Dismissal is at 3 p.m. on Fridays. 
Carpool on early dismissal days: Follows the same Friday carpool procedure (5-8th grade pick up at service entrance of Pollman Hall). However, if students have a sibling in the lower grades, they should go to the regular carpool line.

Volunteer Please sign up to cut and deliver snack to early childhood classrooms and/or bag and deliver challot on Friday. We welcome current parents, grandparents and past parents to volunteer.  Snack helper sign up  and  Challah helper sign up .


We Can't Do Anything Without Our Volunteers!
New Akiba Spirit Shirts
Email [email protected] to buy yours today. Kids $8/adults $10

Hot Lunch Volunteers
Sign up  here to help serve hot lunch. This can be a one-time thing or ongoing. We love grandparent servers, too!

For more information, contact Tiferet Israel.

The Akiba 411 is delivered to your inbox weekly to give you the scoop on what's happening at Akiba. If you have new stories or photos to share, please contact [email protected].