FREE - Women's Leadership Network's First Event of the Year
September 20, 2017
Women's Leadership Network
Region 6 is hosting the first of three Women's Leadership Network events on October 26, 2017 from 4:30 to 6:00 pm. Thank you to Fagen Friedman and Fulfrost for sponsoring this event.

Topic: Culturally Proficient Leadership
Speaker: Namita Brown
Place: Fagen Friedman and Fulfrost Office
70 Washington Street, Oakland (Jack London Square)
Parking Garage on Washington and Embarcadero, 1 block away

Refreshments provided
Door prizes awarded
Parking validated

This event is FREE but please register in advance for limited seating.

We welcome your feedback and suggestions.
Region 6 Staff
Bob Giannini, Executive
Rose Lock, Consultant
Region 6 Leadership
President:  Essence Phillips
President-Elect: Sonja Neely-Johnson
Past President: Steve Collins
Vice President, Staff Development: Pam Comfort
Vice President, Programs: Cindy Matteoni
Vice President, Legislation: Lynn Mackey
Vice President, Membership: Kris Martin-Meyer
Secretary: Pam Hughes
Treasurer: Pam VandeKamp
Comptroller: Lorianne Ventura
ACSA Board Director: Karen Sakata
At-large Representatives: Bruce Burns, Kevin Grier, Kathy LaCome, Tracie Noriega
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela