Children's Formation

As children are excitedly getting ready for halloween and all the pomp and sugar that comes with it, the child within me is anxiously looking forward to Advent...so we can get to Christmas already!  All I want for Christmas is a video camera installed in the Godly Play classroom to catch all the wonderful things that children add to our time together.  In the 30 minutes I spend with our youngest disciples on Wednesday nights, there are so many beautiful, surprising, and downright hilarious moments that I simply can't capture them all in my heart.  We have the wisest, funniest, little ones under the age of 4 who can turn my week around in the short time it takes to share a holy story with them.  

This past Wednesday I was sharing the story of the Good Shepherd and Holy Communion.  Thanks to our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd catechists on Sundays, some of our youngest ones can almost tell the story verbatim.  The story begins with the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep by name and leads them to good green grass.  Somewhere, mystically and magically, the Good Shepherd is replaced in the story with the table of the Good Shepherd (aka. the altar and bread and wine) w, a priest to say the words of the Good Shepherd, and here all the people of the world, even the children, come and feast.  

Godly Play offers a time of wondering after each story is shared.  I asked the children if they'd ever seen a table like this. "Nope," most said.  So again I asked them if they'd ever seen a table with bread and wine.  One child pointed to the ceiling (upstairs, to the nave), and before I could affirm her connection to the Eucharist, another child quickly responded eagerly, "I know, I know!  I have bread and a different kind of wine on tables like this at PDQ!"  (he was referring to Cheerwine!).  After this fun wondering, we digress, as an infant chews on one of the people of God and another child has made the people at the table have a dance party!  If you'd like a small glimpse at the Kingdom of God--please come join us Wednesdays at  5pm!    

This Sunday and every  Sunday, PreK children (ages 3 and potty-trained to age 5) gather downstairs during the  9am mass for a time of songs, stories, wonder, and play.  Parents can drop children off as early as  8:45am in room C-4.  Children join their families in mass at the passing of the Peace.

All children (PreK through 5th grade) can follow the wooden processional cross at the end of the  9am mass.  We will lead the children downstairs and help them find their class. Here is the list of 10:15am formation classes for the fall:

PreK Formation--Room C-2
K-2nd grade Catechesis of the Good Shepherd--Room C-4
3rd-5th grade Advanced Godly Play--Room C-5
Middle School & High School Youth Formation--Drake Hall youth rooms
Adult Small Groups--at various locations around the church campus

All classes end just before the  11am mass.  Parents, please pick up your children from their classes in the downstairs hallway.  See you  Sunday!


St.Tim's Overflow Homeless Shelter opens in less than 2 months!  On  December 1st, we will open our doors each night so that homeless women in Winston-Salem can have a warm and safe place to stay the night.  Volunteer sign-ups are live at  https://citywithdwellings.org/shelters/st-timothys  St.Tim's shares the load with partner organizations who cover Mondays, Thursdays, and  Friday nights.  Please sign up to volunteer on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays for the time being as our partner groups sign up volunteers on their given nights.  

Save the Date!  Saturday, Nov.12 is our Overflow Shelter Trial Run  6-8:30pm in Drake Hall.  This training is for group leaders and new volunteers, and anyone who wants a glimpse of what a night in the shelter looks like.  Dinner is provided.  RSVP to  [email protected] so we can get a dinner count.  

Items needed for our shelter include:
new pillows, new women's underwear, new white crew socks, small travel-sized toiletries.  Donations can be left on Drake stage or outside Katie's office in Gribbin.

Looking forward to another winter serving alongside you all.  Let me know if you have any questions!  [email protected]