Sister Spokesman 
" Celebrating Moms Of All Ages"
December 3,2016  12-4pm  @ Arnellia's
Do you know a Phenomenal Mother for our Sister Spokesman's "Celebrating Moms of all ages" event? On Dec. 3 Sister Spokesman will recognize African American mothers who have gone above and beyond in their actions or accomplishments. We're looking for unique nominees that have risen above the norm and should be noted for "Shining in the Spotlight." We want to honor these mothers from our community at our event "Celebrating Moms of all ages," as well as feature them in a news article in the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder newspaper. Please send the name and contact information (phone number or email address) for your nominee and yourself with a paragraph describing what your nominee has done that led you to nominate her to [email protected]. Nominations must be in by Nov. 15, 2016.