with Spirit.  The Message Bearers will circulate among the attendees that have been seated in small groups as they arrive, giving messages of inspiration, guidance and insight on life's circumstances.  To preserve the energy and connection to Spirit, we ask that you not leave the Sanctuary once messages begin.  
"I've Got Your Number:" A Numerology Workshop
With Rev. Kathy Kerston
Sunday, August 14, 2016
1 p.m - 4 p.m. 
$20 members/$22 non-members

"I've got your number!"  Where did that expression come from and what number does it refer to?  Everything in the universe is vibration and mathematics is the foundation. Time to unravel the code and eliminate the past with this fun and fascinating workshop focusing Numerology principles and how you can apply them to your life right now! 
Institute for Spiritual Development