November 2015
Video: Is it Eating All Our Spectrum?
As consumer hunger for on-demand convenience increases, industry players - from RF engineers, media executives and video service providers - wrestle with the video-delivery capacity problem. Different offshoots of the TV and communications industries are working on methods for cutting down on spectrum use. Learn who is doing what and the hurdles they face. 
How Big Can Netflix Get?
It's been clear for some time that Netflix has broken out of the streaming niche to become a bona-fide TV institution. It's the most recognizable brand of over-the-top service with a subscriber base of 69.17 million users. Yet, in its quest for international growth, Netflix faces many challenges. Learn if Netflix can keep up. 
A Nimble TiVo Keeps Pace With Changing Landscape, But for How Long?  
TiVo was once the poster child for TV innovation. But in the OTT era, where streaming has muscled in on time-shifting and countless terabytes of video have leapt from consumer's DVRs to the cloud, TiVo has seen its consumer presence wither. Today, lower-cost streamers are eclipsing it. Learn about TiVo's challenges and how it is addressing them.
DTC Conducts Extensive Study on TV Spectrum Repack
DTC conducted an extensive repack transition study, laying out a blueprint for what it will take for hundreds of broadcasters to move to new channel assignments. DTC's research concludes it may take up to 11 years and cost $2-$3 billion.The U.S. terrestrial TV industry is embarking on a complicated and expensive transition as many broadcasters will move to new channel assignments after the TV spectrum auction is complete .

Our DTV Transition team is uniquely prepared to help broadcasters, MVPDs and mobile carriers design and implement channel-transition plans. Call 214.915.0930 ext. 1 or email us for more information on how DTC can help your business.
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