Special Member E-News  -   October 22, 2016
Coming Up: Consensus Deliberations on Primary Election Systems 
PES Consensus Meeting - Dec. 3

It's time for Ohio League members to start thinking about Primary Election Systems (PES). Mark your calendars now for the LWVGC consensus meeting: 

Saturday, Dec. 3, 9:30 am 
Brooklyn Branch, CCPL 
4480 Ridge Rd, Brooklyn 44144 
For LWV members and their guests only

Learn more from the study materials now available on the LWVO website (click here)* and also at a...

... Hot Topic Forum - Nov. 19

Primary Systems: What are the Choices for Ohio?

Dr. Vladimir Kogan, Assistant professor of political science at Ohio State University, will discuss alternatives to Ohio's current primary system, options that might lead to more competitive elections.

Saturday, Nov. 19, 2:00 pm 
Parma-Snow Branch, CCPL 
2121 Snow Road, Parma 44134 
Free and open to the publi
For more information click here.

These events are in locations that are easy to find, equidistant for everybody and not too far from anybody; do plan to be there for both!

*On the LWVO website primary elections study page you will find the consensus questions, the official study guide complete with pros and cons, and all four of the fact sheets the committee sent out over the past year. Anyone who wants to read more can access the sources list at the end of the study guide and track down one or more of the articles mentioned. And while reading, ponder these thoughts about primaries:

-- Why do we have primary elections anyway? 
-- Would we be better or worse off without them? 
-- What benefits or drawbacks do strong political parties present?
-- What might be the side effects of strengthening or weakening political parties? 
-- Might one system be preferable for statewide elections but another for cities or counties? 
-- How does Ohio's current primary system work at the various levels of government? 
-- By what criteria should we measure and judge a primary system? 
-- Would improving primary election mechanics improve those criteria measurably? 
-- What alternatives are out there and how do they work in places where they've been tried? 
-- Might there be unintended consequences to consider, when we examine alternatives? 

Mark your calendar now for:
Nov. 19 (2:00 pm) and Dec. 3 (9:30 am) 
Please think about elections just four weeks longer as the November 2016 election show winds down.

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