Church Planting Essentials (Church Planting Basic Training)
Based on years of working in mission areas where the church is expanding rapidly.
Learn how to:
- Organize and refine your vision, purpose, strategies, and timeline early, so that you have a clear plan for the future.
- Use Biblical principles for church planting in everything you do.
- Recognize and avoid common church planting landmines.
Churches Planting Churches (Church Sponsorship 101)
Learn how to:
- Answer fears and objections to church planting
- Determine the involvement of the mother church
- Find resources needed to fund the daughter church
- Overcome common barriers in the new work
- Recruit a church planter and leadership
- Create your own personalized V.I.P. (Vision Involvement Plan)
In addition to these training tracks,there is
Certified Trainer
that equips and certifies participants to re-teach the materials in their local context. It is provided at no extra cost. Those wishing to be certified must attend a session before their track begins and another session when their track has finished.
CPE & CPC Training runs from Nov.1 at 8:30am through Nov 3 at 5pm
CT training requires two
sessions: Oct 31 from 1pm-5pm and Nov.4 from 8:30-11:30am
All Sessions held at Pekin First
3514 Broadway St., Pekin, IL 61554
Cost: $35 per person (covers materials and lunches)
Dinners and Hotels are "on your own"
Hotel accommodations
Holiday Inn Express
3615 Kelly Ave.
Pekin, IL 61554
Cost: Standard King $99 per night or 2 Queens $99 per night
A block of rooms have been reserved.
Please use code
PSN to receive the blocked price.
Rooms will be blocked and at this rate until 10/10/16
Where do you fix your eyes? In light of all that is happening in politics, in our government, in our economy, in our race relations, etc, etc., where do you fix your eyes? Our friends, our kids, our neighbors, our cities, our churches, and our world are watching how we live in moments like these. Are we people of FAITH? Where do you fix your eyes?
The writer in Hebrews reminds us to "fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith" (12:2). In the next verse the writer tells us to not grow weary and lose heart (12:3)!
As we are called (with power) to plant churches, lead people to Christ, lead our churches and so much more, let's be encouraged that God, who began this work within us, will see it through to completion. These are great days! We are blessed to pray together for this vision.
Let's fix our eyes on JESUS. I am blessed to join with you as we pray.
The impact of these events are being translated in new and renewed vision and into multiple new churches registered!!
NCD/CPE: Chanute Church of the Nazarene
NexGen - Louisiana District
CPC (Spanish): Virginia District
NexGen: Joplin District
CPE: Gainsville, GA
CPC/CPE/CT: Indianapolis District
CPE/CPC: Maine District
CPE/CT: El Paso, TX
(English Training to reach Latino English Speaking Culture)
CPE/CPC/CT: Northwestern Illinois District (Oct 31 - Nov 4)
CPE/CPC/NCD - Missouri District
CPE/CPE SPANISH/CPC - Florida District
CPC/NCD/CT - Iowa District
CPE/CPC/CT - N. Carolina District
MCP - Wisconsin District
CPE/CPC/MCP - Kansas City Distr
Big Three Prayer Requests
- Pray that the Lord of the Universe will install in all of us the passion and fervor of the original Nazarenes over 100 years ago. May we have a burden for lost people! That original group at Pilot Point, Texas represented approximately 10,000 Nazarenes.
- Pray to the God of Multiplication that He will help us plant 10,000 New Churches - all for the glory of God and the salvation of souls!
- Pray to the Lord of the Harvest that He will "send out" 10,000 New Missionaries/Church Planters into the USA/Canada harvest fields (Luke 10:2)!
Thank you for taking time to pray. One great idea is to set you alarm on your watch or phone to go off at 10:02 am each morning and let it be a reminder to pray!!
Let's pray for a harvest like no other!!
Dr. Bill Wiesman
Director of Evangelism Ministries and
New Church Development
USA/Canada Church of the Nazarene
17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, KS 66220
Understanding and Ministering to Children
With Challenging Behaviors and Life Issues
Presented by: Irene Lewis- Wimbley
Attend one of the two training's offered
Saturday, October 1 - Peoria First Church of the Nazarene
Saturday, October 15 - Sterling First Church of the Nazarene
Morning Session - Introduction to understanding stress and how it effects our ability to build relationships with those who need the message of Hope the most.
Lunch will be provided onsite (with donations accepted.)
Afternoon Session - We will explore practical strategies for classroom management and interventions for more extreme behavior and children with special needs.
Registration deadline
September 21
10/15 - Quizfest - Kankakee
10/15 - The Relationship Factor - Sterling First
10/20 - POPS - Peru
10/28-10/29 - ONU Homecoming
10/31-11/4 - DCPI Training - Pekin First
11/05 - NYI District Fall Party
11/10 - POPS - Galesburg
11/12 - Children's Quiz - Sterling
11/15 - DAB - Ottawa
11/15 - SDMI Meeting - Peoria
11/19 - Teen Quiz - Rockford Samuelson Road
12/01 - MST/ZF Meeting - Peoria First 9:30am-2:00pm
12/02-03 - St. Louis Quiz
12/08 - POPS - New Hope
Are exciting things happening in your church? We would love to share it with our district family. Please send a short article and pictures to
NWIL District Office
Renee Kindle
BGS calls for time of reflection as Thank Offering approaches
When you look around, you can't help but notice it: God has blessed us in so many ways. The psalmist calls on us to "sacrifice thank offerings and tell of his works with songs of joy" (Psalm 107:22). When we give back, we recognize God as the giver of all good things. We remember now so that we never forget: it's All From Him.
"All From Him" is the theme for the 2016 Thanksgiving, or Thank, Offering. Together, we join in prayer and preparation for this annual emphasis in the Church of the Nazarene. As our gifts come together through the World Evangelism Fund, we make Christlike disciples in the nations. We remember God's generosity toward us and respond by giving back and spreading the gospel around the world.
July 24-28
J. Todd Keller
Who are we? WE ARE ALLIES! I'm so proud of you, NWIL NYI ALLIES, for making your daily time with Jesus a priority. Without spending time in prayer and His Word and being with Him throughout the day, it can be really difficult to make it through the day. And, I know you're trying. I also hear how
you are encouraging each other to stand with Jesus daily. Thank you. That's what ALLIES do!
I came across a fantastic verse today that I've committed to memory. I hope it brings you comfort. It's found in Psalm 7.10. It says, "My shield is with God, who saves the upright in heart." God sent this verse to me at just the right time. Every now and then, perhaps this happens to you, someone can say something about you or do something that you fear might hurt your reputation. If you're like me, you can worry about this a little too much. Well, today as I read, the Lord reminded me of the HUGE protection (our very own shield) that we have when we stay with God. God, knowing when our hearts are upright, protects us. What a God of awe and grace. I encourage you today to replace your fear of circumstance with fear of the Lord. Make that awe-swap. Find your hope in Psalm 7.10 and ask the Lord to help you love Him and others with an upright heart. From ally to ally, I know you can do it.
Also, don't forget the Fall Harvest Party. It's going to be insane!! So much fun. Make room on the hayride for me!
Allies are Allies are Allies,
J. Todd Keller,
NYI District President
Schedule 2016-2017
11/19 Rockford Samuelson Road
10/15 Quizfest - Kankakee
12/02-12/03 St. Louis Invitational
01/21 Galesburg
02/18 Sterling Invitational
03/25 New Hope
Teen Quizzing is an excellent and fun way for teens to learn the Bible. All you need to start a program in your church is a willing adult to lead, at least one teen, and a Bible (NIV 2011 version)...or you can join with another church if you numbers are small. Materals can be ordered thorugh the Nazarene Publishing House or Acme Quiz (web address below). The cost is very reasonable. For example, a coach's packet from NPH costs less than $30 and includes an online subscription portion for a quizzer is $1.99. The coach's kit includes a "yellow book" with devotionals that you can use with your youth as a great resource for Bible study, even if they aren't going to quiz.
Cost: The cost for NWIL quizzes is $20 per quizzer for the whole year. This fee is due at the first quiz in September and covers all four of our NWIL district quizzes.
Tournaments outside of our district are reasonably priced and relatively close to us. You can contact the tournament directors via the Central Region quiz site for more information.
Denise Vroman, NYI Quiz Director
-Ministry Call-
NMI with the collaboration of NYI and SDMI has been trying to compile a list of children and youth who have expressed a call into ministry. The goal of NMI's Ministry Call is to educate, inform and guide those children and youth called into ministry get as much help in following through with those calls. Being able to pray for them by name and introducing them to opportunities to develop in their particular area of ministry.
If you know of a student who feels called into ministry please let Ronda Hollars know by giving her a call at
"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20
As you are going,
Every relationship, every interaction, all inclusive.
And make disciples,
You. Be one. Be a Christ-like disciple. Re-present Jesus.
Baptizing them, immersing them in Jesus,
Pray. Empty yourself. Sacrifice.
Anne Whalen
District Children's Director
As we move forward with intentional discipling relationships across the district the following devotional spoke so clearly about where we need to begin. (This is also a great introduction to The Relationship Factor workshop sponsored by SDMI at Sterling First on
October 15. It's not too late to register online at
And remember, "as you are going" immerse others in the love of Jesus! Blessings, Ellyn
One Message, Many Methods
1 Corinthians 9:19 (NIV) "Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible."
Paul's call from God, his greatest passion, was to bring people to Jesus. Doing that required that he go out into the world and interact with different kinds of people. Speak their language. Think their thoughts. Know their struggles. In his own words, he had to "become all things to all people" (1 Corinthians 9:22b).
To accomplish this call, Paul adapted his method of ministry based on the people he was trying to reach.
At first Paul's words sound hypocritical ... to be one thing to one person and another to another person. But they are not. To meet people where they are, we must go where they are. Even when we don't feel comfortable or safe. And it's more than going. It's investing in their lives so we can see the world from their point of view. Without this investment, they won't let us in. There will never be an opportunity to share the love of Jesus.
Paul explained that when he proclaimed the gospel to the Jews, he knew what they valued. They valued keeping the law. Since that day on the road to Damascus when Paul met Jesus and received freedom in Christ, he was no longer bound by Jewish law. But he knew by valuing law-keeping while in their midst, the Jews would more likely listen to what he had to say.
When he shared the saving grace of Jesus with the Gentiles (non-Jews), who knew nothing of the law, he lived like one of them. Not to the point of engaging in sinful behavior that violated Christ's commands, but also not in a way that judged them for not living up to the law as the Jews did. This love and acceptance opened their hearts to Paul and to the message he shared.
Paul's method carries forward today. If we want to share Jesus with those around us, we must meet them where they are. How?
- Find common ground
- Approach people with humility
- Remove all judgment
- Be a friend
- Listen to their needs and concerns
- Pray for an opportunity to share your story
These are just a few ways we can enter into our day and shine the light and love of Jesus.
Proverbs 31 Ministries, First 5, Corinthians Study, Wendy Blight
Children's Ministry Workers -
If you're on Facebook, check out the newly created group - NWIL Children's Ministry - and request to join! We will be sharing children's ministry ideas, borrowing curriculum, bouncing ideas off one another and encouraging each other as we all seek to point kids toward Christ.
If you haven't yet filled out the Children's Ministry survey, please
do so today at:
Please let me know how I can partner with you as you serve your local church!
Anne Whalen
District Children's Ministry Director
Schedule 2016-2017
11/12/16 - Sterling
02/04/17 - Pekin
04/29/17- Peoria First
If you have any questions regarding Children's Bible Quizzing, please contact
Rosie Furston,
Children's Quizzing Director

Children's Bible Quizzing is gearing up for the 2016-2017 year! Each church is responsible for ordering their own curriculum through NPH and scheduling team practices.
For generations, Nazarenes have supported the World Evangelism Fund. Together, we've accomplished so much in our first 100 years. Join us on a journey into the next 100 years and partner with the Church of the Nazarene to make Christlike disciples in the nations. In our new plan for Funding the Mission, the World Evangelism Fund is the vehicle through which we deliver the message of hope - and your church drives our mission more than ever before.
The report below may not reflect actual end of year numbers. Corrections and updates are still being made.
September 2016 Report
John '67 and Bonnie (Kitchell) '66 Sherwood met at Olivet, fell in love and established strong family ties. Their nostalgia is precious. Add a powerful legacy vision and you have an amazing story!
The Sherwoods are passionate about leaving a legacy through a gift in their Will to Olivet. They encourage other alumni and friends to explore the benefits:
- Costs nothing during your lifetime
- Eases the tax burden on your family
- Allows for an estate tax charitable deduction
You can also assist ONU students for years to come! Please contact Jordan Fish at Olivet for a no-obligation conversation about a gift in your Will: (815) 928-5598 or
. Thank you!
Homecoming & Family Weekend is a special time for friends of the University to gather on Olivet's campus.
With activities planned for all ages and interests, Olivet celebrates accomplishments and heritage during a three-day schedule of events.
"Olivet loves tradition, and Homecoming & Family Weekend activities are one of the best ways for us to celebrate," said Erinn Proehl, acting director of Alumni and University Relations. "We invite everyone - students, their parents and siblings, faculty, staff, friends and our community - and all age groups to join us. Celebrating with all of you adds so much to this special time on our campus."
Be sure to reserve your hotel space immediately, as all Kankakee County hotels will sell out. Below is a link to a listing of area hotels and a comprehensive schedule of the events for the weekend.
Installation Service
Sandwich Church of the Nazarene
205 W. College St.
Sandwich, IL 60548
Sunday, October 30th
3:00 pm
Rev. Matthew Jones grew up at Eureka Church of the Nazarene. He graduated from Olivet Nazarene University in 2014 with a degree in religious studies. While at ONU, he participated in the Preaching and Music Ambassador Program, resident assistant ministry, Orpheus Choir, and Spoons4Forks Improv Comedy.
Throughout NWIL Matthew has served at Bridgeway (intern), Eureka (worship), and North Pekin (interim), as well as on the district NYI council. Matthew is currently pursuing a M.A. in Theology, focusing on New Testament Studies.
PoC is hosting an Encounter
November 11-12
Nov 11, 4:00 pm-9:00 pm
Nov 12, 9:00 am-9:00 pm
Location: 2407 Beich Road
Bloomington, IL 61705
If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Celia
District NYI Fall Party
Location: Echo Bluff Park
12641 3065 E. Street
Spring Valley, IL 61362
When: November 5th 3:00pm-7:00pm
Cost: $5
What's Happening:
Hay Ride
- Bags Tournament
- 9-square
- Frisbee and Football
- Bond Fire
- Hotdogs & S'mores
- Hot chocolate & Water
- Prizes
- ALL students must have a permission slip to attend. Please turn permission slip and $5 into youth leader by October 30th.
Twenty three quizzers from eight churches across the district enjoyed our first NWIL teen quiz. Thanks Sterling First for hosting us. Our undefeated team for the day was Rockford Samuelson Road/Pekin. Pictured are the top 10 individuals (with Ethan "standing in" for Joy). Three of our top 10 were quizzing at their very first quiz ever! Way to go, all my "quizzing-smarties!"
The individual top 10 were 10 Alexander Morris* (Galesburg), 9 Clara Conklen (Sterling), 8 Nathaniel Stout (Sterling), 7 Kyleigh Schrock*(Lewistown), 6 Matthew Stead* (Cuba), 5 Anthony Mata (Moline), 4 Zander Ciochetti (Rockford Samuelson Rd.), 3 Jesse Southerd (Cuba), 2 Joy Miller (Pekin), 1 Kevin Vroman (Smithfield).
Some of our Quizzer's will be participating in Quizfest, a regional invitational tournament, at Kankakee First Church on
October 15.
Our next NWIL quiz will be November 19 at Rockford Samuelson Road at 9:00 am. The top 10 individuals at that quiz will be eligible to compete at the St. Louis all star quiz on December 2-3.
27th Annual Quizfest
October 15th
Luke 1-8
Kankakee First
Jeanette Trotter, LCPC, NCC
Jeanette received a Bachelor's Degree from Olivet Nazarene University majoring in
Psychology and Christian Education. She graduated with honors from Bradley University with a Master's Degree in Community/
Agency Counseling.
Her passion is to help clients discover meaning in and solutions for the challenges of life by facilitating growth in all of life's domains. She enjoys providing couple's therapy, working with blended families, providing treatment for individuals with bipolar disorder as well as assisting clients develop coping strategies to face the stresses of life. She primarily utilizes Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to assist with thought processes and behavior change. She also employs Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for individuals with
more pervasive mood disorders and interpersonal relationship issues.
Jeanette has a wide range of clinical experience that includes working in conjunction with community agencies, youth in residential treatment facilities who required court prescribed behavioral management and
men in the Illinois Department of Corrections with severe mental illness.
Jeanette is available for appointments in her Polo office at 115 W. Mason Street and will open a second office in Dixon at 116 E. 1st Street the end of October 2016. For further information or to schedule an appointment call 815-973-5982. You can also visit her website at
for information about partnerships with churches. Jeanette accepts Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance and private pay clients.
is Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, (LCPC) and a National Certified Counselor, (NCC). She is a member of the American Counseling Association, (ACA).
BGS announces theme for General Assembly
click below for full article.
Indianapolis, Indiana
June 21-30, 2017
NWIL District Advisory Board
Rev. Scott Sherwood Brett Spengler
Rev. Bill Clark Carole Eatock
Rev. Jim Book Keith Peachey
Rev. Lloyd Brock Kevin Singletary
Rev. Kevin Donoho
ONU Board of Trustees
Rev. Scott Sherwood Rev. William Clark
Rev. Lloyd Brock Cheryl Sherwood
Ken Roat
Zone Facilitators
Lincoln Highway
Quad Cities

District Superintendent
Rev. Scott Sherwood
District Secretary
District Administrator
Rev. James Book
District Treasurer
District DCPI Coordinator
Rev. Ray Barker
NWIL Office Manager
Pamela Smith
Board Of Ministry
Rev. Bob Hasselbring
Course of Study
Rev. Scott Whalen
Copyright © 20XX. All Rights Reserved.