Juneau Economic Development Council NEWS  |  October 2016
2017 Innovation Summit 

The Juneau Economic Development Council is gearing up for the 2017 Innovation Summit

Calling all Innovation Short Presenters
The Juneau Economic Development Council is seeking up to 30 presenters to showcase original topics through a 10-minute "Innovation Short" at the 2017 Innovation Summit. The "Innovation Shorts" offer conference attendees a host of topics to choose from and allot a short amount of time to learn about their self-selected topic of interest; enough time to whet their intellectual curiosity. Presenters gain experience speaking publicly while growing their network and creating buzz around their topic.   APPLY HERE.

Applications Open for Entrepreneur Pitch Contest 
JEDC is seeking 5 Alaska entrepreneurs to pitch their business in front of the ultimate panel - Innovation Summit attendees. Entrepreneurs will have five minutes to pitch their business plan in front of Summit attendees as well as a seasoned group of business owners. Attendees will crowdfund a cash prize for the winner(s) to take home at the end of the session. Presenters gain experience speaking publicly while growing awareness about their business idea.   APPLY HERE. 

FIRST at Innovation Summit! 
The Juneau Economic Development Council is excited to spotlight the entrepreneurial spirit and creative thinking of our FIRST LEGO League teams at this year's Innovation Summit. This year, Alaska's Global Innovation Award Nominee will be invited to present at the Summit and receive training and feedback to support the development of their Animal Allies Project. More information about this opportunity will be released throughout the tournament season.

Stay tuned for more information at
Senator Murkowski Visits JEDC and the Cluster Working Groups

JEDC continues to facilitate cluster working group meetings as part of its Southeast Cluster Initiative. This last week we welcomed Senator Murkowski to our offices where she met with the co-chairs and representatives of the JEDC-facilitated Research and Development, Renewable Energy and Visitor Products cluster working groups to learn about their priorities and plans to strengthen our key regional industries.

Cluster Working Group Meetings:

The Visitor Products cluster working group monthly meeting will be on November 4th at 2PM in the JEDC conference room.  

The Renewable Energy cluster working group monthly meeting will be on November 10th at 3:30PM in the JEDC conference room.
Help Us Shape the Future of Downtown Juneau

One of the reasons the Juneau Economic Development Council and the Downtown Business Association are partners is to help further downtown revitalization efforts.  A thriving, vibrant downtown is important, and beneficial, for everyone in Juneau. 

Please join us for this important Downtown Dialogue: Transformation Session #1 on Tuesday, November 1 at 5PM at the Red Dog Saloon. Our aim is to identify a collective idea on how we want to position downtown Juneau and what we're going to do to achieve that.  

Hear more about the DBA Public Meeting on KTOO's Juneau Afternoon interview HERE.

The Juneau Economic Development Council has been working on the Choose Juneau campaign which focuses on positioning Juneau as a great place to live, work, retire, and invest. The ultimate goal is to attract talent and investment to Juneau. The Juneau Economic Development Council's first task in this ongoing campaign is to create a website that consolidates Juneau-centric information to make it easier for recruiters and potential residents to find important Juneau information all in one place. The website,, includes information on housing, schools, medical offices, recreational activities and more.  We welcome community involvement in this process as we aim to build a valuable product for everyone to use. For more information on how you can help, please email Dana Herndon
JEDC Funds Development in Southeast Alaska 

If you have a project that will create or retain jobs, Juneau Economic Development Council (JEDC) could be the partner you have been looking for.  The Southeast Alaska Revolving Loan Fund bridges the gap between what banks will finance and what the business community needs.  Our goal is to provide financing for viable projects that will create and retain quality jobs and help to diversify local economies in Southeast Alaska. JEDC operates several community-based loan funds and one region wide loan program that serves smaller communities throughout Southeast Alaska.  JEDC seeks to work with healthy companies that have excellent potential for growth, that will provide increased employment in Southeast Alaska, and will help diversify our economy. Call or email Margaret O'Neal to discuss your project financing needs.  
Economic Indicator:  Many Retirees Choose Juneau

Juneau, like Alaska as a whole, has more households with employment income than the United States overall. From 2010 to 2014, Juneau's five-year average for percent of households with earned income was 88 percent, compared to a 78 percent average for all U.S. households.  Surprisingly, the percent of Juneau households with retirement income was also higher than the U.S. average, and higher than the state. Thirty-three percent of Juneau households had retirement income, according to the census bureau's five-year average estimate, compared to about 18 percent nation-wide. Further, the percent of households in Juneau with retirement income has been increasing. The period 2006 to 2010 saw an average of 21 percent of households with retirement income, compared to the more recent 33 percent.


Inspire a Future Generation by Becoming a Junior Achievement Volunteer

JEDC stands on the Juneau Junior Achievement Committee and is looking for volunteers to help inspire our future generation. If you have a desire to be an inspirational role model, have the time to give to the students, and feel that there is a need for financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship education, we would love to have you join us! 

We need teachers to volunteer their classrooms as well as community volunteers to visit the classrooms.   To find out more about volunteering, please visit the  JEDC site

Investor Spotlight: True North Federal Credit Union

True North Federal Credit Union is a not-for-profit member cooperative - our members are our owners!  Since 1948, we've been supporting individuals and businesses in Alaska with the right financial solutions and delivering technology that allows business to be conducted thousands of miles apart.  As an example, True North partnered with the Juneau Affordable Housing Commission to find a solution for families trying to buy mobile homes in mobile home parks.  While True North has been providing loans for these types of homes for several years, some folks were having a hard time coming up with the down payment needed.  The Affordable Housing Commission developed a down payment assistance program; and True North stepped up to help administer the program for these home buyers.  True North is committed to providing valuable financial products and services to our members - come talk with us about the credit union difference!  We've been guiding Alaskans on their financial journey for over 65 years.  Federally insured by NCUA - Equal Housing Lender.

Learn more about supporting the work of JEDC and consider an Investment in Juneau.
Become a 2016 JEDC Investor 

We invite you to invest in Juneau by becoming a JEDC Investor. Show your support of the work we do to forward Juneau and Southeast's economy.

By supporting JEDC you are supporting the long-term economic success of Alaska's capital city, and creating a business climate that in turn supports your business or organization.  

To learn more about our investor program, please visit or send an email to Dana Herndon
Thank you for subscribing to JEDC News!
If you find JEDC News to be of interest and value, please forward the newsletter to your friends and colleagues.  


Executive Director
Juneau Economic Development Council

In This Issue
Quick Links
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Board of Directors
Lauren MacVay, Chair
Chancellor Rick Caulfield, Vice Chair
Mitch Jackson, Treasurer
Susan Murray, Secretary
Mayor Ken Koelsch
Corey Baxter
Alec Mesdag
Sydney Mitchell
Susan Murray
Brandon Cullum
Keith Comstock
Beth Weldon, CBJ Assembly


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Central Council of Tlingit & Haida 
Indian Tribes of Alaska
Juneau Chamber of Commerce
Juneau Arts & Humanities Council
Travel Juneau
Southeast Conference
AK Litho
Taku Smokeries
Alaska Glacier Seafoods
Sealaska Corporation
Haa Aani