Thank you so much for your prayers for my time in Texas.  It was truly a wonderful experience- I enjoyed time in a fun, new, humid and hot city, but I enjoyed more connecting with directors from across the United States.

The Episcopal Service Corps is a network of programs all over the country that serves to give guidance to this “year of service” through the Episcopal Church.  Of the 25 or so present, 10 of us were in our first year as directors.  This led the “seasoned” directors to take pause and catch us up on the history of the organization, it’s policies, it’s leadership, and it’s future.  We spent time daily in prayer, formation, and experiencing practices of other programs with hopes that we would not only be able to take them back to our interns, but that we, ourselves, would be refreshed.

While I have heard so much of the uniqueness of TAP expressed from our own church members, it was so very easy to see it first hand when we discussed the different qualities of our programs.  Each director had to claim a charism of our program, and I chose “spiritual experience and discernment”.  We truly offer something unique in that we aren’t just offering a chance to get involved in social justice issues, but in the heartbeat of a parish.  

As we discussed what the expectations were for our corp members, I mentioned that we ask ours to attend either morning or evening prayer daily.  The director I was speaking to was shocked saying, “My interns would freak out! We only ask them to attend once a week.” How much more beautiful and rich is the experience of Emily, Karley, and Jemi that they see and pparticipate in faith lived out daily and not as an obligatory function.

Next week, I’ll share with you a couple of practical things you can do to help support our program more fully.
Grace and peace,