Brisk and bracing
autumn market research... 

In This Issue
Join us December 8 for a free webinar exploring how Millennial professionals, including financial advisors, insurance agents and small business owners are different  than their older counterparts.  Using a mix of IDIs and video interviews, this Zeldis proprietary study presents a lively view of this population's goals and motivations, use of technology, social media and other tools, and much more.

First presented at the October Society of Insurance Research Conference in Scottsdale, the webinar will be conducted by Zeldis Vice President Amy Rey.

Register for the December 8 webinar HERE.
The Path From Disruption to Innovation

Fresh from attending the Corporate Research Conference and the Society of Insurance Research Conference this fall, Doris Kaiser and Amy Rey noted that the primary focus at both events was the marketplace disruptions that result from the emergence of new technologies. These disturbances have resulted in a more urgent need for innovation than ever before. With a renewed pressure on advancement, the concept of "failing fast" has never been more popular.

 Speaking of Innovation.....

Product Concept Testing Case Studies
We were delighted at the enthusiastic response from the market research community to our new Concept Test Guide.  If you missed it the first time, it's a simple self-test to guide you to your most effective strategy, depending on where you are in the concept testing process. 

Download our Concept Test Guide HERE.

And check out some of our new examples of Concept Testing Market Research   HERE.

A few years ago, we wrote a much-requested White Paper on a post-recession subject of great concern: making the most of slimmed-down market research budgets.  Trends show market research spending in most companies has since rebounded and continue to climb.  But realizing good value for the market research dollar is as timely as ever.  And as budgets have gone up, so have expectations.  We've included some useful new tips on methodologies, increasing response rates, reducing costs at the margin and much more in our new 2016 version of " More Bang for the Buck" HERE

A recent Zeldis project sought to deepen the client's understanding of the 'pre-college' experiences of high school seniors and their parents.  Reaching and engaging these always-elusive targets at a particularly busy and high-pressure period of time made the project especially challenging.  See the approach and the outcomes in our case study HERE.
If you have any questions, or suggestions for articles you'd like to see in future issues of The Zeldis Buzz , please contact me by calling (609) 737-7223 x207, or email .


Doris Kaiser, Partner 

Zeldis Research Associates 

609-737-7223, x207

About Zeldis Research
Zeldis Research  can help you do smarter, more impactful research.  In turn, this allows your stakeholders to market products and services more successfully to their targets.  Our actionable results have helped clients effectively address a wide range of issues, such as identifying solutions associated with insurance products for millennials, to marketing in the complex new world of health and wellness, to keeping pace with vast digital changes in education and publishing.

Zeldis Research Associates

1230 Parkway Avenue, Suite 311

Ewing, NJ 08628


p. 609-737-7223
f. 609-737-9272